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Status Updates posted by Hellbent

  1. My grandfather has Alzheimer's. This video, while perhaps entertaining, is also interesting if you consider that my grandfather has no short term memory for most everything that happens throughout the day, but he does seem to remember the cumulative effect of how he feels about how he is treated. In the video I am trying to get my grandfather to agree to let me help him change his diapers.

    Edit: I imagine for everyone seeing this it must be a pretty sad sight. Well, you get used to it and it's not as moribund as it appears.

    1. SavageCorona


      Netherstorm said:

      He was to be put in a nursing home and then he died.

      That was anticlimactic. At least you knew your grandfather, mine died before I was born. Probably for the best though, it's not easy having someone you know die.

    2. Netherstorm


      SavageCorona said:

      That was anticlimactic. At least you knew your grandfather, mine died before I was born. Probably for the best though, it's not easy having someone you know die.

      I never actually met the guy, we were not even close. But yes, it is sad to have someone you know die; especially if you were close to the person and shared a lot of memories.

    3. SavageCorona


      That's probably why I subconsciously stopped wanting to see my grandmother after I was told she had cancer, since I didn't really want to go through approximately 1 billion times worse depression than I went through when I found out she had cancer. I now regret that decision because she now has a mobility scooter that I want a go on.

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  2. I went to amazon to buy an Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Pro-Flex Toothbrush and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to check out so I figured I'd email them to complain and they wouldn't let me email them about the check out process! I was only allowed to call them to ask them about it, so I selected another issue that I was complaining about (even though it wasn't what I wanted to write them about). Here is the letter:

    Wow Amazon, you are losing your way. Forcing me to call to make a complaint about the check out process? --not giving me the option to send an email to complain about the check out process because you want to convince me with your friendly service representatives that the new way is better? That's pretty annoying. But this isn't what I was writing to complain about. I seriously could not find the check out button. I had selected the item I wanted to purchase but all I could see was a barrage of annoying promotions. I'm not here to be manipulated into buying more things. I come to amazon to quickly and conveniently grab whatever I need and move on with my day, not be cajoled into furthering the over-the-top consumption of society. Now, due to Amazon's greed I will not buy anything from this website again. Good thing Amazon isn't the only place to buy things on the internet. I've been using Amazon for years to buy just about everything I want and need, but I'm more than happy to shop elsewhere.

    The same thing happens in the auto industry. The business model is that the only way is up. There is no such thing as "Hey, we did it. Nothing to improve." Instead, the philosophy is that we have to keep improving, keep making things *better*, regardless of what is needed; keep expanding our inordinate market share. Well some things don't need improvement. Sometimes it's just best to leave things well enough alone. On Amazon it was you select the items you want to buy, then you're given two options, continue shopping or check out. What was wrong with that? How is this new system better where I'm enraged because I can't even buy the item I want? I'm tired of people trying to improve things to the point they break them. And then to be corralled like I'm cattle into buying more stuff: it's disgusting. Is the company not big enough? Is the world really not enough? I'll be shopping elsewhere. Good day.

    1. DoomUK


      EDIT: nm. misunderstanding.

    2. 40oz


      I hate complaining. I suck at it, especially over the phone or in person, But also because i feel the philosophy of it is silly and useless. If I don't like the way a company conducts their business, the best thing to do is to stop giving them money. Don't buy their products or services. It's the businesses that make products that people are so infatuated with that thrive. This is why Comcast will turn your $29.99 a month cable bill into $90 a month at the drop of a hat. Or that Domino's will charge $2 delivery fees, and expect tips, and only give their drivers four dollars to make change with. Even when consumers are being sodomized with over-inflated bills, they'll complain till their out of breath to keep their product or service for a price they can afford, making compromises and what not with shitty negotiators.

      When you're a wage slave like me, you gotta deal with customer complaints all the time.

      "This product broke after I used it"
      "There's a hair in my food"
      "My hot dog isn't hot enough"
      "This salad doesn't taste good"
      "The mirrors in your bathroom have too many fingerprints on it"

      The company I work for loves criticism, so when a customer has a complaint about a certain branch, they reward the customer with coupons for free stuff or $10 gift cards. Conversely they forward the complaints to the regional manager who is hanging by a thread to keep his high-paying job, throws a shit fit at his/her general managers, who then throw shit fits at us.

      "When you've got time to lean you've got time to clean!"
      "Tuck your shirt in! Comb your hair back! Shave that beard!"
      "Use your manners, greet all the customers, make eye contact, and always smile smile smile!"

      It sucks, because as word gets out that our company gives out shit to people who have shit to talk about us, the rate of complaints about us ramps up. We usually went months without complaints at a time, now we get them like twice a week. This makes my GM look bad, which stresses her out and takes it out on us for doing such a shitty job, when in actuality our customers are generally satisfied, and a satisfaction story to a company that is constantly trying to improve is worthless to them. So no reward for happy people! Now with this higher rate of complaints, we have to defend our store's quality by reducing them. So naturally, I get told that my side burns are too long, and my shoes are too dirty, and my pants can't have tears in them and I need to smile more and make polite conversation without disrupting the speed of the business. If I don't then I'm being insubordinate.

    3. Csonicgo


      40oz said:

      I hate complaining.

