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So where does your username come from?

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AgentSpork said:

It's some absurdly stupid name I thuoght up several years ago, back when I was a retard or something. I regret still having this name, but really, there is no point in changing it. It has no real story behind it besides the fact that I was bored one day and the name kind of popped into my head. Now everyone in the Doom community knows me by this name. :(

Just one question. Is Agent Knifoon your eternal arch-enemy? =^P

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when i first started playing MMO games (i wouldnt recommend it lol) i wanted a name that was really original, something that started with an X, and the rest just came to me

i cant say anyone else on the net uses my name, if you were to google it, you would find forum posts by me at other websites lol

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Janderson said:

Is SpelCzec yours, lolololol

No. KwadDamyjwasinthewrongplace is his enemy.

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guess. Although I've long been over my One-letter capitalized, one letter lower case phase...but on various parts of the internet I still go crazy with the shift key, it's kind of a schtick of mine.

I've also gone by:


I also noticed through a google search that there is another doomer4life somewhere out there, he's posted at the Last Man Standing forums, Null Parameter, and the Zdaemon boards...and I have not. Most intriguing....well, not really.

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I was browsing the Zandronum forums and saw this topic there and thought it would be interesting to see the stories and (possible) funny stuff behind usernames here.

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Nothing. Just thought of it on the spot. No it does not have anything to do with a girl, so fuck off with that theory (to those zan fags)

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Mine's a nickname I picked up from some friends from a certain South American country, not that interesting at all...

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meg·a·lith [meg-uh-lith]
A stone of great size, especially in ancient construction work, as the Cyclopean masonry, or in prehistoric Neolithic remains, as dolmens or menhirs.

I went through a few screen names in times of yore, but they all had one thing in common: they all began with the letter M and contained 8 letters. When I wanted a new, more original name, I used the most unoriginal method possible and consulted the dictionary. I happened across the word "megalith" and I thought to myself "that's the best thing ever because I'm a teenage nerd" and I began using the name immediately.

Then, one fateful night a few weeks later, as I was signing in to IRC to partake in whatever passed for discussion at that time, I made a startling, wonderful mistake that changed the face of internetdom for all time: I pressed Y instead of I, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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Mine actually has quite a bit of personal meaning behind it. My old handle on here was "partition36", which is my band's name, while I used "djharuko" elsewhere. When I came out as transgender I figured I should change my handle into something with some meaning behind it, so I looked at gender-neutral Japanese names. "Yuki" stood out since it means "snow", and I happen to love both snow and cold weather. Then since I love computers, I added "bit" at the end of it, but with the I changed to a 1 to symbolize my appreciation for hacker subculture. Thus, yukib1t (or sometimes, yuki_b1t)

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Mine's obvious: My name's Xane, plus I added 123 just to do what people do when their username's taken: adding pointlessly random numbers to it!

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Roamer, wanderer, nomad, vagabond, call me what you will.

But actually I got it from this:

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When I joined DW I couldn't be bothered to download any source ports so I declared myself a vanilla purist instead.

Shortsightedness, in other words. I wish I just used my name now.

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It's not a great story. Take the magic; the gathering card wall of blood. Think; armored, like the cells of blood are protected, hardened to attack (I'm a bio major, we think of things like this). Oh wait armoured looks more flavorful. And there you have it.

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I chose printz so as not to stand out. I love how it looks like prince or prints, and that z just looks crazy.

purist said:

Shortsightedness, in other words. I wish I just used my name now.

Ask an administrator if you really want it changed :)

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Before I got it changed I based my username on the rumored code name of The Elder Scrolls 5 before it existed which was "Doomsfall" because I couldn't think of a good username at the time and loved to play Oblivion, after my disappointment of TES5 when it did come out I didn't want the username anymore and got it changed to what it is now which is the name of The Dark One in Quest for Glory IV.

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printz said:

Ask an administrator if you really want it changed :)

I've considered it. Particulary around the times Johnny Rancid became 40oz and Doomhero85 became General Rainbow Bacon... But it's a bit late now. It's too confusing to have multiple aliases especially if you map.

I don't hate the name, it's just unrepresentative.

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