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13 Screenshots

About This File

The third and final part of my solo megawad. Part 3 of 'Jenesis' adds 12 extra maps to the first twenty (which have all also been modified for the better in some way or another) and replaces the final map, as its predecessor did.

'Jenesis' is a 32-level megawad for Boom, complete with a new final boss, a new monster, new status bar graphics and a recolored message font.

The aim of this project was mainly to hone my skills in traditional Doom level design, but it was also to create a presentable set of maps which pulled inspiration from the great megawads like the Memento Mori duology, Hell Revealed, Alien Vendetta, Requiem and Scythe. These are just some of the mapsets out there that Jenesis pays homage to, thematically.

This is the megawad's final release. In total it has taken about one year and one month of hard mapping, bugtesting and procrastination to complete. :P

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Summer Deep

· Edited by Summer Deep


I was beginning to think that this might be the best Doom II megawad I'd played, certainly in the top five. Straightforward, but always challenging and hugely enjoyable.


Then I got to MAP28, which features an IoS type finale that is almost incomprehensible and largely unplayable. No idea why mappers have to resort to such gimmickry, but on a scale of 1-10 this section had an enjoyment factor of zero.


Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory, yet again. (Sigh).



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Pixel Fiend

· Edited by <<Rewind


stunningly fun wad

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Awesome wad with awesome music and a fairly balanced difficulty curve. Maps have a very vanilla (with some exceptions) feel despite not being exactly that, which is a good thing in my book.

I can't recommend this megawad enough. It's an easy 10/10 to me.

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Good hard WAD. Complex level design, some very nice levels.

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This was a pretty nice megaWAD to plow through. Just the right amount of challenge without feeling like total bullshit (at least for me; any death I got felt like my fault). Wasn't a fan of the use of a death exit in map 20 or the DeHacked replacement of the SS Nazi though. Still, despite these gripes, it was a fun megaWAD and I highly recommend it.

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- Single Player

- UV Settings

- Pistol starts every Map

- Third time playing in about 4-5 years span


The Good:

   - Continuous Maps

   - Great architecture

   - Incredible Hellish themes

   - Excellent monster placement

   - Clever puzzles

   - Loads of secrets. Most are clever as well.

   - Great music

   - Lots of stuff to get you alive and stocked

   - Levels are just the right size. Not small nor are they huuuuuuge.

   - Not a slaughterfest, but not easy either. Difficulty is perfect for single player.


The Bad:

    - There's no Jenesis II. 


In short:


Sometimes, finding a new DooM WAD to play is like finding a decent horror movie to watch: You're going to go through a few crappy ones before you find one that makes it all worthwhile. Jenesis is one of those WADS to play that's worth going through some crappy ones first.


If you are looking for a great balance between dog fighting and puzzle solving, then Jenesis is for you. This game was fun as hell - every level. 


Anyone who plays this can easily tell that MUCH work went into this fantastic game. It's WADs like this one that keep me playing. Bravo Mr. Paddock!


You have huge shoes to fill, Jenesis - for my next WAD I play. One of my all time faves.

Well deserved Cacoward. What a game! :)


5 out of 5 Stars.

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· Edited by galileo31dos01


Done with these settings:


- GLBoom+ complevel 9.

- Hurt Me Plenty.

- Continuous combined with a pistol start mindset.

- Saves every 10 minutes or so.


Important thing: if you want to fully attempt each map of the megawad, load jenefix.wad which can be found here. I say this because I found myself with a few bugs I'll mention below.


Onto the review...


This wad is pretty impressive, a truly fun set that manages to be a tough and nice experience. The author did a solid job on polishing the maps to look really good, using the Plutonia resources as well as many textures from some well-known megawads like Memento Mori and Requiem. It's a set that the more you advance, the greater it is visually. I was very sold on the theme-progression, the tech/brown structures predominates in the first two episodes, but it is also mixed with sewers (lots of slime), crates rooms, caves, open highways, tombs, golden lakes omg, and much more, and it culminates inside hell, and I'm not just talking about red bricks. About details, well I couldn't be more impressed with the lightning usage in certain maps, it's mostly all bright enough for you to see where you are, but for example in map 29 there's little to no light variation, which boosts its already creepy and fleshy theme. Oh, can we talk about the skies? Every map has a different sky, my favourites are the blue one in map 12 and the red one with two moons(?) in map 22. I also loved the soundtrack, many recognizable midis from other wads as well as new ones, the one in map 26 was my favourite, and the one in map 29 that sounds like anything from Going Down. 