      We got some complaint-ception going on in here.

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  3. I dreamt I was in a zombie apocalypse . At first, it was a play or something being acted out, and my friend was all made up and acting out someone who had become zombified or something, or was among zombies and trying not to get bit, but then a little later suddenly I was alone with like three other people and I was like where'd everyone go? and they were like "I think we're the only one's left, here". Apparently we were the sole survivors or everyone else had all taken off or zombified or what... no one knew. Strange, tho, there were no bodies or destruction. Just no other people or signs of life.

    I became paranoid at this point: the three others I was with (and myself) were haggard and looked like we'd become zombies any moment. I kept checking around myself spinning around to see my back and saying "one of us is going to be next, it's just a matter of time". We started walking away from the hill where I grew up and soon encountered other people. Apparently things weren't quite as bad as we thought. They told us something or other about the 'plague' and seemed to have some pretty basic, but effective plan and resources. The first people we encountered had a camper and some basic medical supplies and reassured us and made us feel very encouraged. When we encountered them I had a moment of recall like "oh, of course! I totally forgot we were going to run into these people" as if I was in a movie I had watched before and just had forgotten how the plot went.

    Later we were at a police station and a guy tried to steal some food or some supply of some kind and I at first half heartedly tried to stop him with this weird piece of equipment I had (it was like a hockey stick but padded with cloth or something). No one else noticed or cared about the thief so I nabbed him on the shoulder with the end of my clothed hockey stick and brought him back to the officers. Everyone was kinda like "dude, you didn't need to steal, we're all in this together--we gotta look out for each other, not take from one another". I can't remember what they did to him, whether they banished him from the camp or what. I don't think anything too terrible happened to him, tho.

    I think there was more to the dream and it gets fuzzy. There was a road, not very big, kinda like those roads you see in the Tour De France, and a lot of people were hiking up it or something--like someone had figured out where to go, but me and the people I was with weren't really feeling this whole pilgrimage situation. I think we headed off by ourselves; actually I think we left with the people we first met with the camper. I think we went to another town or something. Things started to settle down, got more calm. I don't remember what else happened.

    1. DoomUK


      And then Hellbent was a zombie a zombie was Hellbent.

  4. Was looking for my wallet in my bedroom which is a real mess. I found my doom2 manual, my doom manual and my doom 2 survival guide (items dating back to 1994). That was pretty exciting. I haven't looked at them yet, but it will be fun to reread them now. Maybe I'll find that bit about revenants brushing off demons and sending them on their way again that I had posted about quite some time ago. Oh, and shortly after I found my wallet.

    1. MajorRawne


      What's the Doom 2 Survival Guide?

    2. Hellbent


      I'll dig it up a little later tonight and give you a description. I thought it was the unofficial strategy guide, but last night when I briefly looked at it I didn't see unofficial strategy guide written on it, only "survival guide". Basically it tells you about all the aspects of the game in more detail than what's in the manual, as well as having all the maps in the level printed out on 32 pages. More later if you're interested.

      Phobus said:

      You must be used to that by now :P

      Yes, people are used to me by now. :p

    3. GreyGhost


      MajorRawne said:

      What's the Doom 2 Survival Guide?

      It's a paperback

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  5. is checking me out on OkCupid! Should I message her?

    1. Technician


      Meeting her can't hurt. Well, unless she physically hurts you. Then it will hurt.

    2. Joshy


      Technician said:

      Meeting her can't hurt. Well, unless she physically hurts you. Then it will hurt.

      Quality logic here.

    3. Maes


      Don't forget to post your cyberin' here, old boy.

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  6. on GoodGame Empire.

    Tis fun, and you can actually progress without buying any rubies! :)

    1. Hellbent


      yeah, sounds about right. I am lucky that I got taken into a powerful group.

    2. Cupboard


      Reminds me of when I played Travian, many summers ago in high school. All that micromanagement, setting buzzers in my home to remind me to build a crucial economics building, the use of dummy accounts to distract enemies. I got my dad into it and he played my account for months until the world was reset.

      It was a huge time suck, looking back. And little to show for it. Thrilling at the time. Learned some micromanagement skills but these kinds of games are designed like junk food.

      There are psychologists who make $$$ to figure out what schedule of reward is most fruitful in attracting players and keep them coming back to play these internet games.

    3. Maes


      I forgot to mention one of the worst aspects of those games: IF YOU STOP PLAYING, YOU'RE FUCKED. Stalling/laying off for a few days means either certain death or at best angry summons by your "tribal mates", especially if your clan is very active and has a coordinated leadership asking you to launch attacks etc. Just 2-3 days will make you be considered "inactive", and even your team mates will think nothing of taking over your resources unless you give specific orders.

      Again, with a premium account you usually get much better automation options.

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  7. So three years ago the most awsum cat came to the side door of our house on a most frigid winter night. After its rescuer went back to Germany I inherited the cat because no one else wanted him. Well, I don't know how the cat does it (sneaks cute pills at the clinic?) but it is just the most endearing creature I've ever had the privilege of knowing.

