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15 YEARS A DOOMER Mapping Contest - HIGHLIGHT REEL VIDEO UP! (pg. 7)

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Oh yeah, I'm definitely joining this. I don't even care if I win. I just want a convenient excuse to make a map.

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I'm down for some mappening just for the funsies, be interesting to give a go.

8 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

but I'd not trade the Doom community for any other. You guys are awesome.

no u

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It lives!


I'll see if I can conjure up something for this. c:

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I'd enter this but I'm working on 2 community maps now plus my usual levels.

Good luck with the contest tho. Should be interesting to see the end results. :D

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Interesting... Not what I'd imagined, but a fun idea nonetheless! Maybe I'll join in. I do seem inundated with free time at the moment.

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With emulate your style you mean imitate your mapping style? Or make something inspired by the title of your maps or from one of your midis?

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5 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

With emulate your style you mean imitate your mapping style? Or make something inspired by the title of your maps or from one of your midis?


Either works! However you get your ideas. :)

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I will absolutely be on this. Given my track history with Doom contests, I am very eager to see a properly handled regulation of Doom maps.


Is there any way to observe if the build time of the map was accurate, or is that just more of a "If you work for 72 hours straight, then that's not going through" obvious read? 

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Ok, got it! Probably i'll bite this, not sure if i'll win anything or not, but i'm more inclined to think not.

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I REALLY want to join this competition.


But I'm such a procrastinator and I work so much on wads that are only like a few rooms and a three key door setup.

I'm not so sure...

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Lemme just ask a few questions real quick...

Am I allowed to use Skulltag's custom monsters and/or use a few custom monsters from R667?

Am I allowed to use PSX Doom sounds/High-Quality Doom sounds?

And am I allowed to reference Terry/have a Terry-like boss (By Terry-like boss, I mean a static JPEG/PNG)?

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I... kinda want to, as a sacrifice to the wad/midi god Jimmy, but don't think I'll have time...  Maybe.

Never seen that texture pack before, lolled at the "DONTUSE" texture

No skies though?

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Not sure if this was caught yet, but I don't believe OFALL has any reference in the ANIMATED lump. I understand that custom content is allowed in the WAD, but does that go for textures outside of the provided set as well?

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I'm definitely too much of a mapping newbie to have a go at this, but I'm keeping my eyes on it to see what the results end up being.


I considered for a moment if I could just start building and submit the next map in the episode I have in the works, but I'm just not at a level where I think I could stand any chance of finishing a map in a week... much less 15 hours of build time.

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You know what? I'M IN. Let's do this.

If I don't get out my WAD in time, well, sucks to be me with my procrastinating Icon of Sin. (If you get it, you get it)

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I'll probably start working on mine Saturday, since the weekends are the only time I can get 15 uninterrupted hours for mapping.

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4 hours ago, Vladguy said:

Am I allowed to use Skulltag's custom monsters and/or use a few custom monsters from R667?




4 hours ago, Vladguy said:

Am I allowed to use PSX Doom sounds/High-Quality Doom sounds?




4 hours ago, Vladguy said:

And am I allowed to reference Terry/have a Terry-like boss (By Terry-like boss, I mean a static JPEG/PNG)?


Please no.

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3 hours ago, General Roasterock said:

Not sure if this was caught yet, but I don't believe OFALL has any reference in the ANIMATED lump. I understand that custom content is allowed in the WAD, but does that go for textures outside of the provided set as well?


Thanks for bringing this up, I had a feeling there was gonna be some problem with the resource I was missing. I've updated the WAD! (same link as before)

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