If you have played any of the wads Jimmy payed tribute, you can have a general overview of what Jenesis is about. Yes, this isn't a walk in the park, neither a disagreeable torture. Maps are medium-sized, typically with key hunts along with switches, linear and non-linear progression, varied in scenarios: lock-in traps or incidental ambushes right after a door or a switch pressed, or nothing at all, just a lonely key on a pedestal. I liked this as it added variety and mystery, not 100% sure if something will happen or not. For monster placement, overall it's meant to be challenging, if a bit too hitscany in some maps. There're a bunch of particular enemies that stood out in a good or bad way: chaingunners out of your aim, there are many instances of these; revenants are particularly nasty in this wad, having a lot of advantage over my movement skill, in some ways the area denies you to fully dodge homing missiles, in others it denies your accuracy, because they can be behind fake walls; archviles seemed inconsistent to me, they are either neutered by block lines or suddenly thrown with 0 cover, the "good" thing is that (on HMP) health resources are instantly given to recover, which still doesn't convince me. Regardless, there are some good archvile placement, as well as the rest of the monsters. There's a new enemy, a possessed marine, a bit stronger than a shotgunner, it's best usage is in map 29 imo. There's also a new boss, nothing you haven't seen before, well, it freaked me out a little bit. 


Secret-wise, the majority of the maps contain 4-5 in total, some easy to find and some not, a couple of secret fights too, the key is to know what the author used mostly to hide a secret (not just a misaligned texture), and then you'll easily find the rest. Nothing outstanding as they are usually a little cubicle containing a powerful item. 


For favourite maps I'll pick 06, 12, 17, 22, 24, 29. The third episode was my favourite imo as action was getting quite sharp The other maps were ok too, save 09 and the secret maps which I didn't like too much. A few bugs prevented me to max certain maps (didn't know jenefix.wad existed), in map 20 at the helipad part it is possible to block monsters to teleport in IF you press the lift's switch. In map 24 a cyberdemon may or may not teleport in at the exit section. 


Overall, it's recommendable, only for people who can bare tons of hitscanners. I think it would be better to play on continuous for a first time, as some maps have ammo for weapons that are nonexistent. My rate is 7,5/10 

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Pretty solid pack

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Too symmetric at times, but when it's not, it's great. 3/5

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Havoc Crow

The beginning is a little weaker, but nearly all of the maps are very well-made and fun to play. Some are especially outstanding, such as "Alchemy".

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Just realize I neevr voted on this one yet, definitely deserves a 5 stars vote from me.

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This is my kind of wad tbh. Just very fun to play with well balanced gameplay. Nothing overly fancy or showy, just good old doom mechanics.

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Unknown date

Very-very good. A bit simple, but sweet, just the way I like it. 5 stars.

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Unknown date

One of my favourite MegaWADS ever!

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Unknown date

This is 5 stars material but I'll give 4 stars only because music mainly sucks ass.

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Unknown date

Map01-08 are very good. But I'm disappointing on later maps(09-11), I feels boring on Map09 because those switches hunting... Map10 is a long cave level with long boring fights for me... Map11, well it's not so bad but...well, I just don't like it. :p Nice work for speedmapping but I won't give this 5, sorry. :) 4/5 -playerlin

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Unknown date

Great one man megawad, at least as good as Reverie if not better.

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Unknown date

Very nice levels. Very detailed. Plus love the additional monsters. They fit very well. Overall great job. Hope to expect more

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Unknown date

Really good high quality wad, with balanced old school gameplay. I enjoyed it immensely. It's always impressive to see "one-man wad" projects that are this consistently good. 5 stars from me no less. -TRRobin.