    I moved into my Boss's guest room for a couple months while I was helping her on her Geobook. My friend James lives in the area so I offered him the privilege of caring for my cat for the interim since I couldn't bring it to my boss's. One weekend, my friend went back to Boston to visit his g/f. A snowstorm blew up and I had to go reskew kitty from James's garage, where he was staying when James would leave. My boss was nice enough to let me bring kitty over to her farm house (big land--kitty LOVES the outdoors). Boss immediately falls in love with kitty. She hopes I will give her kitty, and James hopes he'll get kitty. Boss states up front she wouldn't want to borrow kitty. She only wants him if I give him to her permanently. James says he'd be happy to take kitty for as long as I want, no commitments necessary. So I let James have kitty, until I find a living situation where I can have kitty, even though James's property isn't quite as awesome as boss's (still pretty great for kitty, tho). But that living situation never transpired, and James loves kitty a lot, naturally. Now he keeps saying kitty is his. I can't tell if he's messing around or not, but did he by ipso-defacto inherit my kitty because he's been caring for him for so long? He gave it its shots and other things. I wasn't keen on all that stuff, figuring kitty doesn't need that stuff, so I think he feels he takes better care of kitty furthering his claim to him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TwinBeast


      You could like split the cat and give half the cat to your boss and other half to the James. Then years later the cat halves find your secret messages that says they need to find the medallion. Then they go out for a quest and find the medallion and get reunited and kill the evil and give half the medallion to their children and send one child to the orphanage and the other one to some rich family. Then years later their children find secret messa.. geehh.. Cthulhu wakes up and eats everyone.

    3. Hellbent


      Hi and welcome to bubble base.

    4. Technician


      Hellbent said:

      He gave it its shots and other things. I wasn't keen on all that stuff, figuring kitty doesn't need that stuff, so I think he feels he takes better care of kitty furthering his claim to him.

      Moron. Outdoor cats need their shots.

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  8. Man, I wish I had brought my camera....
    I mean, this thing was large. Certainly right up there with the largest. Maybe not quite the girth of the greatest, but healthy enough; but it was the length that was so impressive. Fully lodged it was, and yet still breaking above the surface of the water. That's something to write about: a birth of great magnificence. I stood over the monstrosity in awe, reflecting on whether I should go hurry and get my camera, but ultimately deciding against leaving the ghastly malfeasance unguarded even for a moment. One tidal tug would not be sufficient to rid the world of the living of such vile villainy.

    1. Maes


      You should eat more fiber, man.

    2. dew


      sounds like a memorable sperm whale encounter. which bathroom was this?

    3. Joshy


      Hellbent said:

      Not anymore.

      You'll be in no time! ;)

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  9. At the breakfast table my dad's girlfriend calls and my dad answers and tells her she is on speaker phone.

    Dad: "Say good morning, dad!"
    Grandpa: "Hi, dad!"

    1. fraggle


      Say good night, Gracie.

    2. Technician


      This may be an early warning of Alzheimer's.

    3. Hellbent


      Technician said:

      This may be an early warning of Alzheimer's.

      Oh, he does. Quite far along.

      Maes said:

      I strongly suspect that grandpa did it deliberately.

      You're likely right. His cheeky sense of humor has been greatly enhanced.

      This morning my grandmother was complaining that someone wasn't returning her phone call. "I'll be dead by the time he gets back to me!" My grandpa replies: "well, that will solve that problem."

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  10. Beat my score. This was my second attempt at playing the game and playing with a touchpad on a laptop (no mouse).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hellbent


      Impressive Megalyth!

      And as an Aussie, your performance deserves an honorable mention, Glenzhino.

    3. Tarnsman


      I got fucking Colorado and South Dakota as my first two states or I would have gotten a perfect 51 (because apparently having 95% of the state covering the - it goes here dumbass - red stuff doesn't count as close enough)

    4. Hellbent


      Tarnsman said:


      I got fucking Colorado and South Dakota as my first two states or I would have gotten a perfect 51 (because apparently having 95% of the state covering the - it goes here dumbass - red stuff doesn't count as close enough)

      Wow, well done! And yet, you only got an error of three miles. This is just about a tie, although does 24 seconds trump 1 mile? I'll let the plebeian populace decide.

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  11. Well, that was an interesting evening. [Protected identity], [protected identity] and a third-party boozed it up in the Jacuzzi and [protected identity] had the brilliant idea of playing truth or Dare (you know, because it's not like they're professionals with doctors degrees or anything). So it wasn't long before [protected identity] was trapsing about naked flapping his uhh… Well… his Whiskey dick flapping in the breeze. Then [protected identity] was drunk enough to briefly show the goods for protected identitys bending over and pulling down her bikini bottoms.

    1. 40oz


      sounds like every single day of my life

    2. Hellbent


      40oz needs to blog more.

    3. MajorRawne


      WHISKEY DICK?!?!

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  12. I'm driving a car down to florida. The owner is paying me a measly $550. But I am going to see about ridesharing on the way down and buying a car down there for a friend who is a used car salesman and driving the bought car back. Hopefully that will work out and I'll make some money in the end.

    1. Hellbent


      The lady tells me she doesn't want me to do any ridesharing after I already told someone they could go with me, should I do it anyway? I will talk with her more about it tomorrow when I help her pack, but I sure could use the extra $90 from a rideshare.

    2. DoomUK


      Her car, her rules. Maybe if you persuade her that the extra money would be useful she'll pay you a little more.

