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No, not Jim Flynn! :(


Such sad news that he has recently passed away. I truly admired his levels, and as puzzly and enigmatic as they were, his penchant for surreal design aspects made them fun and addicting to play through. Eternal Doom and The Master Levels are prime examples of that, and his levels are among the very best they have to offer, and there's his Titan series, The Enigma Episode, and Oracle which he made jointly with Scott Harper. I feel like playing through his maps now. My condolences to everyone who was close to him.


RIP Jim Flynn, and thank you for everything you have contributed to bring Doom to where it is today...

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Very sad to hear this :(


RIP Jim - Thank you for contributing so much to a past-time we all value so greatly.

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I may be a little late to this topic, but I just found out that Jim had passed away and I wanted to pay my respects here. It's actually a strange coincidence that this was announced on the day I began a playthrough of the Master Levels, and I've mentioned his name quite a bit during the last week or so without even knowing this had happened. I believe his Titan maps were among the best of the Master Levels, and I'll certainly be playing Eternal Doom in the future with him in mind.


RIP Jim Flynn, another legend of early Doom mapping sadly lost.

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There's nobody who could blend a sense of realism and surrealism into a map quite like Jim Flynn. His Titan and Oracle works have remained some of my chief inspirations for level design. My condolences to his family. He will be missed.

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Hey, i personally think this project's idea could be fitting for a Jim Flynn tribute, but a "Fall of Titan" project with specific Jim Flynn related guidelines sounds cool too. What are your thoughts?

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Never met him, but I always remembered his name due to TeamTNT and Master Levels. Also his last name reminds me of Flynn Taggart, Doom Novels' protagonist. And today, I realized he passed away. How fool I am. 


Rest in peace, Jim Flynn. We will remember you forever.

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On 3/31/2018 at 10:12 PM, Catpho said:

Hey, i personally think this project's idea could be fitting for a Jim Flynn tribute, but a "Fall of Titan" project with specific Jim Flynn related guidelines sounds cool too. What are your thoughts?

In my opinion, @yakfak's Zekhmet project shouldn't be used as a Jim Flynn Tribute. I think it's it own thing with different motivations.


I think a "XXX of Titan" project would be a more fitting tribute megawad. Not only would it be in keeping with his "Titan" series, there could be ground rules such as:

Only boom format

Only generalized actions (unless a generalized action doesn't exist, such as exits and teleports)

Only custom textures/monsters/weapons used in a Jim Flynn map may be used


Some possible titles (in no particular order):


Fall of Titan

Remembrance of Titan

Memories of Titan

Enigma of Titan (since he had the Enigma Episode in addition to the Titan Series)

Edited by Pegleg : Added possible titles.

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Sad to hear about a doomer passing away. He did a lot for the community, those were some major contributions. A doom community tribute would be fitting!

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Old topic but I have a good reason for bringing it up again. I started a run through of all the Doom series. I'm into the Master Levels and am finishing up Trapped on Titan. This level raised my heart rate and is my favorite. It's the first time I really wanted to learn about who made a map. I'm very sad to hear he's no longer with us. 

This level shows the work of a brilliant yet sadistic man. It's probably the most fun I've had playing Doom and I'd like to learn more about where I can find his other levels?

May he be creating more maps in heaven to drive everyone else mad. 

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59 minutes ago, trappedtitan said:

I'd like to learn more about where I can find his other levels?

[PSA mode] Doom Wiki (.org, not wikia) is usually the place for finding a mapper's work. Here's Jim Flynn's page for all of his releases. [/end of PSA]


Do note that of his 1994 levels, only The Interdiction Zone (which is a must play for Flynn fans imo) and Surrounded! (Not a must play, but cute) are unique, the rest reappear in his excellent 1995 episode The Enigma Episode.

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1 minute ago, Catpho said:

[PSA mode] Doom Wiki (.org, not wikia) is usually the place for finding a mapper's work. Here's Jim Flynn's page for all of his releases. [/end of PSA]


Do note that of his 1994 levels, only The Interdiction Zone (which is a must play for Flynn fans imo) and Surrounded! (Not a must play, but cute) are unique, the rest reappear in his excellent 1995 episode The Enigma Episode.

Don't forget the other Titan maps and his contributions to Eternal Doom. :)

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