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Unknown date

Maps are beyond excellent buy say thanks to Paul Corfiatis' arrogance for screwing up a perfect megawad. 4/5

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Unknown date

This is so cool! But too bad it isn't 100% finished as for example in DW plays megaclub thread, there was a "patch" wad alongside this to fix few glitches on some maps and the author Jimmy never got around to release a patched version of JENESIS! Can someone contact him and tell him about making a Final Final version of this wad? It's an excellent wad and definitely it should be fully finished! :D

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Unknown date

Good stuff. Great gameplay. 5/5 - Zalewa

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Unknown date

Good levels, but I just really didn't have fun playing this. Too many hitscanner traps for my taste. 3/5, but definitely recommended.

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Unknown date

I agree with the previous poster. Overall: solid maps, and absolutely worth a play (at least 1-8), but not legendary. So well done, and a deserved 4/5.

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Unknown date

killer. NO B.S. solid as hell, fun map pack.

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  • File Reviews

    • By PsychEyeball · Posted
      One of the earliest community projects to be compiled, Community Chest is a 32-map joint effort from many mappers in 2003. The rules: use only stock textures. The sky is the only limit. (Ok, or Boom's engine limits)   This WAD is a good time capsule to be reminded of what the Doom community was cooking in the time, but for many, including myself, it will not be a good Doom experience. These maps have not aged gracefully for the most part and favor long, sprawling and obtuse switch hunts where the goal is figuring out what exactly the author of the map wants you to do. With a few exceptions, the combat doesn't pop in a satisfying way and when it brings up the heat, it oftens does in an unfair manner.   The number one negative of this WAD is that maps are often way too long and outlast their welcome. It feels as if many mappers wanted to deliver their magnum opus and go for the giant, epic level with many different paths and things to do, but sadly, these levels do not know when to quit and they progressively get more and more aggravating. Use3D (Maps 12, 13), Kaiser (Maps 10, 15, 26) and Sphagne (Maps 21, 23, 27) are likely the prime offenders of this rule, the latter of which also loves to include extreme resource depravation to the mix to make the proceedings even longer than they need to be.    Unfortunately, not even the smaller maps can lift the WAD above mediocrity for a single reason: a lot of the smaller maps fail to leave any kind of impression to the player, as they are a little too by the numbers and forgettable. Most of Bad Bob's output feels interchangeable (Maps 4, 8, 9), I can't remember anything about Alex Parsons' levels apart from them being short (Maps 3, 11) and Gene Bird's maps, while mostly inoffensive, look outright primitive even for 2003 (Maps 7, 32, 19, 28). This would be forgiven if the levels had good action, but the encounter design mostly feel random and scattershot, killing any chance they will stick in your memory for a good reason.   Sometimes, the WAD decides to get a little more quirky and maps decide to do their own thing. This leads to either successful moments or disaster. Ultimate Doomer's map 1 might be the single worst way to start a megawad, leading you on a mostly pistol-only journey where one will be expected to pistol cacodemons and mancubi to death. In Map 20, the purpose of invading a demon base to plant a bomb and escape in 2 minutes is very tantalizing, but Ultimate Doomer's random use of voodoo dolls standing around the base partially ruin what could have been a great level. Metabolist offers the finest slice of action in the whole WAD, filling up a micro-map with no less than a demon army. (Map 14) The proceedings only take about 3 minutes, but the carnage leaves you refreshed. Archvile46 offers the most explosive map opening in the WAD (Map 25), but the infinitely tall monsters make this first fight utterly miserable to get your footing on, all while having minimal weaponry and ammo. Elsewhere, Thomas van der Velden goes for a more charming approach, with a laid back romp through a quaint and nicely decored police station (Map 2) and a cordial Icon of Sin fight with a cute gimmick (Map 30). Magikal (RIP) serves us Map 6, which is more of a "puzzle" map. However, the solution to most of the "puzzles" revolves around pushing everything until something happens, then find out what happened.   Speaking of Magikal, we now have to adress the elephant in the room: Map 29 - Citadel At The Edge of Eternity.   