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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

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This is the continuation of the "Post your Doom picture!" thread, which was the longest in the forum's history and had become so large that the forum software was straining under its weight.

The topic is simple: if you have any interesting Doom images, post them here. You may post screenshots of wads in progress if you wish.

Thumbnails are a good idea if you want to link to a bigger image. Most of the main image-uploading sites provide thumbnails that have a similar file-name to the image itself. For tinypic.com, the thumbnail image has "_th" added before the file extension. For imageshack, you add ".th" (so a jpg filename would end ".th.jpg"), and for imgur.com, you add "s" for a small thumbnail or "m" for it to be medium sized. For photobucket, add "th_" at the start of the file-name. For minus.com, add "_e" before the file extension.

Edited by Grazza

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That's a disappointment.

Anywho, screenie of Xmas wad I was enhancing

No preview since it's always over 200 kb no matter how much I print screenshot it -_-

Nevermind. Ever since some updates, may NOT need to worry.

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Lovely. I remember that sky glimpsed in the second shot from the stunning vista shot that you posted last year.

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My urban map after feedback :

What would happen if the other thread wasn't locked? Would the server crash and make DW look like a mess? That would be cool.

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Well, since it's page 1, a quick texture edit: took the blood splat from WOODMET4 and slapped it on METAL2.

It gores-up this barrier quite nicely - not sure if I'll keep it yet though.

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Omegalore said:

No preview since it's always over 200 kb no matter how much I print screenshot it -_-

I feel your pain. oftentimes when I take a screenshot in ZDoom of some work it ends up being close to (or is) a whole megabyte in size. I'd have to rescale it down to a decent size, cause I'm not too keen on imgur's thumbnails myself although I have used them.

although interestingly enough, automap images and screenshots of stuff on Doom Builder end up being smaller in filesize than in-game shots. like this one:


just an E2M2 replacement I had done in my spare time, nothing special. I tried to implement SP, DM, and coop effectively though. I took this one, resized it a bit since I'm very paranoid about image-posting, and it ended up being about 65KB and 600x337, unlike most of my shots where I had to scale it down even further for a legitimate filesize.

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Omegalore said:

No preview since it's always over 200 kb no matter how much I print screenshot it -_-

You can always try to optimize them with PNGOUT or something like that.

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Getsu Fune said:

although interestingly enough, automap images and screenshots of stuff on Doom Builder end up being smaller in filesize than in-game shots. like this one:


Makes sense: most of the picture is just solid single color, so it compresses well.

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Separate airlocks for staff and their pets? :)

Thanks, durian. By the way, the blood on your shot gives the scene very nice color contrast.

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Cell said:

I'm starting to doubt whether this could be fit into a classic E1M4 map or not.



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jmickle66666666 said:

cell: the texturing reminds me more of e2 than e1

Might be a point, but I didn't make use of any E2+ textures. Don't forget that FLOOR7_2 makes appearance in the original E1M1, E1M3, E1M4 and E1M6 in several places like tunnels. Somehow I see that the TEKWALL2 modification (split 16-wide sidedefs with the offsets 78,63 and 114,63) is the one what irks and shouts E2 for you.

Also, here's another shot from the same map.

Nothing utterly inventive here (the "UD-compatible acid fall" was already used in, to name one, Dinner.wad, which isn't a wad of todays), but I've always dreamt of making an once-bent tunnel in the slot of E1M4, one end of which is temporarily unreachable, whilst the other is near the exit room.


Once you step off the tunnel, level will raise by 8.

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Some screenshots from a cancelled project. Cancelled because the file folder mysteriously emptied itself. Neither one actually shows what it looked like before the files disappeared, but did look a bit better. The red box in the first shot is how I was able to make it look like the building had a roof you could look through (So there was still a ceiling inside the mausoleum). If I ever try to redo this I think I'll make it drastically different.

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Memfis said:

Has anyone found a more elegant solution for flat intersections like this? (ugly diagonal between)

Didn't actually see that until now, thanks for pointing it out. Fixed. :)

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I do not know if i posted this before, but i had this weird urge to play the bfg-edition wad on
the dos executable... And this made that possible (options menu = crash though).

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Gez said:

You should fringe a bit the starg1 wall so that its lack of nukage stain doesn't look odd next to the stained nukedge and nukeslad.

Sorry, but my project consists of merely stock textures. The best I can do is to intermess it with some stainy NUKESLAD.

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I normally don't map in total cul-de-sacs like this area here turned out to be, but I decided it was kinda fun to give the player the option of nabbing the SSG in here provided they could fight their way back out. (I've gone into DEHACKED and made all of the hanging corpses unblocking so I can use them anywhere. They should've been unblocking in the first place.)

While I'm at it, I'm trying to decide whether to keep working on this map or replace it with something totally different. For now it's basically just a giant causeway to an even more giant (though as-yet empty) fortress thing. It's supposed to be the big final level in my current mini-episode but I don't yet have any gameplay ideas big enough to suit what I want it to be, and don't necessarily want to do the "final level so 354455 revenants and cyberdemons" approach either.

Cell said:

I'm starting to doubt whether this could be fit into a classic E1M4 map or not.

Haha nice spotting, I never caught that. I'm also feeling more E2 just by that shot, though it kinda depends what the surroundings look like as well since there's not a lot to go by just there.

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Oh wow, I didn't realize the original thread was that large. Kind of sad to see the original go, but at the same time I'm glad it was so active.

Well hey, I guess I'll post a couple of shots really quick.

One of the last finished areas I worked on in Vela Pax before taking another break from it. I don't think I shared this one here.

A crappy shot of some of the new powerup sprites I've made for Supplice. Also as a bonus, I included the statusbar and maybe you can see a few extra sprites if you squint.

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Mechadon said:

Oh wow, I didn't realize the original thread was that large. Kind of sad to see the original go, but at the same time I'm glad it was so active.

Well hey, I guess I'll post a couple of shots really quick.

Really awesome to see some progress from Vela Pax and Supplice and they look gorgeous. Don't ever stop making maps.

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