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baja blast rd.

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Status Updates posted by baja blast rd.

  1. Back in the olden days they used sound tubes!


    But we enlightened modern mappers know better...



    1. Scypek2


      You could spawn in unalerted monsters this way! As long as the target sector didn't have sound made in it before, at least.

  2. These are really satisfying. 



  3. On Discord, we got to talking about the longest distance over which an archvile will initiate an attack unprovoked, and I got really curious about exactly what it was. (Someone mentioned a speedrun that relied on an AV jump and how it'd be really useful to know the exact distance.)


    "About 1024 map units" is the commonly understood distance that I've seen referred to the most. 


    Like, it's what mappers have historically used when making cursed challenge encounters that spam ridiculous numbers of perched viles and place corpses as a cue so you can stay out of vile attack range to escape a horrific death. (When I say mappers I mean  Dubbz.) 


    Some references give the value 896 -- the Wiki as I'm typing right now, but possibly will be fixed later; and a highly watched Doomtube video --  but outside of any ports that alter the behavior, that number is wrong and based on a misreading of the source code.


    Focusing on these lines in the source code would suggest 896:

     if (actor->type == MT_VILE)
        if (dist > 14*64)    
            return false;    // too far away

    But that glosses over these lines that come before it.

        dist = P_AproxDistance ( actor->x-actor->target->x,
                     actor->y-actor->target->y) - 64*FRACUNIT;
        if (!actor->info->meleestate)
        dist -= 128*FRACUNIT;    // no melee attack, so fire more
        dist >>= 16;

    Which basically mean the check (if (dist > 896)) only happens after we subtract 64 and then 128 from the distance -- which would mean its true range is 1088 (896+64+128 = 1088). Thanks Rayziik for spotting the 64 too.


    It's worth testing stuff like this because taking the code at face value can hide a misreading. It's pretty easy to empirically check that 896 is way off and "about 1024" is correct (but not precise). But verifying the exact range was harder.


    In a test wad where I placed the player start some distance from a carefully monster blocked vile, I can get the vile to attack 1088 units away. This is easy on -skill 5 since the vile will go into its attack with no delay, but on UV the archvile moves around a bunch and will spend most of its time slightly further than 1088 units away from the player and not able to attack. You might want to use DSDA-Doom with the game sped up. I got up and got something to drink instead and eventually heard myself being attacked, showing that was in range. With the player start 1089 units away instead, even the NM vile just jiggles around forever, so that's out of range. 


    Also, it's not quite as simple as there being a consistent maximum range.


    The P_AproxDistance function basically maps to something shaped like this:




    The range is at its highest at direct cardinal directions (1088) and falls off to about ~1024 at 45-degree offsets from that.


    But yeah, it seems like the theoretical maximum unprovoked range is 1088. The way it works out in practice, it has a steep dropoff in its likelihood of attacking you that far away outside of NM (and still kind of a dropoff on -fast), since it can't be perfectly monster-blocked without being stuck, and it'll be too busy backing slightly out of range pulling off its sick dance moves.

  4. Looking for a tiling (both horizontal and vertical) "white fluffy clouds in a blue sky" type of sky. 

    1. Arrowhead


      I happen to like this one from Mechadon's Box 'O Skies v3:




      Might not work for you, but thought I'd mention it.  :)

    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      thanks that's perfect

    3. OliveTree


      wow that sky is like perfect for this prompt

  5. Your HUD is amazing lol

    1. Biodegradable


      From the playthrough video of AD's new map? It's from Atmospheric Extinction.

    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      I meant the status face part specifically, and how it's actually really expressive heh

    3. Biodegradable


      Oh I see heh well you can thank @Dragonfly for that. He made it for me by accident!


    1. Classic SSG Enjoyer

      Classic SSG Enjoyer

      I love chaingunners! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. 8vSeX5i.png


    From Tetanus m05. (This is spoilery since this is still in the RC stage.) BK on a pillar, BK doors, diving suits, all in one compact view at a central juncture of the map. Prior to this, you will have probably encountered an extensive passage of damaging -- well, it's not damaging floor, you'll see. So in one moment, when you see this, everything crystalizes into a directive about how you're supposed to play the rest of the map (which is quite an accomplishment because there's still quite a bit of map to be played from this point). Thought this was a really good bit of conveyance, telling you what might otherwise take a sentence or two of ZDoom console text through just visual staging and proximity.   

