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happy new year!

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Happy Earth's 2022nd revolution around the Sun!


It's 2022 and wow, last year wasn't really the best for me and I'm thoroughly glad that it's over. I won't go into specifics, but I really hope 2022 isn't the mess that was 2021.


With that outta the way, what are your resolutions for this year? For me, it's learning a programming language (C or C++, haven't decided) and improving at my art skills as I've been doing a bit of it during 2021, but I want to get better.


Anyways, happy new year's for everyone!

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Not really a resolution but there is a project I've been working on that I hope to get in a useable state and actually have something interesting to show the world about it.  Need to finish adding a few features to Aneurysm as well...

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My only New Year's Resolution is to continue learning things.


Happy (almost) New Year!

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Happy new year. I never had such a depressing new years than today, it was quiet, and then for 15 minutes you heard some rockets blow up and now it completly died down. Not a soul on the street right now.


Stoopid Covid. Ruining everyones fun.

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The world outside may have gone to shit lately, but the strength, creativity and ingenuity of this community just keeps getting stronger. Happy New Year, Doomworld. I hope 2022 proves to be a better year for all of my fellow members.



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24 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

What is "Australia"?

I will not go into any further detail.

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On 1/1/2022 at 10:39 AM, thiccyosh said:

Happy new year. I never had such a depressing new years than today, it was quiet, and then for 15 minutes you heard some rockets blow up and now it completly died down. Not a soul on the street right now.


Stoopid Covid. Ruining everyones fun.


For the first time in years I did nothing for new year's, just spending time with family and painting my garage studio. And no snow here in Australia, just yellow grass and scorching red deserts.

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Happy new year! It already came to my country... that sudden realisation that next year will 2025, it feels so weird. 

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2 minutes ago, Aquarium said:

i wish you a wonderful 2024!


also today is my dad's birthday!

well, thanks. have a happy new year.


cool math fact

january 1, 2024 is one year past january 1, 2023

boom. nobody asked, everyone knew.

Also, i'll solve the issue of somebody making the comment "see you next year haha"

The painful statement has been spoken, and never to be repeated until the last day of 2024

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happy new year everyone. 

and if the thread appears again in 2025, i wish a new year one year early.

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These new years posts are becoming tiring, but i will spare the post since the profile picture is a polar bear.

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10 minutes ago, DoomGuy999 said:

These new years posts are becoming tiring, but i will spare the post since the profile picture is a polar bear.


I only post on this forum to make New Years posts.

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10 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

Happy new year folks! Looking forward to a great 2024.


Don't bet on it, I did the same in 2020 and it was the worst year of my life. Stay optimistic but wary

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