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Naked Snake

What instrument are you?

What instrument(s)?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. What instrument(s)?

    • Lead singer
    • Lead acoustic / e. acoustic / e. guitar
    • Ryhthm acoustic / e.guitar
    • Bass guitar
    • Drums
    • Keyboards
    • Backing vocals
    • Lead singer w/ accompying instrument
    • Secondary singing (like for bands that have a male and female lead, etc.)
    • Misc. instrument

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If you were to play in a band, what instrument would you play and why? What genre would you like to perform in? As the poll shows, vocals are an "instrument".

If you do play in a band, tell us the name and what you play.

If I was to be in a band, I'd sing because I like to sing, I guess, heh. I have a pretty good vocal range, so genre isn't really important. If I could play guitar, I'd do that too, because you know, chicks dig guitars. I really like the sound of the electric guitar and I find it interesting how it melds with all the other instruments in a rock band (drums, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, lead vocals and back-up vocals). I'd really like to play drums too, but drumming and singing can be pretty hard. Sure, it can be done, but playing a guitar or just standing there singing is a little easier.

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I'm a drummer in a band called "Antithesis Peace."

We're supposed to be "melodic metal", but I think the word "vomit" suits us more. I'm ready to quit here soon so I can get back to seriously playing and getting better without a pompous prick telling me to play the exact opposite of what you're supposed to play on drums.

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I would definitely be a singer. I tried learning guitar, but developing arthritis and nerve damage in my left index finger kinda makes that hard. I sing okay regular, but I have a kick ass metal voice.

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Bass Guitar. I can sing (heh only Bass in a choir :P), I can play relatively limited Keyboards (enough so that you can ask me to play something and I will play it right, eventually...) and I can play Electric Guitar (and extremely limited violin and recorder).

The reason for Bass Guitar is because I prefer playing alot of single notes very quickly rather than maybe strumming a few chords. It's like playing a less-technically demanding solo almost constantly (at least, for Progressive Rock/Metal).

Also because the competition for Bass Guitar is alot less than Electric Guitar or singing in my experience. I go to the Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford (England), and every "class" has probably about, 5-6 singers and guitarists, but only one Bass player >:D.

Plus, Bass Guitar itself is a pretty versatile instrument suited to many genres, where as if you were just a shredding electric guitar player, then your not gonna be much use in a funk band. Also, alot of the Electric Guitarists I've met seem to rank respect in how fast you can play. So if you don't shred or sweep, you suck in their eyes.

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Seeing that I'm basically a one-man outfit already, keyboards. Which if I was in a larger band, I'd still play, as long as they'd let me continue to mess with my PolyEvolver :D

This is mostly because I love the concept of being able to create unique sounds by modifying others.

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On the question, what instrument I am, talking about personality and part in a group. I'd say I'm the composer.

On the question of what I would play if I were in a band though, I'd be either lead singer or the bassist. I own two.

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That's a difficult question. Keyboards/piano is the one instrument I have any kind of experience with, though I can do fairly well on hand drums or a harmonica, probably better with practice. I'd also LOVE to learn sax and possibly acoustic guitar. Whatever I played, I'd want to sing as well, as I'm not a bad singer either. And I find myself constantly composing stuff.

So yeah, that's your answer.

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I used to play drums in a band but let it slide for years. I now have a set of flats that I use just to keep my hand in but I'm not very good these days. Hell, I was never that good in the first place.

Anyway, after a while, I got fed up sitting at the back and not getting enough attention, so I took over being lead vocal. ;)

Bands? A couple of punk bands. Only one name sticks in mind because it was so awful : "Snot".

A later band was a bit more... well talented I guess. We played a range of songs - mainly self compositions - less punk but still with quite an edge. I suppose a lot of our sounds were a bit Oasis-like but this was during the '80s and so pre-dated Oasis by quite some time. Damned Gallacher brothers stealing our act. ;) We were called "The Trees". Nothing to do with hippies or tree hugging. We just got fed up with the fact that one of the first questions anyone asked about our band was "what are you called" so we deliberately picked a name that would have people just making a disappointed noise when they heard it and which actually told them nothing about the band. Who knows? That policy may be the reason I'm not typing this in my multi-million dollar mansion, surrounded by groupie chicks, right now. LOL

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I've learned guitar, keyboards, and vocals and I prefer to be a lead singer. I'm still having troubles hitting high notes with my low voice.

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Im a rhythm guitarist but not in a band. i have a zoom G2 effects processor with a rhythm/drum machine built in that i play with for timing and it sounds pretty good thru my '68 fender twin reverb.

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Urgh, I guess I've been around myspace too much if I thought this was going to be one of those stupid "You are a .... ukelele! [insert image]" surveys.

I played drums a lot back in school, and piano before that, both of which eventually turned into programming and keyboards respectively, then I started recording, so even though I'm not particularly good at anything I play anymore and prefer to manage the technical aspects of recording, I'll go with keys.

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I played some pretty sweet riffs back in the 4th grade mandatory music lessons with the recorder. I'm getting pretty old for that though. Not sure if I could take the strain and pressure of living the self destructive life style of a recorder player.

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I've got a good sense of rhythm, but no coordination whatsoever, so I can't really play any instrument well, heh. If that wasn't the case, I'd probably go for drums.

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I've been in 3 metal/hardcore bands, 2 on rhythm guitar and 1 on bass. I'm starting a new band in which I'm going to give lead vocals a try.

As far as instruments I can play, in order of skill level, are:

- Electric guitar
- Bass guitar
- Drums
- Keyboard/Piano
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Hammered dulcimer
- Violin

I haven't mastered any of them by any means, but basically any instrument I pick up I can play pretty well after some practice.

I still suck at violin, but I'm working on it. It's hard to make it sound good.

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yomoneyboat said:

How do you... uh... turn it on?

You don't turn things like that on. They turn you on. Or at least they do me. Perhaps it's the wires. But then again, I'm weird like that :)

Seriously though, I think the modular Moog systems had a separate power supply module. 909 and 910 units specifically. I've never had a chance to mess with a real one, though, just Arturia's soft synth version.

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kristus said:

On the question of what I would play if I were in a band though, I'd be either lead singer or the bassist. I own two.

Cool. What are their names.

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