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About This File

A cyberdemon has escaped from a lab, where they are trying to find his weakness. He was injured by a marine,which was made short work of, and he was trapped inside a illusio-pit. Your job is to find it, and kill it.

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Authors may not use this level as a base to build other levels, because PT knew.


PT knew at that moment of time, that he struck his stage of enlightenment which scoffs at the mere comparison of any amount of wealth which would bring joy into not only his life, but the community revolving around it. The author of this magnum opus which other magnum opuses tremble in the mere sight of, Paul Thrussell, has been undeservedly hindered by no sort of modern MtPain27 coverage, or legacy which the Cacowards give in name of the DOOM community members who have spent their delicate, stressful craft reaching the highest possible point in the community hierarchy, from the newer years of choice.


As he opened up ye olde WadAuthor, he had a sight which no honourable, or even "notable" WAD authors thought of, even to this day. He started out with a feeble premise, four lines which out-lined them all - a mere 128-tall, 1000-wide collection of four unassuming STARTAN2 sidedefs to begin his journey into ascension. His eyes gleamed when he created his first sector, as he knew the importance of it - like marking territory into an empty void. Creation out of a previous lack of such. Everything he could've dreamed of, stemming from what was once nothing. A truly exhilarating creation which the boldest of bravery couldn't match until he gosh darn right clicked that glorious blue 64-unit square grid and pressed down on the "New Rectangular Sector..." button - he even unchecked the Use Grid setting to change the dimensions of that previously mentioned 1000 unit width and length sector. Courageous. Heck, even the WadAuthor standard of a default ceiling of CEIL3_5 and the definitive default floor, FLOOR4_8, was chosen for such an untouchable masterpiece which was the psuedo-3D innards of a cuboid - and nobody even saw it as that, except for none other than PT and Ice59. Those anonymous, tribune-less plebians who were even further behind than that of Ancient Rome really thought that the upmost simplicity of a cuboid wouldn't satisfy them like the infinite wisdom of Paul Thrussell, or intellect which shone down upon Ice59 like a rainstorm pouring down on Wish clothing. Pathetic isn't simply a strong enough word, or comparison, to describe the upmost humility of slandering the legacy of an objective hallmark in the growing museum of documented art which so happens to be wow.WAD. But wait, there's more!


Paul Thrussell's vision was not to only make history in the mapping scene, but make that history another two times to be utterly and irrefutably immortalized in the museum of commoners' minds. "One square isn't enough!", he said with an unmatched passion in the name of DOOM. After a default, north-facing Doomguy as a placed Thing, he needed the player themselves to know that his territory is being marked on - his art is being witnessed by the two eyes which are now enlightened by the craft of the unspeakable wow.WAD. Using all sorts of accurate measurements at his disposal, he and Ice59 witnessed the placement of a 100-by-100 sector, inside of the aforementioned one, but he didn't stop there. "What this needs, you may not believe this, is this sector - this one right here, I'm lowering it by 24 units." The world was shook in horror by this controversial statement, yet it needed to be done. This sacrifice of morality and ethics is what would've drawn most away from the will to live, let alone mapping, left Paul completely unaltered. And the most unbelievable thing? It feels irrational even typing this out, let alone knowing that it's true - he just kept on going. Even Ice59 was taken aback by this brash decision, as they knew if this information was leaked, riot and military forces would wipe every trace of this towering monument from sheer existence. Most people reading this wouldn't even stomach to think of such a timeline where wow.WAD wasn't a thing - imagery can only paint such a horrifying caricature of the dystopia which would be a wow-less world. This was what a common onlooker would imagine, until PT realized that he created something too perfect, too polished for humanity to see it as such. He had to do something about it. This was the moment where Ice59 would come in, to humbly save PT's legacy and his life. This was the moment, where he boldly told him to lower the grid size to 16 and slightly misalign it from the starting point in the map. Without questioning them, Paul obliged to Ice's live-saving requirement. The wow.WAD community was rejoiced, and Paul Thrussell's reputation quickly built up to the same level which he had before. Oh, who am I kidding? It surpassed that of before. Before is never, in his eyes - his present is the future which nobody has managed to outcompete, and nobody ever will. Political stability was back, even if for a brief period of time. The purposeful element of human error which was incorporated into this .WAD speaks volumes about Paul as an artist, and his methods of expression which he so delicately used to create the new, unmatched standard.