      If you were entrusted with looking after her house, would you violate her wishes?

    3. Hellbent


      DoomUK said:

      Her car, her rules. Maybe if you persuade her that the extra money would be useful she'll pay you a little more.

      If you were entrusted with looking after her house, would you violate her wishes?

      The lady called her and she said she was okay with me taking her. Was a fun ride. In a happy twist of luck, my friend in NY bought a land cruiser in Memphis on eBay so now I am flying to Memphis and going to drive his car back with some people for $800 plus some gas money. All told I will have made around $1200. Not too bad for a paid vacation. (I'm sitting by a heated pool surrounded by palm trees as I write this).

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  13. Try this one, weird trick the firewood suppliers don't want you to know about :

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Krispy


      What I love is when people drink diet believing it works to actively burn fat, like a pill. Or like liposuction. Or like getting off your fat ass and not drinking pop.

    3. GreyGhost


      Terrible looking kindling, I can do better with a hatchet and a steady hand. It doesn't matter how much time you save if the result is still too heavy to burn.

      Dragonsbrethren said:

      Hitting wood with an axe turns it into smaller pieces of wood? Never could've figured that one out myself.

      Looks more like a block splitter.

    4. printz


      I thought this is about Kindle tablets.

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  14. In the last decade, Honda has been seemingly slipping, making questionable cars with questionable fuel economy compared to the golden era of Honda . They finally produce a car to make me fall in love with the company again but only release it in select cities and a limited number. It's just .. why....

    1. DoomUK


      AgentSpork said:

      They've always struck me as very plain vehicles

      Civic Type R would like a word with you:-

    2. Technician


      Krispy said:

      Japanese crap. Hey Hellbent, come take a visit to Detroit and see where your money isn't going.

      Nigga, it's been three decades since the great GM plant closings. Also, Japanese cars are not entirely built in Japan. Jesus, there is a Honda plant in Toronto. You couldn't possibly ship finishes vehicles over seas and make a profit.

    3. Sporku


      DoomUK said:

      Civic Type R would like a word with you:-

      Not bad... would probably like it a bit more in regular 4-door (non-hatchback) variety, however. Never been a fan of big-booty hatchback vehicles, personally.

      Oh, and if I had to choose a hybrid car, I really like the look of the new 2013 Ford Fusion:

      Not sure if this is apparent yet, but I'd love to have me a pretty looking midsized car. :P

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  15. I'd love a Prince of Persia feeling in atmosphere doom level made in honor of my agédness on Guy Fawkes Day.

    General Rainbow Bacon had started one that was very promising which I hope maybe he'll finish :).

    Something with some clever secret passageways and nooks and crannies to explore. Contrast from tight passageway to open to tight again is probably good (as well as low ceilings to high ceilings). Contrast is your friend.

    I love GSTONE texture. I don't like marble, tho (because I had it as a default in DeepSea for a long time and it killed it for me. I also like the GRAY* textures (with gray4 being my least favorite for the same reason I don't like marble :p). I also like the various versions of the gray floor texture as seen in the above screenshot.

    • Please, don't have the exit door locked by a key. :)
    • Please, no instappear monsters or monsters that teleport in, unless it's setup as an ominous event (ie, E1M9, E3M5, or Map13 RL get).
    • Secret areas that are built for their atmosphere more than for what they contain.
    • Preponderance of rooms with high ceilings next to passageways or rooms with low ceilings.
    • Doom 1 scale and style architecture / level of detail. :)

    Pretty sure I'm asking way too much, but, well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask.

    Some names for inspiration:

    Smeagol's Descent
    Baldur's Tomb
    Lost Templar

    ..and some random images to put you in the mood:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hellbent


      Dragonsbrethren said:

      I'm going to try to get this finished up for you today, but sorry in advance if I don't get around to it.

      thanks for the update. Looking forward to it!

    3. Dragonsbrethren
    4. Hellbent


      Dragonsbrethren said:

      Yaaaayyyyyyy!!!! I'ma load it up now. :D

      Cool map! Rather hellbent on my demise, as it were. Seems wherever I go death is eager for my swift end. But the longer I survive, the greater my odds of continued survival seem, so that by the end hell's last gasp seems all but haggard and spent.

      Texturing was okay, but reminds me of my own hit and miss attempts at capturing a certain look and mood. Thanks for making it! You should upload it to the archrivals.

      I liked your clever exit and design without keys.

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  16. Well, I suppose I should live up to my title. Last weekend I went out on the town and did some dancing in the nightclub with my cane. Two lovelies started dancing with me a little and as the iron was hot for the striking as it were I came to realize that I had BO. I had forgotten to put on deodorant earlier in the day. So I hoofed it on over to the men's room, took a leak, washed my hands. But then I loaded up my hands with soap and went into the shitter. There I commenced to wash my armpits. But now I was faced with the conundrum of rinsing my armpits. I looked around the pooper-stall and sighed. I flushed the toilet and thought of how kitties are very cleanly animals and only drink the cleanest water. That's why you always see cats drinking from toilet bowls. Besides, the bathroom was busy and there was a towel guy in the bathroom so I couldn't exactly rinse in the sink....

    A little later when Gangnam Style came on I asked a pretty girl who was sitting down if she'd like to dance. Shockingly her answer was no. So I gangnam styled it solo.

