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  1. scalliano

    The Ancient Gods - Impressions and Story Spoilers

    Learned that already from the brain room back in Nekravol. The problem is getting the opportunity to actually shoot at the things at all. That and being slowed down to a near standstill so all you can do is watch yourself get zerg'd by the heavy trash mobs.
  2. No, because John Wick is a sympathetic figure who fights the Russian mob and hardened assassins. The Predator, even at his best, is still just an alien who hunts combatants for sports. If you want to make him the hero of your movie, there are so many better options for villains out there than the Inuit. This is not The Legend of Korra, you do not have to come up with incredibly convoluted reasons to make a peaceful, non-threatening group of people into assholes that deserve to be violently subjugated by the hero.
  3. Daytime Waitress

    What are you listening to?

    Nail on the head, there. The original instrumentation had such a spring in its step that it almost contrasted too much with unchaining Adam from the wall, but the tone still meshed with the relief you felt once it was all over and the neon-soaked action movie vibe of the entire game. This really is a beautiful cover: truly a fitting reward for not beating your best friend to death at the behest of a mob boss. Be nice to the bots, they're trying their best.
  4. RHhe82

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP10: Culture et Confiture de mobs. 32/32 K, 1/1 S. Completion time 5:27. Didn't care for this one, it has a certain 1995 feel to it. First buzzkill comes from having to kill six chevalier infernals with shotgun and even a pistol. I wonder if I made a mistake by killing the archvile without lowering the grates first? It's not bad as such, but I have hard time finding anything particularly positive about it.
  5. Dersulbob

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP10 - Culture et Confiture de Mobs (Blind run, UV, Continuous, saves allowed, GZDoom) The one room this level takes place in looks just fine and would be a nice setting as part of a larger map. As a full map it feels lacklustre. As Cannonball says, unlikely that this took the full 3 hours. Granted I only downloaded my first editor yesterday, so it's probably not my place to say, but it feels like a low effort map.  Grade - D
  6. Maxie

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Greetings, I'm trying to find some good casual Doom II wads to play, i.e. something really simple with like 100 mobs per map top (200 as a big stretch). Examples would be: Japanese Community Project or 25 Years on Earth. The more you can suggest me the better. Thanks people.
  7. DRON12261

    Scythe Reforged - Teaser [MAP20]

    Thanks for the video. It's a shame that in gzdoom with the mod broke most of the work with lighting and monster behavior, the map for obvious reasons was made for a regular doom. Regarding cyberdemon and not only, this is a mistake Project Brutality, it has poor compatibility with such maps, as the authors did not pay proper attention to the accuracy of hitboxes and movement of mobs. Another man on my other map also had it break in a similar way. Nevertheless, I'm glad you liked it. If you are not a fan of vanilla gameplay and accurate doom ports, you can also try to play with the mod Dusted Pandemonia or Nobody Told Me About id, at least with it the map worked fine when testing on GZDoom.
  8. I have not taken this into account given your dedication in playing Doom with fast monsters (if memory serves me right), and this is indeed a viable strategy. ..Then again, on slaughterwads (which require you to have an intermediate - advanced understanding of the game's oddities), a lot of times turbo mobs can make you easily tear your hair out because of how fast they can be.
  9. I recommend you start doing mixed encounters that involve closet traps and mobs teleporting in at the same time. Try thinking about mon roles and how you can use them in combinations.
  10. wad of doom

    Back to Saturn X difficulty

    I am pretty good at Doom in general when the gameplay and mechanics are fair. I have no problem with archviles, agitated skeletons, or cyberdemons. It's when they're mixed in with the massive mobs that ambush you that I constantly die and rage quit, so I can survive easily up until those points.
  11. Walter confetti

    Why is the zombie's hair green?

    There's a lot of funny answers here lol Same thing. This, or they trying to be some kenshiro mob villains...
  12. As I said I really like your map, it's just some rearrangement of the items and it would be done, let the mobs test it!
  13. Not bad little set of levels but for all the pickups there is and unused space on these maps there needs to be alot more mobs.
  14. I really hate maps that put Archviles as a hot start tbh. Here's my "Approved" hotstart mob list: -Zombieman -Wolfenstein SS -Shotgunner (1 is ok) -Pinkies (As long as you are provided with at least a shotgun) -Damaging floor
  15. yakfak

    most enthralling gameplay moment(s) in doom?

    - opening and closing a door a billion times and then going back to that area much later to see which single mob is still alive - jumping in obvious crushers, jumping in acid, getting shot in the face with projectiles <3 feel like this is distinctly more doomguy-like than sidestepping that stuff - tbh i think finding a secret at a crucial moment is gameplay and thats my fave thing of all: rushing too far into a level then desperately seeking supplies by jamming space on everything as I run. Gusta's maps kinda good for this
  16. I've seen people lament the popularity of slaughter elements in most modern wads, but I have trouble with this discussion because I'm not sure what constitutes slaughter mapping in the modern era. Obviously something like Sunder. You can't make something that difficult without a ton of mobs. But where is the bare minimum for slaughteresque mapping to you? Like there's nothing in Doom 2 that would fit the bill eh? What about Valiant or Eviternity? A pack of 15 revenants doesn't constitute a slaughter encounter? Or does it? I wouldn't mind an example of where a map starts leaning into slaughter territory, if anyone has a good one I think at this stage of the game, there's really only a few ways to make things honestly difficult. 1) close-quarters traps and chaingunner traps - stressful as hell 2) big packs without a large space to freely run 3) archviles or a cyberdemon or two mixed in with a couple dozen mobs, again without alot of free space to run around IMO anything less than that, and things will be a bit easy
  17. golbeeze