    1. Nefelibeta


      And of course I missed the hint in my first playthrough and thought you will have to tank the damage until somebody told me I was missing things...... yay

    2. Catpho


      Yeah, the second RC's addition of Uber's custom sprites was a big plus. In RC1, all I saw were vanilla rad suits. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the pain sectors were used to simulate drowning, but the association isn't as immediate when I saw the cache of rad suits compared to diving suits.

  8. Cacove


    Boom-format speedmap



    500+ monsters, beatable in under five minutes



    1. SleepyVelvet


      tuff map.  I died a bit.  fda:  noisy_cacove.zip

    2. SleepyVelvet


      I beat it on HNTR, yay! (fyi for others: there are difficulty settings) noisy_cacove_hntr.zip

    3. Nefelibeta


      I can't be the only person that thinks this map is pretty cyriak right?



      status update wads need to be a norm


  9. Alright gather round folks for mapping class. When you are having trouble getting started on a map, think of something you know your map will contain and then create it. 




    I'll quote Ernest Hemingway who once said, of writing, "All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know."


    It is sometimes useful to try to apply quotes from one context to another, so let's give it a try here. 


    "All you have to do is make one true zombieman spam teleport battery. Create the truest zombieman spam teleport battery that you know." 


    Profound af. 


    Thanks for reading.

    1. Zylinderkatze
    2. Nefelibeta


      "All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know."


      Basically why I think every map needs to at least have one stand-out moment, whether small or not as long as it fits into the rest of the map. Doesn't need to be some crazily grand set-piece or hardest fight ever but it needs pay off what your map's been building up to.

  10. 2gxiPoV.gif


    (From "Beezleboat" by Muumi, map12 of Boaty McBoatwad.)


    It's alive and it's aboat.

    1. BluePineapple72


      Love me some Muumi maps

  11. gNFDMeu.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      how does it spit out lost souls..? :P

    3. printz


      The pain elemental can just rise in the air...

    4. Phobus


      If only the arms could reach the handlebars, eh?

  12. Since this is rounding out closer to completion, I'll announce here that I'm maintaining a summary of wads that came out this year (or close enough), so that lots of stuff can be found and downloaded in one convenient place. 


    I've been focusing more on tracking down obscure smaller releases lately. If you want to help contribute, though, five wads (or series) need suitable screenshots in 4:3. 


    Those are the DBP series (gonna be 15 total shots, so 1 for each wad out so far and pick 1-2 more), HFFM - Cut (5 total), The Unmaking (6 total, if you have Doom 64 EX), Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl Reloaded (5 total), and Blade of Agony (6 total). 


    (Screenshots for the PUSS series are on the way from the project organizer, so don't worry about those.) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      taking your time isn't a problem. I'm mostly glad they'll be accounted for whenever. (because yeah, the series are the hardest ones to screenshot for :D)

    3. Horus


      rd, were my screenshots for Abstergo okay?

    4. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      @Horus I hadn't looked yet (as I mentioned in the description I'll have to be slower with single maps) but now that you ask, yeah it's not 4:3 either. I can easily retake those though if I add it 

  13. okay I've done my weekly practice



    now gonna go back to 


    - using saves regularly 
    - dropping down below UV when I don't feel in the mood for UV's intensity in a set

    - using 'resurrect' when I inexplicably forget to save for a really long stretch (and then whittling down my health to what it was) 
    - (re)playing certain slaughtermaps with OP gameplay mods for fun

    - caring whether HNTR is implemented at least minimally in sets I play

    - -nomo or IDDQD just to chill to design and architecture without fighting anything


    and other actually-cooler things I do more often these days :) 

    1. Doomkid


      Top 10 most fitting songs to two-shot Cyberdemons to:

    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels


      Top 10 most fitting songs to two-shot Cyberdemons to:


      #1 - #10:


  14. Not a very believable impersonation attempt lol



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMagicMushroomMan


      Doomkid'sKid! We all knew this day was coming.


