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RAMP 2022 [DONE!]

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I had a blast mapping for this the last time. Hopefully my map for this will be even better than the last one. Sign me up David!

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Considering what a colossal success the first RAMP was, I can only imagine the absolute behemoth this one will be. You're an absolute madman, Dave, but it's the kind of madness required to host something like this again. Happy mapping, kids!

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Glad this is back and I hope to contribute again. I think restricting submissions to three per mapper is a good move.

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I remember really regretting not taking part in this last time so I'll definitely be contributing a map or two this time!

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I feel like this one is going to be huge gain. Even bigger than last time. I'll definitly at least try to get something done for this. I'll also try to play every map and give some feedback but idk if I will be able to keep up. We will see I gues. 

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looks interesting 
i mostly likely will make something for this 
tho i have a question: is it ok to include 3d models or decorate stuff (for objects)?

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End of June eh?


I had considered submitting something for the previous RAMP but instead prioritized a personal project that had been languishing in development for over a year.


This time, I will attempt to submit something decent by the deadline.

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Nice! Was planning on making maps for a community project. Will participate

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I will definitely submit a map for here! I wanted to participate in a community project for some time, and this is a perfect opportunity!

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I will try but chances are, life gets in a way. I can't plan stuff or life throws me a curve ball


Edit: i'm out

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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Do you have plans for a UDB config for RAMP that organizes the OTEX and 32in24 textures into their respective categories?

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hi! i loved working on ramp 1 and im definitely gonna work on this one. i just have a question, are we allowed to use music files that arent midi such as .wav, .mp3, etc?

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25 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

hi! i loved working on ramp 1 and im definitely gonna work on this one. i just have a question, are we allowed to use music files that arent midi such as .wav, .mp3, etc?

Yes - avoid WAV because of their size, but MP3s should be picked up and included automatically. Looking forward to seeing what you have :)

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