    The DWmegawad Club plays: MAYhem 2020

    Map 27 This was an interesting map. It looks like a tough one and probably would be. I trolled this level hard though because I had a #8 weapon that can hit through walls. So I trashed a mob before they could attack me... I regret nothing!
  18. why do so many people constantly hate on limp bizkit all the time?. i think its a good band. i understand that some people just dont like some music but the hate mob for limp bizkit is fucking huge. i feel like some people just hate on limp bizkit because they wanna jump on the good ol band wagon of hate boners and nothing else.
  19. Spectre01

    Brutal Doom creator speaks about past controversies

    This is exactly why you never apologize on the internet over shit that happened years ago. The hate mob has already made up their minds and will not be appeased either way. See: Any twitter drama over old tweets being dug up.
  20. Map Name: Dance Off! Author: NecrumWarrior Music: I Am Jazz by James Paddock Format: Boom (Tested in dsda-doom) Build Time: 1 hour Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: I Love You So Much, Most Azure of Fruits, Singular Focus Comments: Second time making a slaughter map. It's not terribly difficult, mostly because I am not very skilled at slaughter maps and I needed to be able to beat it. There is only 300 mobs in a tight place. It's like a mini-slaughter map. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sn4vfbus9b3ieukdwr229/DANCEXXX.wad?rlkey=0qe5cekhfeyqu1mw8kawlsvoj&amp;dl=0 Screenshots:
  21. LadyMistDragon

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    Ok, here we go. I could get under :45, but at this point it doesn't matter anymore. Anyways, :41 seems like it'd be really hard. I think I could've flirted with that last shotgunner mob a little less though. I think complevel 2 may make tight movement more difficult, but I'm no expert on how that sort of thing's affected. Download Map 03: UV Max in :55 download 03 - UVMax - 55.zip
  22. Lila Feuer

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    An extremely overdue completion of Diablo II LoD (started with a Barbarian in 2011 and stopped before Diablo and just recently beat it with an Amazon) and now going through it again on Nightmare. I've died like 20 times. Glad your corpse is teleported back to town when you exit and reenter because sometimes you just run right into an elite mob the moment you enter indoors and have no time to react. That said I'm having a total blast and almost cleared Act 1 in a couple days, just imbued a superior ceremonial javelin with the malus and rolling along pretty well at level 45.
  23. Simple. What is your most hated demon In all of doom&doom2. Why do you hate it so much? For me it's the Freaking Chaingunner. Why. Why are there so many of these bastards. There are always mobs of them, and they shoot so much that I die before i even know what the hell happened. Hate em. More than the freaking archvile.
  24. cannonball

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP24 - “Supplice Claustrophobe” by Datacore This is probably the easiest map for quite some time. There isn't much in terms of threat in this, a little too heavy on the nobles (Hell knights/barons) for its own good.The cyber at the end was actually quite fun to utilise and you are given a BFG to dispatch him after he has dealt with the rest of the mob. Otherwise this was a little on the dull side, though there was nothing offensive to this one either. Overall - This was okay. I preferred this to Map14, though his first map (Map03) did have a better balance to it.
  25. Doom Guncaster K

    Azazel's Second Descent 32 map One Man Megawad now on IDgames

    Heading toward the end of the last Chapter - Lava. In Chapter 6, the yellow/orange damaging floor/liquid would be set as the main color tone to the end. All maps in chapter 6 contain lava (the damaging yellow liquid). While using Liquid Texture Pack 6.0, the visual effect seems to be upscaled to the next level and phenomenal. Map28_Conflagration of Souls The 2-level layout confused me, yet it's not hard to figure out the way to the end. The map scale is small though the engagements in this map are pretty brutal; the player will face 2 more cyberdemons with mobs in most of the fights. Hordes are as always swarming all over the place once the line is triggered. The switches for the secrets are hidden well, just need a bit more patience to look around the corner for collecting items. I jumped out of the rings several times for securing kills, and the reinforcement keep spawning in, that was crazy! Map29_Azazel's Descent Into Madness Here we are, the title screen background is from the very beginning of the map. This map's scale is large and the enemy placement is no mercy to the player who'd come this far! The wide corridors seem to be a decent place to hold and engage the incoming mobs but soon will be locked in the limited space. The player could expect to see that Azazel has been preparing lots of his minions for the "welcome parties" here. Not the most chaotic one I've seen so far, yet it's still a challenging map in this wad. I really like the "surprise" features that lower the walls, locking down the corridors and revealing mobs swarming at once. The decorative stuff like the lighting floor and the torch arrangements truly draw my attention and make the map more atmospherically awesome before reaching the end of the wad. I quite enjoyed these 2 maps since the fights get more intense one after another and it's pretty decent to demonstrate my all-time favorite Doom weapon mod Guncaster. I adopted "Hammersmite" and "Skullfire" on map28, and switched back to my favorite lightning spells - "Thunderstruck" and "Sigil" for killing efficiency. Azazel's big showdown is waiting ahead. I'll finish him for good.