    Later, after leaving the club without any numbers, I saw a super-stretch limo out in front of the club. I asked the pretty girl standing near the limo if she was riding in it and she said no. I decided to see if the door was locked and opened the limo door. It looked nice enough inside, but I closed the door again, figuring I shouldn't draw too much attention. The limo driver, I assume, told me not to touch the car. Shortly after, he opens the door and a bunch of people pile in, including the girl that just told me she wasn't going. I didn't ask if I could join the party. Later, a friendly enough guy asked me how my night was. I told him it was good enough and that I'm glad I didn't stay in line for the other club and had wised up to the fact that it was a gay club (given the number of dudes). He said that's nice, that he was at that club. Maybe halloween weekend will go a little better.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Tristan


      DoomUK said:

      But being sober around very drunk people is pretty depressing.

      Only happened a few times for me, but I actually find it kind of scary..

    3. Phobus


      Being sober around drunk people is what made me decide to start finding drinks I like the taste of (and therefore getting round to becoming drunk myself). I wanted to be out with my mates but found being the sober one just didn't make for a good night, so I figured "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

    4. Reisal


      Take a shower before and after going to a club.

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  17. My brother's wedding hit all the right notes and all 'round tear ducts were in full pump mode. I decided to drive to NYC with Mom, sis and brother-in-law to see them off and, apparently, drive them to the airport, as well as catch up with some curly-locked Shinerocks. After some mighty delectable Maker's Mark whiskey hot chocolate, I crashed at Sol's place in Brooklyn and left in the morning so that I would be cutting it close, because where's the fun if there isn't a little risk and danger? Except, as I was getting ready to leave, I forgot that I had to go all the way up town, not just cross the water into Manhattan from Brooklyn Heights. So I scrambled my stuff together and started hobbling toward the station as fast as my cane abled body would move, downloading the NYC Subway app on my way, since iOS6 no longer has directions via public transport built in. The express (Green line number 5) to Manhattan turned out to have some issues, though, and the PA comes on alerting all the passengers that it will be suspended for an indefinite amount of time forcing me to hoof it several blocks to the Red express line (number 3) to the upper west side. I exit the station to see the Freedom Tower rising directly in front of me. My backpack is kinda heavy and the cane supported hobbling is severely hampered by the added weight to my otherwise light frame. I'm underground again and hear the train coming to a stop some distance away and so am racing down the stairs against a sea of exit-passengers. One man is headed toward me (I'm on the right side holding onto the right railing) so he's coming up on his left. I see he has no intention of getting out of my way and doesn't budge when I bark at him something to the effect "hey, dude, clearly I'm in some kind of rush here and I'm not exactly fit, so move". I think I actually said "Excuse me!" Damn New Yorkers, think they can just bully and hustle their way through a quasy-nimble cripple.

    As I hit the landing the doors to the stopped train are still open. I amble over as fast as I can but they shut just as I approach them. Man, I've put in way too much effort to come this close only for the train to leave without me. I press my hands against the windows of the door and ... pull it open, somewhat to my surprise and pleasure. I jostle my way inside, ungainly, and hurriedly plop myself down in the first available seat, anxious to rest. I find myself seated among three very attractive young, professional ladies, two across from me and one next to me. They are completely non-plussed.

    As the train is moving along I'm thinking if there is anything I might want to just double check. I look at the map--yep, red 3 line is express to Upper West Side. Nothing I need to double check with other passengers. All's good. A couple stops later, the lovelies leave and I hear the station announcement "Fulton" or "Wall St." Wait.. am I even going in the right direction? I ask the guy now to my left what direction this train is headed and he says downtown. AWWWWWWWSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMM!

    In a quasi-panic I rush out of the train and head up the stairs, trying to figure out where I need to go to get the uptown train. I ask another guy at the top of the stairs and he directs me back down the stairs I just came up. Oh, look, there are two tracks running parallel to each other. One goes UP TOWN and the other DOWN. Novel, isn't it?

    I get off the train around 10:10am at Broadway and W 86th St. I text sis if they can drive the car to me, as I'm feeling like a battered old man. "We haven't gotten dressed yet so come up to the apartment." Ever since my bro aptly tagged the absurdity of air travel with the line "hurry up and wait" I can't help but smile.

    I also visited my artist friend. He makes wall hangings out of scrap pieces of wood. The works are flat one to two inches thick. They are not three dimensional in space. It just look that way.

    Later we climbed a tower but there was something not quite right about the chocolate brownies we had eaten earlier and the tower started to become distorted:

    Michael Zelehoski's latest tool is not a paintbrush or a stencil, or a even a chisel. It's a giant, 2500 pound table saw.

    "this is the mother of all table saws, pretty much."

    To see more of his art follow this link.

    Here's a video on Mike's artistic process: http://player.vimeo.com/video/34932946

    1. Maes


      Did you drink that candle's fragrance?

    2. Hellbent


      Maes said:

      Did you drink that candle's fragrance?

      Not directly, no, but I poured some wax into my chocolate whiskey drink to give it a bit of a nuanced body.

    1. Tristan


      I see the vid description mentions that Justin B****s voice is at the end.

      Shame he wasn't in the car.

