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Memorable Mapnames

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A lot of doom 2 map names are really memorable:
The chasm, Icon of sin, Dead simple

As for the original doom, my favorites are phobos anomaly and Mt. erebus


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The Warrens - not sure why, but I always remember this map name, although I always forget the actual map
Phobos Anomaly - these words sound beautiful together to me

The Inmost Dens - cool sounding name. Also the use of 'inmost' rather than 'innermost' is interesting

Go2it - was always my favourite map as a kid and also my bugbear. Worked hard to beat it without saves, probably the reason I love slaughter wads
Swim with the Whales - the action it describes is pretty mundane, but when the words hang there on their own as a title they have an odd sort of ethereal quality to them that I really like

Eden -simple, evocative title on its own, but always reminds me of East of Eden, the James Dean film (not the book)



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Community names:


Memento Mori

Jade Earth



From the originals:

The Inmost Dens

Thy Flesh Consumed


Least favorite, anywhere:

Monster Condo

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I know it's been mentioned before, but Burnt Offerings always stood out to me as fascinating.  I was *slightly* disappointed by the actual map but by no means do I hate it; quite the opposite.  Just what I had in mind did not match (somewhat).  But to answer main question:


Awash in Blood (pwad)

Vivisection (No Rest for the Living)

Crucifix Held Close (cc4)

Human Barbecue (Evilution)

Deepest Reaches (Evilution)

Redemption Denied (PSX)

Of Ashes and Wormwood (gothicdm)

Necrose Evangelicum (gothicdm)

Human Processing (SlayeR)


I'm sure there is more but that's just off the top of my head.

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My favorites:


The Inmost Con'dens'ed (C1024: Map15)

Enough Space? (C1024 2: Map05)

??? (C1024 2: Map30)

Cow Face (KSutra: Map25)

Kill Bill (KSutra: Map26)

1010011010 (SOD: Map31)

Mixed Nuts (SF2011: Map30)

Bananabread (SF2011: Map32)

Decimal Error (SF2012: Map27)

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You'll hate me for saying this, but the only map name that is coming to mind right now is the Sean Connery one. I never really look at map names. I've played Doom 2 countless times yet I can't recite more than 5 map names.

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Threshold of Pain from PSX Doom is definitely my number 1, bonus is that the map is really great as well


Some others:

Mt Erebus

Dark Citadel

Altar of Pain

Twilight Descends

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Shipping / Respawning - most random mapname in the Iwads

The final frontier 

Rainbow Bridge - no obvious rainbow or bridge in this level, but still feels like a legit name for this gigantic colourful castle

Rattamahatta - sounds really cool and memorable + one of those levels that does nonlinearity really well

Nectar of the Gods


+ those cool alliterations in Alien Vendetta: Rusty Rage, Toxic Touch, Overwhelming Odds, Killer Colours, Dark Dome ... 

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1 hour ago, Polri said:

Rattamahatta - sounds really cool and memorable + one of those levels that does nonlinearity really well


The name itself is the name of a neat song by Sepultura, but where can you find the map?

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4 hours ago, silentzorah said:

Speedtraps for the Bee Kingdom - BTSX E2

It's funny, because the level is full of spiders.

I love how all the BTSX level names actually somehow make sense, but you have to figure out how.

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50shades has some great ones, like "Count Trakula's Castle", "Astral Nausea", or "The Serpentine Lemniscate".


"Slime Trails" from No End In Sight is also a clever name. From the same, "Quarantine Silos" and "Contagion Engine" were nice, too.


"Captain Bellows" from Hell to Pay sticks with me for some reason. Nice boss map name, you just know you'll have to fight a cyberdemon in a spaceship when you see it.


"Death's Door" from Hellcore. Like Threshold of Pain, it's a play on a metaphor and it works well for a Doom map.


"The Hard Way" from BTSXe1. Another very meaningful name. Though most of the BTSX titles are good, really.


"Nuclear Sky", "Termination", "Terror Cube", and "Sector" from ZPack.

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7 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

I love how all the BTSX level names actually somehow make sense, but you have to figure out how.

I agree with your statement but I can't figure how to make sense of that particular map name. The only thing that make sense to me is that because of how large the map is, it can be referred to as "Kingdom" but other than that I'm clueless. 


It's a great map though, one of my favorites no doubt.

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Spider demons made traps to catch the bee angels. There, explained. "But," you'll tell me, "there's no bee angel in Doom!", to which I'll reply, it's because spider demons killed them all already.

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On 1/22/2018 at 0:14 PM, geo said:

You'll hate me for saying this, but the only map name that is coming to mind right now is the Sean Connery one. I never really look at map names. I've played Doom 2 countless times yet I can't recite more than 5 map names.

