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About Me

Found 85 results

  1. Gaia74

    Before the Nightmare

    I must say that although it is a wad of terry, I would like to find a serious one like this, new enemies very interesting and original just for their attacks, bosses that have inspired me (and you can see it in my creations) and it is really amazing like this wad despite having their terry traps is entertaining and much better than many wads of 32 levels, if you want to have something interesting to play and different as long as you ignore the story is fun filled with very good boss fights, excellent music, this is an option although if you can not stand the terry traps just do not try it 5/5 to be a joke wad Gaia74
  2. CaptainResident

    Before the Nightmare

    This was great. Great joke wad and a great Terry trap collection. Instead of the generic "Oh it's a well made map at first then BOOM" it's actually a well-made megawad that simply has them as little traps that can be avoided. It's able to be completed, seriously. That's new. I especially love the final boss and highly suggest using a cheat against him. Trust me, do it, it'll be worth it.
  3. Meril


    Only start is good, you need to think how to get out. My first though was that this is proto-Terry trap, but you can escape. But then, this map turns into crap. Annoying lifts and switches part, and than kinda ok fight in pillar room.
  4. PhillHS

    The Bad Castle

    Contains a Terry trap, Ok up until that point.
  5. drizzziit

    Before the Nightmare

    You know, i always hated terry traps. They are lame, with no effort, useless. A waste of time. But this, this entertained me more than any other "serious" wad. A bunch of amazing and well made maps, awesome and impressive effects, wacky yet catchy storyline, epic bullet hell like boss battles againt's mematic doom personalities, and the best is that this wad is a big fuck you to both the haters and the horribly bad terry wads. Nice work!
  6. CaptainManiac

    The D!

    Ahh,at least id did not have Terry traps or other stuff like that.I hope you learned from your mistakes and now are making good maps
  7. Meril

    Demonic Revenge - The Remake

    It was so fun to play it, that I forgot that it's a terry trap. In Terry wad category, 5/5.
  8. Version


    My very first wad and no this is not the usual terry trap map. -SAFETY SPOILER- There's only one terry trap on this wad and it's part of the story. See, I am good guy like you too. This wad can be beaten without cheats. -SAFETY SPOILER END- The idea for this came from a thought wondering what happens to the player after he triggers a terry trap? This wad was also inspired by dark souls' level design (yes, I should be punched on the face for comparing such a good game with this silly wad) and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure franchise, you'll see some references when you'll play the game.
  9. Guest

    UAC Military Nightmare 2



    So after a fucking year of slacking off, constant loss of interest, lack of ideas, computer issues, real life stuff, and headaches from bugs; I present to you: UAC Military Nightmare 2. Way back in march of 2012, many people wanted me to do videos about Terry's exquisite masterpieces, but since I found doing that incredibly boring, I decided to make something way more interesting (At least to me), a sequel to possibly the most detested DooM WAD ever made. And here it is, the trainwreck of shitty maps, terrible voice acting, unfairly difficult battles, lots of threats involving your rear, and a stupid storyline, has finally arrived. Like the original UACMN, this WAD is meant to be very difficult, but not where everything kills you in one hit (Though there is the difficulty setting for that.), but where everything is a massive clusterfuck of with unfair traps, bullet hell, and total insanity. Enjoy wasting your time on this piece of turd. :P
  10. MetalGuy213

    Doomsday's Vault

    So... still this wad is for Terry Users... so no... i rate it Nothing/5 Dwangos So... really So many Terry Traps...
  11. Guest

    Doomsday's Vault

    lame ass terry wad needs more Traps! 1/5
  12. Guest

    Enigmatic Hell

    I saw some terry traps but they were funny as hell. MAP02 was hard, but cute. Some maps were insane, and MAP69 is a terry trap. The first boss in MAP07 (The Finale) was difficult, but if you use the Vitality Class, the first phase is not that hard. Just hide next to the platform thingie, aim up, and shoot. Adjust yourself to stay alive. Save in the 2nd phase, and do the same strategy if possible.
  13. Guest

    Deimos Labs

    This map was pretty long, but really well done. I liked the fact you added paths that lead to the only Terry Trap here as well.
  14. Guest


    Can't tell if failing to pull a terry or creator is autistic. (Pulling a terry means, making a terrywad/terry trap)
  15. Guest

    Doomsday's Vault

    The wad looked good so far but Terry traps partically ruined it. Why not completely? Because some of them were a bit funny.
  16. Guest

    Temple of Baphomet

    this wad looked so good until the terry trap came i am giving 1 star because of the detail
  17. Guest

    Chaos Peak

    It was good, but then the Terry Trap happened.
  18. Guest

    Chaos Peak

    2/5 Because of the terry trap also make more maps people! UEAH BITCH
  19. Guest

    Chaos Peak

    Why do you pur a fucking Terry trap at the end? This wad was great bit with that you ruined all
  20. roadworx

    Chaos Peak

    You know, people like this really have potential. Yet they waste it on shit like this. P.S. Don't listen to the 5-star reviews, it's a terry trap!
  21. Guest

    Hell Attack

    another terrywad by nambona890 and it has a very shitty terry trap 0/10
  22. Guest

    Terry Sux

    I still don't know how people get so mad at terry traps. The shit's fucking hilarious when it causes so much butthurt to surge through the doom community. Feel free to call me terry for liking jokewads. This wad sucks balls because it's not actually OP's wad, just copy-pasta from Terry's wads. 0/5
  23. Guest


    An impressive effort for a 1994 level in terms of size and complexity, but painful to play. Extremely confusing progression even for 1994, dead-end mazes, "secrets" that turn out to be just hallway connectors opened from one side, and an area that teleports you across the level with no warning. Truly is far ahead of its time, however; a teleporter past a red door traps you in a small room, with nothing to do but quit or reload, predating Terry by 14 years.
  24. Guest

    DoomCraft (Minecraft Doom)

    DONT DOWNLOAD THIS WAD! its terry trap baboon diarhea. -200/10