    2. Hellbent


      an awesome website answering frequently asked questions about Patagonia. Here is my favorite: "Is there a nightlife in Patagonia?" "Yes, there are 4 casinos in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Queenstown"...

      Scroll down to the second to last FAQ question. WTF.... I contacted the website and wrote the following:

      Do you guys smoke crack whet you write this website? "is there a nightlife in Patagonia?" "Yes, there are 4 casinos in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Queenstown"... ????? What is up with your website? It is seriously whack, yo.

      The grammar and spelling on the site is also atrocious.

    3. Grazza


      Yeah, the one on Christchurch is closed.

      I've also come across some lack of awareness of Patagonia in southern New Zealand: I've seen things described as "the world's southernmost (whatever)" on the basis of there not being one in Antarctica.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. ... because I posted a video of my brother's first dance on his wife's FB wall. Naturally the video has already received a ton of hits. Except when you watch the video on youtube it there are dozens of doom videos as suggested related videos. :-[ So I went into my youtube account and privatized them all. Now there's only one suggested video of my cousin's parakeet. I can live with that.

    ahh... *sigh* living in my private life.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Reisal


      The video should be on his own Youtube page, not yours. Just have him make one and have him upload it to his own then so you can unprivate.

    3. Platinum Shell

      Platinum Shell

      I don't see how in any shape or form that you liking doom should affect your family. Or as you were saying in another thread on how they roasted on you for it; go ahead and ask them why their time burners are so much better. Otherwise, tell them to shove it.

    4. Reisal


      Who really cares, put his video on a new account and link it on his Facebook page.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  19. my family think I'm crazy "You could have written a novel by now" all the time I spend on DW and playing doom and making maps. :( *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. hex11


      Maybe take a break from Doom once in a while to read comic books and play some tabletop D&D! ;-/)

    3. Coopersville


      Sounds like an awesome plan actually. Do that.

    4. Phobus


      Here's an argument in favour of not playing games all day: My hands hurt now, having done exactly that (A few CC4 maps and several hours of Forza 4) :(

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  20. is the amount of two uncashed checks from a job I held in 2004. Gonna go to the bank and see what they have to say....

    Nevermind, false alarm. They were direct deposited and the checks are just for my records. Damn it!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Tristan


      Talking of bills, did you read about this?

    3. GreyGhost


      And here I was thinking the last quarter's electricity bill was bad.

      Maes said:

      Don't make me go get an inflactionary drachmas bill (from the 40s) just to pwn you.

      I can easily trump that with a $100,000,000,000 Zimbabwean bank note from 2008.

    4. NightmareZer0
    5. Show next comments  6 more
  21. Oh boy, the time is rapidly approaching and my best man speech is rather inappropriate thus far. Asking the fine upstanding anti-bellends of DW to help steer me in the right direction!

    Here's what I have so far:

    Well, I think I've accumulated a few more gray hairs these last couple weeks preparing my words for this special occasion. Not very far behind my brother I'm afraid.

    If Travis was the big man on campus in college, he's now the big kahuna, shaker and mover in Great Torrington. He has shown himself to be a natural born leader. In college, always the life of the party, he led the way to greater times in the dorm halls of Green Mountain College. But since those good ol' days, he has learned to take his love of playing and good times and turn them into a positive force in the community. A proponent of building local economy he has advocated for the use of Berkshares as a means to keep commerce within the community. Travis is about to share his life with a very special person and while sharing was never one of the character traits of his that I particularly remember as kids, I can now say he has been a big proponent of getting everyone in the community to share the road. If you're not one of the people he has gotten on a bicycle in the last several years (shame on you), maybe you are one of the people in your car shaking your fist at a pack of cyclists who have taken a rather liberal interpretation of the term 'share the road' and feel their healthy, human powered activity and power in numbers gives them a right to a rather healthy share. Now he gives what little free time he has when he's not at the shop making sure the Berkshire Bike and Board ship is sailing smoothly to do a radio show to further the cause for local community.

    Travis has treated me like a little brother. [beat] As kids, I always looked up to him and saw him as a role model. He was popular, he was cool, and if I was able to follow him down the same ski slopes on vacations to Killington or Sugarloaf, I was never able to do it with the same panache and style, flying over the edge of what to me back then looked like sheer cliffs guising as ski slopes. That was just the way it was: little brother would never be as good as big brother. Travis is a common sense, nuts and bolts kind of guy, while I have always had my head in the clouds and not the firmest grasp on common sense, which, I see it now, is the reason I received so much brotherly love when we were growing up.

    While he typically is the one who would get the bad rap for picking on me when we were kids, it wasn't always without warrant. I still feel bad about the time I kicked him in the shins with my ski boots on. I have no idea now why I would think that that was a fun way to get back at him for whatever brotherly bullying I felt he had committed against me at the time. But that's in the past. At some point in our storied relationship Travis decided being an [barely catch myself] a certain-sevel-letter-word, did not need to be synonymous with being cool. When this happy change took place, I cannot rightly say, (we're not talking decades ago, people, you know it was probably last month) but it bode well for me and it showed that Travis was finally maturing into the thoughtful, caring man we have all grown to love today. Thank God adolescence only lasts through one's twenties. As he's matured from a preppy punk into the fine, upstanding man he is today he now continually goes out of his way for me and looks out for me and I couldn't ask for more from a brother or a friend.

