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Doom 1 or 2?

Which one is your favorite?  

439 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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On 3/17/2017 at 9:39 AM, Pavera said:



The brief candle that produced that and MAP21, somehow, and squeezed out MAP27 and MAP28 shall never be lit again.

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On 3/17/2017 at 2:44 PM, grommile said:

Didn't someone come up with a mod like that recently? Probably didn't manage 64, admittedly.

i think the highest we've gotten to is 16 or so (at least from what i've seen)



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C'mon, ffs, It should tell you how good the level design is in Doom 2 that the best most games can do, even after decades of having 3D engines, and many thousands of games designers contributing to the broader culture of game design as a whole, is simplistic corridor shooters with knee high walls, or sandbox games with missions scattered around them. 


To compare Doom2 to Doom1 is unfair. Let's see more comparisons between Doom 2 and CoD.


I think I prefer Doom to Doom 2 But only because it was so original and new. Doom 2 was actually very very good and pushed the boundaries of what could be done with a 3D engine.  We look at Doom 2 levels too much from the perspective of 25 years of gaming design, and it is hard to look at them through the eyes of people who had never done this before. If we could look at Doom 2 as something that had never been done before, then we would start to appreciate it's brilliance and uniqueness.

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For me DOOM is always DOOM 2 unless explicitly stated otherwise *ROFL*. There is one thing in DOOM 1 that I never like. EPISODES...

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I used to like Doom 2 more than (Ultimate) Doom, but now I've reversed that. Doom 2 is not bad at all, and certainly offers some technical upgrades. But mainly, I've found I find Doom 2 almost too abstract. I think the first game had a better map organization and usage of textures. With Doom 2, you can kind of see a progression from Earth into Hell, but I miss those STAR textures, those wooden floors, etc. I think I'm also just not a big of Sandy Petersen's level design compared to John Romero's. Again, while the maps are fun, they're almost just too abstract and weird for me. Doom 2 isn't a bad game at all, and the weapon and enemies it added are great, but I find myself replaying Doom far more than Doom 2.


Had Doom 2 been released today, it probably would have just been an add-on requiring the original game. In hindsight, that's basically all it really was. Even some of the then-Doom 2 specific behaviors, like key-operated switches, were added into (Ultimate) Doom.

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I've seen a lot of different opinions about this, and I decided to do this poll to have an idea of how much people think Doom is better that Doom 2, and vice versa.


Just curious.


And sorry if this has been done already.

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Eternal debate:


Doom 1: Layout of iconic maps, nostalgia, music, 36 maps (well, 27 if you count the original stuff), less monsters, less PWADS.

Doom 2: 32 maps, more monster variety, SSG, Wolfenstein easter egg, AAAAAAA!!!!!, Icon of Sin, more PWADS.


Your pick... 

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I prefer Doom 1 over Doom 2 campaign's anyday but i will say that Doom 2 has more features than 1

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We just had this thread here a week ago. In it I said: "I thought Doom 2 was a noticeably better designed campaign than all of The Ultimate Doom. The level design was just a lot more varied, creative and interesting."

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7 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

You know....AAAAAAA!!!!!=Revenant battlecry :P

I thought it's the suicide bomber from Serious Sam ;P  And Revenants' SE has a lot of "boney" feeling for some reason.

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If Doom 1 no exist, there will no Doom 2. So Doom 1 is more important. Doom 2 is like an addon with SSG, megasphere and couple of new monsters. Level design are much better in Doom 1, also some cool textures that Doom 2 not have.

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I'm assuming you mean base games only, and not counting or considering mods + pwads. In that case, then pretty obviously Doom 1 is better. It's not even a contest.

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32 minutes ago, KVELLER said:

And sorry if this has been done already.

It comes up a lot more often than you'd think.


Also, your poll is asking for "favorite" while your post suggests "better", even though these carry different meanings. For example, Heretic is my favorite game on the Doom engine, even though I acknowledge that Doom and Strife and Hexen are better games. This is to say that Heretic aligns with my own aesthetic interests in a way that naturally pulls me toward its qualities while overlooking its flaws; but if someone were to ask me for a recommendation on a game to play from the idtech1 engine, it would be likely the last thing I'd suggest.


As far as Doom1 and Doom2 are concerned: I think Doom1 holds up better as a first-time experience but grows weaker with replays, whereas Doom2 lacks a strong first impression but gets better over time. Probably because the maps are bigger in Doom2? There's more to potentially miss in a playthrough of the latter, whereas the most you'll be finding in Doom1 on a second pass are the more well-hidden secrets. It also helps that there's a higher skill cap in Doom2, especially with the new enemies that make you think a lot more about how to handle them. Doom1 has superior cohesion and pacing, however, and that makes it more of a full experience when you're immersing yourself into it. (That's just a surface-level read, though, as I haven't spent much time considering it.)

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2017 and people are still debating over which doom game is better. Just let this discussion die already.

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Ultimate Doom has the advantage of being much easier to map for. Also, history is repeating itself again.

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Before I joined this forum, I was under the assumption that the vast majority of Doomers preferred Doom 2 over Doom 1. I figured the only reason that someone would like Doom 1 more than Doom 2 would be for purely nostalgic reasons. 

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Doom 1 = Better texturing, themes, music, and more cohesive level structure (episode system ending with boss battles + slow descent into hell). I also love the balanced use for the berserk fist, which sees significant use in several levels.


Doom 2 = Better (expanded) bestiary, SSG addition, excellent modding resource that has extended the life of the game. Also, more complex and abstract level design (for better or worse). Most times, for the better.


Overall verdict: both games are awesome and rule.

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How many more times


.............................................. are threads like this gonna pop on Doomworld?


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3 hours ago, Breezeep said:

2017 and people are still debating over which doom game is better. Just let this discussion die already.

My heart would shatter into a million pieces if the community ever stopped debating this


Edit: Doom2 is better in basically every way aside from the soundtrack, imo

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Maybe I shouldn't have started this thread in the first place, but whatever, I already did.


I got what I wanted anyways, which was the results for that poll.

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Ultimate Doom by far

  • Better level design
  • Better soundtrack
  • Has the best iwad mapset (Episode 4)
  • Makes great use of limited monsters/resources
  • Doom 1 was the reason why Doom 2 exists
  • Cooler textures
  • A bunch of other reasons which was just my first point

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1 hour ago, KVELLER said:

Maybe I shouldn't have started this thread in the first place, but whatever, I already did.

Nonsense, this thread isnt hurting anyone!

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1 hour ago, nxGangGirl said:

Has the best iwad mapset (Episode 4)

Amazing, so I'm not the only person on planet earth who thinks Episode 4 is the best run of official maps from any of the IWADS. There's just something so unique about it. The strange instant teleport switches, Gothic wood texturing and orange sky (which I actually dreamed about once, oddly enough). Surreal design, in a way that feels thematically connected to the mysterious and cryptic labyrinth hell of Monster Condo (yay!) rather than say, Downtown (nay).


Great stuff, I only wish the Spider Mastermind fight wasn't so anti-climactic. Though I do appreciate how there was an actual level buildup to the boss battle, with switches and monsters. An improvement over E3M8 in that regard. But maybe two or three Spider Masterminds at the end would have been even better. You know, to create an epic arena battle. But instead they just trapped one behind a wall, making it destined to die in a few seconds from a swift BFG ass-fuck. A shame, really.


Edit: Condo, not Congo. Dumbass!

Edited by RUSH

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10 hours ago, KVELLER said:

I wanted to do a poll anyways to have a somewhat reliable way to know people opinions in a "clean" way.

But there's no impse option!


(The point: Polls aren't clean/reliable anyway.)

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