      Welcome to the wonderful world of DOOM little buddy. I know your dad is going to raise you well. We have been waiting for this moment for a long time now.


      Burp and fart, until it is done.

    3. VanaheimRanger


      Maybe it's time for Doomkid to change his name to Doomdad.

    4. ReaperAA


      Or maybe Doomkid should change his name to Doomguy

  15. just a cloud nothing suspicious going on



    1. esselfortium


      what an unsuspicious cloud

  16. project idea: Scuba Steve, Steve D, Steve88, and any other Doom Steves, make a megawad where every map is a stovepipe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. baja blast rd.
    3. GarrettChan


      Oh crap... the Stevepipe joke was sniped.

    4. printz



      Most importantly, a Stovepipe map is never, ever playtested (or ever opened in-game at all) by the author. Bonus points if the editor's 3D Mode is never used, either.

      Beware of players getting stuck in untested softlock traps.

  17. BTSX e2m25 + horses = Stable Journey

    1. Grain of Salt

      Grain of Salt

      do horses make for a stable journey though


      aren't they quite bumpy

    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      I don't know buawooga

    3. Grain of Salt

      Grain of Salt

      I'm a sucker for a bit of awooga

  18. not gonna post this in the Micro Slaughter Community Project thread because I don't like derails, but this is not meant to be a giant subtweet, just a bit of explanation of my previous comment on how "micro slaughter" is a thing that exists.


    some works in the genre:


    - phmlspd, Fruit Salad, Rush

    - Water Spirit, Oceanside

    - Survive in Hell

    - the slaughtermaps in sets like Plutonium Winds

    - (a bunch of standalones like) Brown & Red and Caco Bell 

    - the New Gothic series is more small than big, especially movement 2. notable CPs like the Slaughterfest series and Slaughtermax have as many smaller slaughtermaps as big ones, especially in the earlier parts, where there is a deliberate skew.

    - including speedmaps, like three-quarters of my own maps going back to 2015 are consciously "microslaughter" so I personally know it's not a new thing ;) 

    - they are super common as entries in community projects, e.g. when Cannonball maps for Doom 2, it's often in that form; 50 Shades of Graytall have a lot. then there are almost ubiquitous one-offs in other works, like BTSX e1m32.


    (this not an exhaustive list)


    (and not everything in that list is completable in 5 minutes, but that is an arbitrary benchmark and I'm not going to endorse retroactively classifying something differently because it takes 6 minutes.)


    so yeah, I'd get why someone who is mostly familiar with slaughter in the form of Sunder and Bastion of Chaos and such would think the idea of "smaller slaughter maps" is especially new or unusual. but I don't like the idea of suggesting it is or selling that angle, because that effectively minimizes (heh) and effaces a lot of past work in the genre. 


    also the typical "big" slaughtermap, for example Combat Shock 2 or the not-quite-as-short parts of the Slaughterfests and Slauightermax, has generally been more like 20-30 minutes long than a huge Sunderian epic anyway.


    one thing that MSCP does is offer more of it; apart from a few (phmlspd, Rush, Survive in Hell, Italo Doom), having a dozen and a half smaller slaughtermaps in a project, and pretty much nothing else, is unusual. and I think that sort of dedicated distillation of concept, paired with the quantity, can be thought of as relatively novel. the first five wads on the big list above are generally quite a bit easier than MSCP, so I'd consider them better "soft intros" to the form for newcomers, but MSCP works as a spicy and short trial by fire.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Not sure if the project lead or any of the contributors made a claim to fame that was unjustified. At least I didn't see any such thing when I skimmed over the thread...


      Looks more like the usual phenomenon that is people not knowing about something they never cared about until it somehow seemed "new".


      I suppose one thing that would help is having "WADs that may or may not have inspired this project" in the OP, but then again, who even reads OPs these days..?

    3. GarrettChan


      I hope I didn't read you wrong. I think you meant to say MSCP is not an intro level of slaughtermaps in the *difficulty* standpoint, but it's a set of small slaughtermaps varying from easy to hard (Map13 is definitely something for sure)?