    Melanie is no slouch either. Smart, hardworking and caring, Travis is lucky to have such a special person in his life. Few people have had the sort of life challenges to overcome that Melanie has had to face. She is a fighter. [I'll add more here later] Please raise your glasses to both having a long, healthy life full of playing and sharing.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. durian


      Hellbent said:

      A good way to somewhat get me off the hook for mostly reading my speech (as I don't foresee myself avoiding that).

      Why not? The speech is not overly long, so you should have time to commit it to memory before the big day (have a written version on hand in case you get lost, of course). The best way to do this is just to rehearse it a few times, which you should do anyway. If you’re reading it out then you’ll be looking at a piece of paper, and so your ability to properly address your audience will be constrained.

      Hellbent said:


      Public speaking isn't as bad all that, and wedding speeches are good fun - the audience should be on your side (for the most part, I hope). Once you start you'll find that you're so hopped up on adrenalin that it all goes by in flash. Remember these words: Slow the fuck down! It's not a race to end, and people will enjoy it more if you don't rush it. Make sure to leave small pauses between each sentence - I know this is obvious, but when you're up it won't seem like you're rushing, but you almost certainly will be. And enjoy it!

    3. Hellbent


      Thanks! yeah, I rehearsed in front of my very old/deaf grandparents. I had to REALLY e=x=a=g=g=e=r=a=t=e the slowness and the volume. So that was good. I printed it out in REALLY BIG FONT, double spaced, and blocked each idea onto it's own page and then printed it out on hard stock. I think this is really key. It makes finding your place much easier so that I can look up at the audience more. Doing this really gave me a boost in confidence and calmed my nerves. So, yeah, my speech is now 24 pages long. :)

    4. Hellbent


      in case anyone cares. speech was a success. pretty much best speech of the nite. Was kinda surprised how well it went, to be honest. Was fielding complements all nite long. Got my brother to tear up, so that was good, although he felt I didn't necessarily need to dig up some pretty bad stories from the past, but that was the shit i could remember from our childhood--overall though, he said it was the speech he wanted. so overall, a good nite.

      edit: didn't get much tail.... got a dance with some old chicks... they were all about me and my cane... but did get a dance with a pretty cute engaged girl, when i started grinding on her, she's like "i'm engaged" and i'm like "oh yeah, sorry, alcohol and all" whatever... the blonde girl wouldn't let me hit on her proper, pretty sure she wasnt't interested in me hitting on her--although injured best man with cane was kinda hot on the dance floor (I tore up the dance floor, yo), nevertheless, the hot blonde wouldn't give me the time.... oh well...still had a blast.

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  22. code:
    now what? The message doesn't give any clue as what I should do to make the package deliverable. I know why it's not deliverable (I no longer live there and mistakenly sent it to that address). Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr x-[

    EDIT: here's more information:
    Returned where??? I bought it on eBay.

    EDIT: I sent a request to USPS.com to hold my package at the local Northampton Post Office for me to pick it up and gave them the details that I posted here. Hopefully this will work!

    1. GreyGhost


      Hellbent said:

      Returned where??? I bought it on eBay.

      Returned to the seller I presume. Mightn't be a bad idea to update your personal details on eBay.

    2. Maes


      Did your parcel look like this?

    3. Hellbent


      returned to sender. I don't even want the item anymore it's going to be so long before it shipped back to the right address once the sender receives it. I won't get it in time for the weekend trip to Bar Harbor, (not that I can fucking hike yet anyway). Ugh, I'm in a perfectly shitty mood and it's not even 10am yet.

  23. A and B are both true answers (and are the same person). Which is the best answer to give on the application? Here are my proposed answers:

    A. Through the hiring manager
    B. Through a friend
    C. word of mouth...
    D. other [please specify]


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hellbent


      Snakes said:

      Or fall asleep on the clock.

      I already did that during the trial period.

      Turns out they don't hire cripples. There's actually a pre-employment physical that you need to pass in order to get the job. The hiring manager didn't realize I was still on crutches. I went with her name, rather than title or association to me.

    3. Blastfrog


      So I take it you're not getting the job? :/

    4. Hellbent


      Sodaholic said:

      So I take it you're not getting the job? :/

      Since I've completed the application process (and it's relatively a doozey, and since the Hiring Manager wanted me to get it) I will be immediately hired with the first opening, which could be anywhere from one to six months or so. One girl working there is trying to find another job by November 1. So, here's rooting for her!

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  24. writing down dreams isn't easy due to their abstract nature. This dream takes place somewhere in the countryside.

    I got caught up in some criminal activity. There were some other bad folk that I had to make dead if I was going to come out of the thing alive. There was a school or a community building of some kind that was, for some reason, densely packed with very old land mines from "the war". There was a nearby building across a field from the 'community building' (where all the people were, mostly young people--children). The nearby building was a warehouse type building with slabs of heavy marble. I guess the marble was valuable.

    I had somehow got caught up in this thing involving some criminal, murderous-type folk. There were about five or so mob-type men competing for some kind of quasi-elaborate heist somehow involving the marble that would make them fairly wealthy but would involve the deaths of everyone else for it to work--not just each other, but the community building filled with people that was booby trapped with old landmines. No one living in the community knew the building was riddled with mines.