Woah,how do you do that tbh :P


Edited by Catpho

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30 minutes ago, Catpho said:

Woah,how do you that tbh :P


The older I get... the more I think I'm the male version of a bimbo. Like just oblivious to the obvious with no sense of seriousness or depth.

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Sunlust's "God Machine" is an example of cool synergy between the map and its name. On its own the map wouldn't likely inspire any deeper thinking.


But when the blasphemous name is bestowed upon these labyrinthine, LED-studded tunnels and unfathomable, towering techno-pillars--it makes one ponder. What is this machine? Who built it, and why? What does it do? If I ripped the metal casings off the giant columns, or plumbed the depths of dark slime, what kind of components would I find in the machine's guts? What does its name mean? What kind of cataclysm am I averting by eliminating its demonic operators?

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On 1/16/2018 at 4:39 PM, Redwind said:

Speaking of unusual titles, I remember I once stumbled upon a map in one of the wads, titled 'Crucified Factory'; not joking.


I think that's from 1Monster.wad but I may be wrong.


The map names I mostly remember:

  • Inmost Dens (Doom2 Map14)
  • Even Simpler (Doom64 Map07)
  • Last Call (TNT Map30)
  • Dis (Doom E3M8)
  • Underhalls (Doom2 Map02)
  • You've Gotta Be Kidding (Empyrion Map32)
  • Go 2 It (Plutonia Map32)
  • The Finest Joke Is Upon Us (50 Monsters Map29)
  • Mad Space (ProDoomer)
  • The Chasm (Doom2)
  • Mt.Pain (TNT)
  • Nirvana (Doom2)
  • The Gundam Factory (Doom Hack Map17)
  • Blue Rings 255 Rupees (Doom Hack Map02)
  • Dead Simple (Doom2 Map07)
  • The entirety of Hell Invasion

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Some highlights for me:





Spawning Vats

Tower of Babel

Fortress of Mystery

Sever The Wicked

Against Thee Wickedly

Unto The Cruel



The Gantlet

The Focus

Dead Simple

Circle of Death

The Inmost Dens

Industrial Zone



The Citadel



The Catacombs

The Chasm

Monster Condo

The Spirit World

The Living End

Icon of Sin

System Control

Human BBQ






Storage Facility


Steel Works

Dead Zone

Deepest Reaches



Administration Center

Mount Pain



Last Call




Well of Souls


Ghost Town





The Twilight


The Death Domain

Impossible Mission

The Final Frontier

The Temple of Darkness



The Sewers

Odyssey of Noises


Master Levels:



The Catwalk

Titan Manor




Trapped on Titan

Virgil's Lead

Bloodsea Keep

Mephisto's Mausoleum


Black Tower (lovely concept)

The Express Elevator To Hell

Bad Dream


Tried making a list for fan stuff, but nah...way too long.

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On 1/14/2018 at 0:30 PM, EmotionalFelineinaMadstate said:

Circle of dea- er, I mean 'O of destruction'.

That one was memorable for me because I could never figure out why the name was like that.

Minecraft flavor text says "Map 11 has two names", so either one is acceptable, lol.

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The Shores of Hell, Tower of Babel

Doom 2, Dead Simple, Tricks and Traps, Nirvana, Bloodfalls, The Spirit World, Wolfenstein

The Master Levels, Mephisto's Maosoleum, The Express Elevator to Hell, Paradox,

Doom 64- Even Simpler, The Absolution

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Computer Station, Hanger, Deimos Anomaly, Phobos Anomaly, House of Pain, Pandemonium (Doom)

Suburs, Wolfenstein 3D, Grosse, Icon Of Sin (Doom 2)

Human BBQ, Shipping/Respawning, Open Season, Administration Center, Habitat, Pharaon (TNT 2)


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I'll gloss over the IWADs, as they've been thoroughly covered here and say that Yakworld may be the most memorable map name I've ever heard. I first saw it in 1994 and have never forgotten it. It probably helps that it's written out in giant letters at the start of the map. Sure, I'll remember other maps and some for just as long, but Yakworld. It's just so bizarre, like Castle of the Eternal Carrot in the Sky, or The Sky May Be, but so simple.

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"Nina Dobrev" (ESP map 23)


A perfect name for a map where your main goal is to rescue Nina Dobrev from monsters.


Peter Perv's private place (ESP map 29)

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Just now, Roofi said:

"Nina Dobrev" (ESP map 23)


A perfect name for a map where your main goal is to rescue Nina Dobrev from monsters.

The woman from that one vampire show?

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