He could've stopped at the second sector, and the placement of Doomguy, but no. Letting a masterpiece unfinished like this would be nothing short of criminal, something to bring back death sentences for without all the yapping which comes from debates. He knew this. He sought out to do the unspeakable, the unimaginable, third sector. With all his pride, he right clicked a fourth time, counting the player start, and made *that* third sector. The first one was 1000 by 1000. The second? 100 by 100, standard knowledge to retain, but this one in particular... three hundred by three hundred. Absolutely maniacal. He had to do something to make this sector different from the sector crowd, and again, he knew just the thing. The self-proclaimed 'illusio-pit'. A height of 296, with a sunken floor of -168. This sent even more shockwaves in the wow.WAD community, dividing them into two subsections - the disgraceful, illusio-pitist oldheads who were reminiscing about how "good" the old days were, when there were just two miserly sectors, and the new generation who saw them and applied their intellect to debunk every little syllable out of their disgraceful, frothing mouths. The watching eyes of Ice59 made sure to keep a reliable mapper in check, and the result was the masterful creation which soon came to name as the illusio-pit, and the one who inhabited it being the one who would reliably keep it in check - the Cyberdemon. Perfection.


TL;DR: wow dot wad 5/5 :-)

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all old wads and no new stuff makes the mod reviewer a dull boy

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100000000/10 this should win a Cacoward. Nothing can top the dreadful and realistic atmosphere of this square STARTAN room with Doom Eternal level of storytelling... The characters are so expressive... The Cyberdemon's backstory was shocking and there was a lot of character development. The anime battle with the Cybie was sad yet intense. This wad has changed me emotionally.

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What can I say, a classic. But to be honest, Paul should have done some dehacked shenanigans. (He could have asked for help! Now I want to do a remaster!)

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First of all, I'd like to cut some slack for Paul Thrussell, who made this level when he was only 10 years old and then dipped, never to be seen again in the Doom wadding community. Considering that this is his first and only map, I must say that for a ten-year-old messing with the difficult-to-learn WadAuthor, this WAD is actually pretty alright in terms of skills.


The gameplay is 1/5, as there is not much going on with it; Just a cyberdemon in an inescapable pit. But there are actually quite a few good game mechanics that could be going on. The Hall-of-Mirrors effect really makes the cyberdemon battle hard. With a bit of revamping, this level could be amazing.


The level was pretty much immortalized by being featured on the Top 10 Most Infamous WADs list back in the day and ever since then an influx of viewers has been spiked up. Though Paul Thrussell may never make another map and will be remembered only for what is mostly a garbage level, I'd say that this is a 4/5 for legacy, gameplay, and the fact that they had the bravery at just 10 to release a level to the archive that could hardly count as such.

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So little effort, yet so timeless at the same time. You kinda have to respect the audacity of thinking this was worth sharing to the entire world and the innocence of simpler Internet days it evokes. 1 star for the actual wad itself, 5 stars for its historical value.

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The folks below say it all

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This right here is the quintessential babby's first Doom wad.

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Teo Slayer


It deserves a Cacoward

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A beautiful piece of art.
Thank you, Paul, Ice59 and that Cyberdemon trapped in an illusio-pit.

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this is... wow

seriously, WOW

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ice59 could have stopped this catastrophe but instead he just watched... he has probably achieved nirvana at this point

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This wad is fucking legendary.

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· Edited by Chipchase


I guess this was meant to be a serious wad, just using a trick to make the C-Demon hard to see. I don't think it was a deliberate troll of the style that caught on later, eg Sand Chain and the Terry wads. IMHO it nowhere near holds the record for "worst wad ever" (even if it did once) so it is now "over-rated" in that respect. There are wads where you die quicker (eg "Stupid Benchmark #1"), and wads with worse graphics( eg "Sand Chain").  TBH, after all the hype I was a bit disappointed, I was expecting worse LoL.