    I'm trying to remember how I got caught up in the whole mess. Someone was helping me out, tho. The mob-men and I and the person helping me were at one point in the execution of the plan to get the marble were in a war zone at the 'community building'. I had no interest in getting involved in this war-scene that suddenly appeared like a timewarp into the past (but was in the present). I watched as people got shot, including the person that helped me pull the heist off. I sensed the chaos of the war-scene would work to my advantage. It was nighttime during the war-scene, because it would be less risky to pull the heist off at night. So I watched as people got shot in this firefight. Then the war-scene ended. In the chaos of the aftermath I was able to escape, or finish executing the plan, which I had little time to do. I think there were still three other mob-men that survived, tho, who I was competing with for my life and the paydirt (which was, I guess, some slaps of marble in the old, very large, dusty, dark barn-like warehouse). It was now or never.. it was me or them.

    I did the final act to set the plan in motion. Everyone was asleep. It was late in the night. I don't know where the mob-men were. I think they were at a nearby place; I think at a low building with floursescent lights between the old warehouse and the 'community building' (that was booby-trapped with old mines). I set the mines so they would detonate in a few hours around at the crack of dawn when everyone was asleep. The other mob-men would be asleep as well at the 'community building'. Everyone tied to the heist would be obliterated and none of it would be tied back to me. I stole across the dark field back to the warehouse.. or my house.. and I may or may not have been accompanied by the person who had helped me do the heist.... I remember thinking 'the police will never get me, everyone (ie, the evidence of my being linked to it or their deaths) will be destroyed.

    I think the next scene was at some kind of house party and an old friend of mine was there and I double crossed him. It was really cold and I didn't invite him to leave the party because of the big scandal/murder thing I was involved in. I was on the phone with someone (I think related to the heist) and I finished talking with them and told my friend I had to go and left him in the cold.

    After everything was set, all that was to be done was to wait. In the last wee-hours of the night I was back at the warehouse to get the marble, but some other guy was trying to sneak it and I had I guess at that point forgotten what the purpose of the elaborate heist was--by the time I had set the landmines to kill everyone else--it was more about surviving being killed myself from the mob-men than it was to get the paydirt (which was slabs of marble). I started to help the kind of cloaked figure haul away some heavy slabs of marble, but then my dad and the other manager of the marble warehouse saw us and so I had to act like nothing was going on and stopped helping the guy take the marble. He went off with his marble and my marble was inside my dad's minivan on the floor. I was a little concerned my dad would see my marble. If he did, would he know what I was up to? That I was involved in some murderous scheme to get it? Perhaps because it was too far beyond what he'd ever think I could be caught up in or because he simply just wasn't paying attention or had his mind on something else, he didn't make the connection--or simply just didn't see the stolen marble at all.

    I think I then went back to the very cold house where I had left my friend and some of his friends and other people were still milling about in the dregs of the party that was winding down (it was almost dawn). My friend was really cross with me (and maybe my sister was there for a brief moment). I think I tried to explain to him why I had to leave, but the whole scene was rather muddled. All I remember is my friend's cross face, my sister possibly being disapproving, and maybe even my friend's parents in some periphery faculty being surprised and disappointed as well.

    I left my friend at the house again and I guess headed towards the 'community building'. The mines never detonated.

    Dawn came and went and I went back to the 'community building' and school was in session there and 'the town' was busy and bustling--all the people were concentrated around this heavily booby-trapped building/town area.

    I was a little nervous milling around the town--would the mines blow? Would they blow one by one or would they all blow at the same time? I saw in mind's eye the mines were sort of stagnating in thick, almost black, blood, like skulls stuck on spikes sticking out of the ground, but hidden beneath the town/community building. Were they sinking? It didn't look like they were going to blow, but they were weird. I think they were soaked in the blood from the war-zone earlier. Perhaps that's why they didn't detonate. I didn't say anything or do anything. I just kept milling about since everyone was busy bustling about getting on with their day. It was kind of like a turn of the century type scene at Plymouth Rock or something--it had a slight white-washed, bonnet, pilgrim innocence to it.

    Even though it sort of occurred to me that I hadn't actually done anything criminal since the mines failed to detonate and that I could save myself from following through with this heinous crime, I felt like the act had been done, I had already committed the crime by setting the mines and stealing off in secret, even if it failed. And so I didn't back out of the evil-deed I had committed. I waited. For some reason leaving the town/building was not a good option, because then I'd lose sight of the other surviving mob-men that I had to make sure became dead. If I stayed milling around the town they would remain in the community building a non-threat to me. But if I left a safe distance to wait the eventual detonation of the bombs, they would somehow escape and be at large again and I'd be at their (lack of) mercy again.

    When it became evident the bombs were never going to blow, I remember going back to the warehouse and milling about there. Everything sort of diffused (ie. the tension, the danger, and I guess the bombs). I then woke up.

    There's probably other things I haven't recalled, but I will have to edit them in later if I remember anything else.

    1. DoomUK


      So were you in the car or on your bike when this happened?

    2. Hellbent


      ^ I was on my mobility scooter.

    3. Tristan


      you forgot the deer who wanted revenge...