Many maps in CC1 try to be a magnum opus and fail miserably. However, this map is 100% deserving of the moniker; this is a painstakingly crafted level which is gargatuan, breathtaking, and also completely infuriating. No part of Citadel is obvious or easy; you're thrown in a world where most of Doom's rules don't apply. Anything can be a switch leading toward the next step and the encounters are brutal, especially on a pistol start. The citadel and the outer mountains are full of monsters who will constantly hound you no matter where you are outside. Revenants hide inside guard towers spread all over the citadel. Highlights of the map involve: a giant tunnel with stealthy chaingunner hideouts, a daring strafe-run sequence where you must run amok the entire side rempart, the agonizingly slow elevator puzzle room and the impressive, yet buggy 3D bridges that spiral upon themselves. The most impressive combat showcase happens once you use the red key: you're set upon the bottom of a massive fortress rempart filled with countless hitscanners while sideways cages of hell knights and revenants pelt you with projectiles. It's like fighting a major war all on your own and even if you had super weapons (which you won't have on a pistol start) they'd be useless against the fortifications the demons have set. Progress in this map is often glacial, with you having to give your all to gain every inch and it'll often come to a complete halt as you're stuck figuring out what the next step is. Like in Map 6, Magikal has many diabolical "puzzles" that will leave you scratch your head pondering how would anyone find this naturally. It took me almost 4 hours to beat this map on my first try on UV difficulty, with gratuitous saving and reloading. By the time I was done, I was tired, exhausted and filled with a certain form of impotent nerd rage as I was pondering what the hell I just played. I can't help but be amazed at what Magikal accomplished, as this map is definitely a one of a kind that no one has come close to match in terms of overall scope (Eviternity 2's MAP 36 might be the closest sibling this map has). On the other, I didn't enjoy playing most of this map and I can't imagine anyone will enjoy it either.   So in the end, many of CC's maps are unecessarily bloated, some are featureless and in this 32-map pack, I can say I liked about 6 maps in total. Many of these maps have a certain hustle that warrant respect, but respect doesn't always translate to fun gameplay. If you like your maps to be on the exploratory side, you will likely find something to like in this map pack as many maps fill this bill. But the action in this WAD is either turgid or way overclocked for the common Doom player. Approach at your own risk.
    • By video_ouija · Posted
      Simply put, masterpiece.
    • By Cruduxy Pegg · Posted
      This wad is different from any other mapset you'll play. some maps are very good with gimmicks and creativity you won't find in other mapsets.. other mapsets are  the most annoying puzzle hunts in gigantic maps you'll ever see as well. actually the bigger maps were usually easier to finish quickly than smaller ones, the small ones were usually padded to high heaven with stupid progression, keys and annoying as hell build the stairs switch hunts. If you want to play it I highly recommend just using a guide or cheat using doom builder as the dumbest puzzles in this wad are usually switches you don't even know exist (like an x on a random wall on a gigantic castle to continue).   I didn't play this mapset to the end either, the last third of this mapset is very annoying and I only enjoyed like 2 of those maps before quitting on that almightly annoying map26 which goes on and on and when you think you finally found the exit it takes you to a trip in time to what seems like a re-imagination of the most annoying map in Enigma (I don't hate Flynn's maps, actually I like his master levels and a lot of maps in engima).   Sadly I didn't get to experience the legendary reputations of map27 and 30 but I don't think I want to even try.   Note: This isn't the first time I played the first half of this mapset, previously it was in multiplayer and it was still very annoying to play and most players gave up in the last third of this as well.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It may not have that "id essence" the original DTWID has, but it has a level of abstractness that I really like. Kind of like a 1994 wad, but miles more polished. This is not "below amateurish". RIP phobosdeimos1.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      What a cute small level, a little relic from 30 years ago! This map is not perfect, i know, but it's a fun small map (except for the asshole-ish secret spider placement) with many new graphics and a silly jazz tune that i heard already but i don't remember the title. There's a Doom 2 version of this map? I remember the greetings graffiti at the end of this map used elsewhere, It was such a nice touch that i did the same thing in one of my early maps (We Are 183 iirc)