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Things about Doom you just found out

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It looks like Romero named episode 5 as "Sigil of Baphomet" instead of just "Sigil" on his early 2018's streams of Sigil.


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I always assumed that the tunnel at the end of the lift secret in E1M1 had a door open when you crossed a linedef, but it turns out that it's actually the first instance of a fake-wall secret in Doom history.



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7 hours ago, spineapple tea said:

I always assumed that the tunnel at the end of the lift secret in E1M1 had a door open when you crossed a linedef, but it turns out that it's actually the first instance of a fake-wall secret in Doom history.



I learned this because some source ports don't show a wall at all, they just show an open alcove. And on other source ports (or perhaps the official release), the wall texture is very different from the others. What took me longer to figure out was how to access the secret. For years I would just no clip up there, I didn't understand how to run in Doom for a long time so I didn't realize you had to quickly reach the elevator.

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Weeell.. Just found out that 1996 "The Troopers' Playground" (recent addon on the Unity port) has a missing texture bug as well as a pit, with 4 imps, from where you can't get out if you fall into it. Map 05.


To replicate the bug, you must slowly approach the edge of the staircase, at the top of it.
Shouldn't go beyond it though: just enough for the imps to appear, before activating their elevator.




DOOM II (Classic) 10_12_2023 21_51_01.png

DOOM II (Classic) 10_12_2023 21_50_41.png

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On 12/10/2023 at 5:08 PM, spineapple tea said:

I always assumed that the tunnel at the end of the lift secret in E1M1 had a door open when you crossed a linedef, but it turns out that it's actually the first instance of a fake-wall secret in Doom history.



This secret was added in version 1.2 of the game. From the top of my head there is a similar wall hiding the secret exit in e2m5, and that one was present in 1.0 if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember all the fake walls in the original trilogy, there might be more of them. The oldest map would be the first occurrence. Most likely people hex-edited grates into fake walls with the 1.0 data to figure out how the game worked.E2M5_to_secret_exit.png

Edited by zokum

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On 12/11/2023 at 8:20 PM, zokum said:

This secret was added in version 1.2 of the game. From the top of my head there is a similar wall hiding the secret exit in e2m5, and that one was present in 1.0 if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember all the fake walls in the original trilogy, there might be more of them. The oldest map would be the first occurrence. Most likely people hex-edited grates into fake walls with the 1.0 data to figure out how the game worked.

The only other levels to have fake walls are E3M1 and E3M9, IIRC. Those aren't secrets, but conceal the way to get out of the blood pool. You could say the oldest level to have fake walls (although I'm not sure they're intentional) is E2M5 in the Press Beta, AKA Unholy Cathedral. The exit teleporter is mistakenly covered in middle textures, so you can't actually see it.


But yeah, chronologically, the first fake wall you encountered within the game on release is that one in Command Center.

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Some things about Ultimate Doom.


Printed manual actually had it that berserker pack lasts until the end of the level and redness effect is just temporary. I mean, all this time!


Despite the game being called Ultimate Doom, installer actually still suggests putting it into \DOOM_SE 




Ultimate Doom 95 has a chic installer with Spider Mastermind jamming to a MIDI tune, but the way it's implemented makes me think about @Revenant100 immediately.



Online manual for Ultimate Doom 95 is a very Doom 1 manual, except that section on the automap has a picture of Entryway.


If you have Ultimate Doom 95 _and_ DOS versions of Doom II or Final Doom, you can still play all of them with the Windows version and the startup shell will even show the accurate level names! 

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The plasma gun uses parts of the warped water textures for the shine. This was relatively easy to pull off in Deluxe Paint, because brushes could be images.


Also, you can clearly see the seam in the middle from the plastic moulds - mostly in the bottom of the sprite.



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In the very first Doom shareware release, noclip outside of the room with the green armor. There is a medkit mistakenly placed outside.


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I realized today that with Sigil 2 released, there are now more "new" Romero levels (21) than Romero levels in the original doom games (15, or 16 if you count E1M4).

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Another inconsistency between Boom's regular/extended (calling EV_DoPlat) and generalised (calling EV_DoGenLift) line actions, this time regarding repeatable switches that start and stop perpetual platforms.

Pressing the regular/extended version, a type 181 SR Start Moving Floor action (perpetualRaise), on a previously-activated perpetual platform, or one that is in stasis, the button will still respond (changing texture and making a sound) every time the player presses on it.

But the generalised variants, for example type 14147, the button will remain inert and silent, in either case where the platform was still moving, or if it was in stasis, having been previously suspended by a Stop Moving Floor action.

(I think in the latter case at least, one would expect a response from the button, as it has actually done something, namely reactivated the moving platform, even if perhaps not in the other, when no change has taken place, because the action was already in progress. But that is just my opinion.)




Edit: also type 182 SR Stop Moving Floor always evokes a response from a button, even if the tagged sectors were not moving, while type 188 SR Stop Crusher leaves the button silent unless the tagged sector was already an active ceiling.