      If so, I agree with you and I have to say some other sets can be used as intro level from the *difficulty* standpoint instead of size, and totally correct that size isn't really always related to the difficulty.

    4. loveless


      bothers me that posts like this need to exist.  anyone crying about maps they dislike, for any reason, need to keep their delusional cries to themselves.  don't play shit you don't like, do play shit you do, talk about things you do like, don't mention things you don't. 


      unbelievable mountains of self importance.

  19. This is a map called Skintryway. 


    It is a remake of Doom 2 map01's layout from memory. It is also a 15-minute speedmap. It turned out surprisingly playable considering those constraints, so I felt like sharing it. 


    A mistake I found amusing: I accidentally placed a chaingun instead of a chainsaw because "chain" and I didn't have time to look closely. 


    Hope you enjoy. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      Having a chaingun definitely plays out better, but it was originally a mistake. There were other "good accidents," like placing the trigger for the secret cubby 8 units too low so that you can just walk over it instead of taking the lift. That makes it useful if the player wants to use it before the map is practically over. 


      One mistake I noticed that isn't great: the lava is a softlock. :P 

    3. GarrettChan


      Wait, is this map not vanilla? I didn't look and ran it on cl2 anyway, and it seems that secret doesn't open. I looked at the lava pit and didn't see any teleporter, so I decided not to drop down and get my feet wet (or burned).

    4. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      Yeah it's Boom (despite all appearances lol). 

  20. pJT25m3.png


    In the off chance that anyone (especially a new mapper) sees this review and my status update, the implication here is silly and harmful. Smaller mapsets, and standalone maps, are 'complete wads' too, and 17-map megawads are perfectly fine. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GarrettChan


      I wonder what WAD is that... This has a lot of similarities from user reviews for games, like those on Steam or whatever. There are always a few percents of people who like to do this.

    3. Gothic


      This is such a stupid mentality, a wad should have whatever quantity of maps the author wants. It isn't mandatory to have a 9-map episode or a 32-map megawad.

    4. Grain of Salt

      Grain of Salt




  21. What are some of your favorite small and mid-sized maps? 


    Or the coolest, most impressive, most fun, most creative, etc., whatever direction you want to go.


    Standalone map, part of a megawad, anything in between, doesn't matter. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Italo Doom map 01


      Frog 07


      RJ_SLAB 01, 02, 06, 10, 14 and probably a few others


      RJSpace9f map 01 (can be finished in 10-ish minutes without hard tricks, assuming you don't max, so it counts!)


      NG2 10, 11, 12


      DV2 Hell's vendetta


      There are probably many more maps that in the 10 minutes or less "sphere" that I really like, like some stuff in flotsam, or magnolia map 02.

    3. GarrettChan


      For small maps, 50mon Map21. I don't know why whenever there's a map where blue sections and red sections merged together, I will find it very attractive (eh... this word sounds wrong) to me.


      For other type of maps, I actually like Map19, 20 and 27 a lot in TNT2, especially 20. Hopefully they'll release it soon... I don't precisely understand why. I just found these maps in this set are quite unique and I couldn't find similar ones on top of my head.


      @Nine Inch HeelsI read your comment after putting down the comment. This somehow motivated me to play NGMT2 (unless NG doesn't mean that, but you seem to like that set, so I assume it is :P). I did play it on 2016 when I started speedrunning, it was too hard for me. Now it seems it perfectly fits me to play.

    4. AD_79


      I'm a bit late to this, but BTSX E2M09, E2M17, E2M21 and E2M24 are fantastic little maps. They're over in a few minutes and employ interesting concepts, and are cleverly utilized in the project's pacing both as breathers and as serious gameplay switch-ups between bigger, more ambitious odysseys. E2M21 deserves special mention, despite me frequently forgetting to mention it in the past. It's a panic-inducing little number that tosses teleporting cyberdemons into the player's face, along with some other fun Plutonia-esque situations, and it's sandwiched between two of the longer journeys found in the set. What this does for pacing is phenomenal in my eyes, and I firmly believe many other projects should take notes from E2's approach.