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i played this in tardgold, beatiful wad

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It's great fun. I killed the Cyberdemon first try, 1% Health.



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This pre-Terry WAD from childhood times gives me memories from 1999... These times we have insant drinks, Tamagotchi gadgets, old computer with Windows 98, but not this almost 20-year old piece of shit with it's flies.

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Cacoward 1999, wait...

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I can't vote it down because of the historical significance, and the fact that Thrussel actually became a good mapper.

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It was alright.

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Guest Unregistered account

Breathtaking. 10 year-old Paul went and did it. He perfected Doom

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1 star for Ice59's patience

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Well, you can say whatever you want to about this, but if it keeps getting comments after 17 years, it's pretty damn awesome

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  • File Reviews

    • By Kain D. · Posted
      I think should write something here, since some of the sounds are used in my recent wad.   Although, everything relevant has been said already. Here's "golden star" for proving, that even dubious mods have something intresting.
    • By Cottonmouth0309 · Posted
      One of the more underrated doom mods out there. The levels have a lot of detail and great use of 3D sectors, used for railings and other things. Not a lot of mods that I know of has these attentions to detail back then other than KDiZD. I like how the first gun, not weapon, first gun in the mod is a quad barreled shotgun. This might be bias but I don't see any other mods or games give the player a quad barreled shotgun as a starter weapon.

      The cutscenes and artwork used for them are REALLY well made. I like its story and the protagonist John Logan. His design looks like a cross between Daniel Garners from Painkiller and the Doom Marine from well, Doom 3.

      Speaking of Painkiller, the mod uses tracks from Painkiller, which is a nice touch. Admittedly, there are things in Legacy of Suffering that I don't like, such as the Painkiller/Serious Sam arena wave sections. Not all of them are bad, but the later levels that uses them are the worst offenders. Often spawning mancubi, pain elementals, and revenants that just makes the fights more tedious.
      In conclusion, Legacy of Suffering is a really well made mod and I really want other people to try it out. I would suggest to start on the easiest difficulty, do NOT get fooled by the normal difficulty Ultra Violence, it will kick your ass, and anything higher will probably break your soul. Other than that, I would highly recommend you to play this mod. It can be played on GZDoom, Zandronum, and Skulltag. That is the end of the review, have a nice day :)
    • By Bitofu · Posted
      Enigma is not exactly my cup of tea; the mandatory secrets are a bit annoying and the confusing layout of the maps doesn't help much. Still, the maps are fun to navigate and they feature some great architecture that lead to unique gameplay encounters. Overall, it's decently fun.
    • By Bitofu · Posted
      Nothing better than baiting the Bazooka Man into blowing himself up! Obituary doesn't pull any punches; you'll be facing tons of hitscanners and plenty of nasty traps, but you'll get to appreciate the fine work the Möller brothers did with this WAD. The maps are intricately designed with a judicious use of textures, some of them custom-made. The new array of weapons is great, especially the flamethrower, which can shred down a cyberdemon in seconds! The low point might be the plain secret map and icon of sin fight, but overall, Obituary strikes home more often than not.
    • By Michael Jensen · Posted
      In recent years, general opinon of MM seemed to move towars negative, moreso than any other classic 90's megawad. It's nice to see it recieve some positive attention and even though I'm not exactly a reviewer, I figured I'd join in. Aside from couple rough maps, it remains a great experience today. Generally good and varied vanilla visuals with beautiful highlights like Maps 05, 13, 14 and 21, certainly helped by some great, really cool custom textures, which fit in with the classic ones incredibly well, much better than any other 90's custom stuff (aside from Eternal Doom, but that's a completely different aesthetic). The maps are quite varied without the whole thing becoming incosistent/all over the place and the variety really helps blaze through the whole thing. In comparison, while I prefer MM2 in terms of individual levels, it has a ton of long or similar maps back to back, which can get tiring and take much longer to geth through. Another aspect of MM I really like is some really, unique and fun design choices, or even whole map designs that you don't see much these days for some reason. The Innocent Crew's maps especially are very creative in fun and refreshing ways. Incredibly underrated mappers. Literally everyone knows this already, but Mark Klem's music is amazing. 