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Is this real?

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Guys, is this video real? Why can't I buy this game on Xbox Live Store?




But really though, kinda wholesome seeing some kid try the whole Internet Analogue stuff with Doom, even if it ends up just being nothing and a crash screen.


It's not perfect, but I'm rooting for it. Keep going strong, be creative with what you love, even if it ends up being meh.

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~2:30 wasted lifetime. As I sit here, my finger is hovering. POST or DELETE?
Doesn't matter - time is wasted anyway.

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I tried this easter egg at my cousins house once and the game kept crashing and every time we had to unplug it from the wall and we found out that before the start room u have to turn counterclockwise in 3 times (i cant tell u where in the level else ill get banned foreverially) then i went to press the generator switch and my cousin was hiding behind me and we were so scared then this ultra realistic dead freddy fazbear appeared on the screen with the loudest scream i ever heard and said "nothin personnel kid..." in the evil jon romero voice and then a skeleton popped out of the monitor and all the power went out in the house and my aunt and uncle ran into the room and said what the hell is going on in here? then they saw the skeleton and literally died of shock but when they got better we were grounded for like 6 years they were so mad

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Ah, so that's how you open that door you start in front of? I always thought it was just one of those dreams I had where I would imagine parts of doom levels that didn't exist... :p

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Tried this out, nothing happened, game didn't crash.


I mean I had a feeling the thing was fake anyway. Besides, if E1M1 did have some convoluted easter egg, we'd know because the source code would tell us.

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I am sure I have seen something dumber than this, but nothing comes to mind immediately.


No one with even a passing familiarity with how Doom works would be fooled by this for a microsecond. Plus, there's no possible way such a thing would have gone missed after 30 years of every single bit of Doom's code and data being scrutinized by countless people.

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ohh yeah if you do this you get a link to an old geocities website where you can order a sexy advent calendar of the id dev team. the website is defunct but you can find a link to an ebay of it if you got to e1m8 and do the konami code, shoot exactly 6.34 bullets, jump twice, crouch and spin around. My brother showed me this when i was 3

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yes this is real

if you get lucky and the game does not crash john romero will appear and force you to buy the sigil beast box






(Sarcasm moment)

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10 hours ago, Aaron Blain said:

I was firmly a MK kid, but I happened to have this issue of EGM and I remember staring in awe at this page:



I still impressed that this was not made canon once, but TWICE!

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Yes, this is real, I tried out the full list of steps to get the easter egg (Can't say them otherwise the Doomworld illuminati will JFK me), and after I did every step right at 2 AM, I went to the bathroom to take a shit, and a hyper-realistic John Carmack appeared out of my haunted mirror.


He just went to my kitchen and made a sandwich before crawling back through the haunted mirror, which then melted into a puddle of UN-realistic blood. But it did help me with my constipation by making me shit myself, so thanks post-singularity human ancestral simulation colloquially known as "John Carmack".

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2 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

Nooo, the HDoom code, noo, don't try this at home kids

The game checks users age throught the browser historial, if below 18 the game crashes, if not it loads HDoom.

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Half a second looking at any of the other videos reveals this to be some kind of "Analogue Horror".

Or trying to be at least.


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10 hours ago, Mystic 256 said:

Is this how you get mew from under the truck in doom?


What?? No, this is how you unlock Luigi in E1M10. Check the Doomwiki before you make comments like these!

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I should never have attempted this. I got the same crash, but the next time I started up the game, I'd somehow lost the option to reason with the demons. Now I'm stuck with a version of the game where they... they DIE! With blood and everything! :'(

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I tried it and nothing happened, but then I went to the next level and it got corrupted. The textures all had arrows on them, the barrels exploded infinitely, and my weapons got all messed up too.



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I'm honestly curious if this is even possible to replicate in vanilla

Sure we got shootable switches but I don't know how you could make hitting all of them able to activate just 1 sector (maybe tag them to individual smaller door sectors and put them inside a bigger secret door to give it a janked out lock effect)
maybe you could even dehack the Mancubus or Aracnotrons into decorations, give them 1 health, make their death sprites identical to the living sprite, and slap them on them MAP07 slot to take advantage of the tag 666 action to replicate this

Be fun to see this referenced in an actual map sometime

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