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[RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

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After someone eventually creates the 2024 Cacowards nomination thread, Eviternity II will most likely be nominated within seconds.

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Gotta say, im impressed by how smooth everything runs, playing it with GZDoom with the vulcan renderer, so far everything is a good 60 fps. Compared to the first one where map26 had this notorius fps hit, tho I just played it again to make the comparison and the fps hit is not as bad as I remember? Maybe GZDoom got some optimizations in the updates since I last played it.

EDIT: Yeah everything is pretty cool so far, nice pistol replacement sprites! I have noticed the zombiemen have the mirrored sprites when walking right even with the minor sprite fixing project wad, but yeah thats it.

Edited by FerrFerr : Some extra observations.

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12 minutes ago, AnotherGrunt said:

Great. I'm not porting this thing to DOS. No way. I'm simply NOT…


I don't think that'd be possible anyways.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Apparently coop is not fully implemented yet but here goes a quick report about coop starts anyway:

- MAP13 has superfluous player 2-4 starts - the ones next to the real player 1 start (thing 456) are voodoo dolls, the other set is where players 2-4 actually spawn

- these maps currently have no coop starts: MAP21, MAP25, MAP28, MAP33, MAP35 and MAP36

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coop support is deliberately not implemented yet and should not be tested unless you want to have a bad time. But it IS planned!

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It's partially implemented on a handful of maps and completely untested, please save your excitement for coop play for when we have prepared the maps for it 😉

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I saw this thread when I was half awake, I'm glad I wasn't dreaming.

Edited by fai1025

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HELLO!!!! Congratulations on this amazing release :) I'm going through the maps slowly, don't want to rush them. Well, not THAT slow. Just finished 32. Very impressive stuff! I was wondering if anyone who has played 32

has any theories for the lore implications of the... reveals that happen in this map.


Of course, I'm not done yet and there's more to come. But I'll say that I'm intrigued on multiple levels that I didn't expect.


Back to it then!

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Question about MAP32 secrets



Are those pictures in controls rooms come from the maps of each mappers who helped created to EVITERNITYII ? I only came to these conclusion because I recognized one room has pictures from Elementalism.wad. Also, which wad is that one picture with color come from?


BTW........I have something to confess. I have cheated to get into red key location since I can't seem to run-jump into that platform from the cliff above (if that what I am supposed to do).




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1 hour ago, Dragonfly said:


I don't think that'd be possible anyways.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Do not try me Dragofly. I've said I'm not doing it, not "it's not possible".

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3 minutes ago, marina2 said:

Question about MAP32 secrets


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Are those pictures in controls rooms come from the maps of each mappers who helped created to EVITERNITYII ? I only came to these conclusion because I recognized one room has pictures from Elementalism.wad. Also, which wad is that one picture with color come from?


BTW........I have something to confess. I have cheated to get into red key location since I can't seem to run-jump into that platform from the cliff above (if that what I am supposed to do).






Control room 01 - Eviternity 1 - Past

Control room 03 - Eviternity 2 - Present

Control room 04 - Elementalism - Sort of an old inside joke about Elementalism being Eviternity 1, and Eviternity 1 being the real Eviternity 2 (Dragonfly's original concept for Elementalism is what ended up becoming Eviternity 1)


The colour camera:


I have shown you the past, I have shown you the present, now let me show you the future



It's possible to get the red key by jumping from the cliff (stx-vile managed it), but it's not the intended way, try searching the surrounding area a bit more closely!


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6 minutes ago, Tristan said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Control room 01 - Eviternity 1 - Past

Control room 03 - Eviternity 2 - Present

Control room 04 - Elementalism - Sort of an old inside joke about Elementalism being Eviternity 1, and Eviternity 1 being the real Eviternity 2 (Dragonfly's original concept for Elementalism is what ended up becoming Eviternity 1)


The colour camera:

  Reveal hidden contents

I have shown you the past, I have shown you the present, now let me show you the future



It's possible to get the red key by jumping from the cliff (stx-vile managed it), but it's not the intended way, try searching the surrounding area a bit more closely!



Ah cool, that explains it! :P Was a very chilling moment when I got to it though!


Also, I ended up

SR50ing to the RK as well. Never managed to find the intended way to do it! I've always sucked at finding secrets heh.

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Eviternity is one of my all-time favorite wads, so I was very excited to see this, and it hasn't disappointed so far. The environments are even more impressive than in the first one, and I loved the trek back through the desolate ruins of the old final maps.


I noticed a minor texture misalignment in map 32. It might've been reported already, but this thread exploded so there's too many posts to check.





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Shame the wad crashes on vkdoom, some of these maps could really use the extra performance. Never really goes below 60 fps on my pc but once you get used to 100+ fps, 60 barely cuts it anymore.

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Is this real!? 😱




Well i played first eviternity long time ago in gzdoom and that was has really great looking levels and really cool MIDIs which i like to listen sometimes even outside of playing that wad. I really enjoyed last episode. 🤩


I gonna play this wad today. 😎


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1 hour ago, Tristan said:

It's possible to get the red key by jumping from the cliff (stx-vile managed it), but it's not the intended way, try searching the surrounding area a bit more closely!


I manged to get it this way too, lol. Took a lot of attempts, but I managed. Just a normal strafe-run too, since idk how to SR50.

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Very much in love with the Map08->09->10 triple punch. Absolutely gorgeous trio of maps, especially Bri's blood-soaked and corpse-filled paradise lost.



I imagine you have more footage than you could ever hope for but here are some e1-e2 + Map31 FDAs on UV, -dsdademo v0.27.5: evit2-e1e2-maribo.zip

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Looking forward to playing this! Not sure if it will work with PrBoom+ v2.5.1.5 but if not then guess it's time to upgrade.


Edit: Nevermind, it doesn't even load at all on PrBoom+ v2.5.1.5. Time to upgrade I guess.

Edited by Lingyan203

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14 minutes ago, Lingyan203 said:

Edit: Nevermind, it doesn't even load at all on PrBoom+ v2.5.1.5. Time to upgrade I guess.


No surprises there, since PrBoom isn't a target port. ;)

As per the website, this has been tested / designed for the latest version of DSDA-Doom or GZDoom only.

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How does the sliding puzzle on MAP14 work? I think I actually solved it but nothing is happening.


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