Edited by RjY

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That O for Destruction demo reel in German version of Doom 2 IWAD is actually different from the international one. The German Marine lasts much longer against the forces of evil, where as the standard version has him fold quite quickly.

EDIT: Ahhh, my bad - was comparing 1.6 to 1.9 here... :(


EDIT-EDIT: Comparing with contemporary IWAD however, can see that in MAP29 multiplayer starts has been added for players 2-4 in the German version and in MAP25 the following line special. Which versions would these fixes be normally attributed to?

Edited by ludicrous_peridot : specials

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If you press on the sides of some random door in MAP06: The Crusher, it crushes crashes the game (well not in the latest Unity release). This is pretty funny.


The Crusher also has megasphere and megaarmor in the same secret, which is very redundant.


Radsuits don't count as items in the intermission screen.


Not long ago I learned that The Gantlet used to have hell theme and textures (it looks much better that way, imo). Also, while the map progression order used to be very different at one point, I'm still surprised that The Catacombs was originally meant to be MAP02 and be a very easy map. It was also called The Focus, which makes sense, meanwhile MAP04: The Focus was made very late into development and got its name.

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Some of the monster names in the files surprised me: cyberdemon is called CYBORG, spectre is called SHADOWS, arachnotron is called BABY, and revenant is called UNDEAD. I knew about others. Also, pain elemental is just called PAIN. Yeah, these things are PAIN.

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On 12/21/2023 at 7:28 PM, Li'l devil said:

If you press on the sides of some random door in MAP06: The Crusher, it crushes crashes the game (well not in the latest Unity release). This is pretty funny.

ah yes, my favorite red door track with the door action on a 1 sided line..... arguably the funniest part is that in the vanilla executable on dosbox it just freezes and throws a bunch of illegal memory access but then continues just fine after a moment, however if you do it on that in-game computer version in doom eternal, it instantly crashes the whole entire game to desktop lol this is the only time i will acknowledge de

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This whole time I thoughr Revenants had a 50/50 chance of shooting homing versus straight missiles, but then I found out they have a 50/50 chance of either shooting 75/25 homing to straight or 75/25 straight to homing..


This only makes me hate/love them more.

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 The song from E2M4 (They're Going to Get You) is actually a remix of this song from Duke Nukem 2.


Edited by uhbooh

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The weapon bobbing range increases with speed. At least, in GZDoom.

I'm actually glad that this mechanic was preserved in release versions of Doom.

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On 12/27/2023 at 3:18 AM, uhbooh said:

The song from E2M4 (They're Going to Get You) is actually a remix of this song from Duke Nukem 2.

I can't hear the connection, but that song be tight as hell.  All hail Bobby Prince. 

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It seems that the damage the BFG tracers deal is way off from what the developers intended (similarly to SSG, but even more so). A tracer deals between 49 and 87 damage, but if you look at the code (or decino's video where he shows the code), then what it's meant to do is generate a value between 1 and 8, do so 15 times, then sum all 15 values. If the RNG were perfect, this would mean the minimum damage of a tracer would've been 15 (all 15 values are 1), and the maximum would've been 120 (all 15 values are 8). So, the tracer damage should be 15-120, which is way different from 49-87. Now, I would assume source ports fix this, but if they did, this would mean the maximum damage the BFG would do (and meant to do) is 800 + (40 * 120) = 5600, which is wow, and I don't think BFG can do so much damage even in GZDoom.

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On 12/21/2023 at 1:28 PM, Li'l devil said:

The Crusher also has megasphere and megaarmor in the same secret, which is very redundant.

Yeah, I never understood that one.

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2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Yeah, I never understood that one.

It’s because the megasphere was a relatively late addition to the game, and they just replaced a bunch of soulspheres with them on maps that were originally balanced around soulspheres. The Crusher is where that’s most evident (does anyone really need two megaspheres and a blue armor to beat that level?)

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I'm remaking entryway with MCtex and just found out this guy who's there on easy and medium only.



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Am I the only one who thinks that the music from E1M5 called "Suspense"  is heavily inspired by the song "Friends" from Totall Recall OST? I recently rewatched this movie during the Christmas break and I was struck by the similarity. According to the wiki, the inspiration for E1M5 song should be  Siouxsie and the Banshees "Placebo Effect", but I clearly hear more similarities in the Total Recall OST.

Check out from stamp 0:51:37:


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Not Doom-related, but community-related, but I just learned that the user Revenant100 who posts neat facts here sometimes is the same person as MarphitimusBlackimus on YT, where he posts neat HL1 facts videos.


I had a similar revelation here back in 2016 when I was amazed to learn that mouldy is cyriak, because I've been watching cyriak for years up to that point and had no idea he made award-winning wads.


The world is small, heh.

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16 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

I can't hear the connection, but that song be tight as hell.  All hail Bobby Prince. 

off topic, but you should out the rest of duke nukem 2's soundtrack - it's by far some of bobby prince's best work. this one in particular is one of my favs



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