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Status Updates posted by Hellbent

  1. playing video games in blue jeans

    and wondering what life's for.
    in one of those moods... you know... what's it all for?
    early in the morning there'll be a brief, but intense meteor shower.
    If I stay up to watch it, I'll wonder what's it for?
    I can't see that all this science isn't watering down the experience.
    What's experience for if it's all just stardust to chemicals?
    Destiny is calling but I don't speak its language; long lost in the seas of legend.

    Why do legends have far more resonance than science will ever have?
    They say it's back to the dark ages. I say it's high time to get back in touch.

    What's the point of these powerful stories that resonate so strongly if there's no truth to them?

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    2. Alfonzo


      Fully recognising the ornate (rather good!) though suspiciously lampooning poetry of your post, I hope you don't think that my drilling on your points does in any way suggest that that's what the post was for - staging an argument. I will respond as though it were, however, because I seek stimulant and fisticuffs. Treat it as though I am talking to a wall to better my own arguments.

      Haha, no, not that wall, silly!

      Hellbent said:

      in one of those moods... you know... what's it all for?
      early in the morning there'll be a brief, but intense meteor shower.
      If I stay up to watch it, I'll wonder what's it for?

      Oh you pattern seeking mammal, you! Many medieval persons believed that lobsters' shells were designed in order to test the ability of he who wants the meat. It was a reasonable attempt at trying to explain the unknown then, just like religion was in general before we founded better explanations, but it has like so many other things been rendered obsolete. Your meteor shower has an explination, of course, and Occam does away with all the trimmings, so let's not try and ascribe purpose to something where a designer is not proven. You'll land yourself in the rather unfortunate boat of having to explain 'why' to just about everything, from flash floods in Hampshire to deep space electrical storms well beyond our current observation, and if you're a deist (which I think you are, correct me if need be) attempting to hold down this belief that everything is purposed (designed), then either a) well, you can't be, because much of these events intervene with human affairs, or b) only some of these events are purposed - all the ones that do not take part in our every day lives - in which case such a discussion is not in any way critical, and god must be really, really shy or brooding or something. Why create all these wondrous occurrences in order for none of it to ever be noticed or have any impact on anything save for self amusement? That's its purpose?

      If you're a theist, then sure you can ascribe purpose to everything and everything. I won't stop you unless you found a cult and try to shape my children. You're almost certainly wrong to think so, yes, but it's also an insane view and there's not much point in trying to converse with someone using logic when logic was abandoned at the very first base.

      I can't see that all this science isn't watering down the experience.What's experience for if it's all just stardust to chemicals?

      The truth is more powerful and more beautiful than any argument that simply puts it all down to an infallible and criminally uninteresting deity or fairy tale. Such crafts are created by man. The nature of the universe is leagues beyond our current comprehension and so revelations there will always, pretty much unfailingly, be more inspirational and wondrous than anything mustered by the minds of homosapiens. There's your experience.

      Do not make the mistake of thinking that an understanding of science does in any way dumb one's sense of the transcendent and numinous. It simply falls shy of attributing it all to the supernatural. Literature and music offers so much in this department that you'd need a thousand lifetimes just to appreciate the thoughts and sensations and yes, experiences, that they have to offer. If there's anything that can be agreed upon then surely it is that science does not reject these spheres. Or are you prepared to suggest that everything which occurred to these great thinkers and composers was granted by a divine power, and then ask for what purpose it was realised?

      It takes a lot to make me cry, but that would be too weep-worthy.

      Why do legends have far more resonance than science will ever have?

      Not sure they do, really. Legends and myths survive in the present day because they are stories. Very interesting stories that are there to be told and passed on by everyone but the protagonist because the protagonist is dead. I suppose you mean the unknown, though, in which case it's just because people enjoy speculating over things that have yet to be proven or explained.

      Pattern seeking. People will sooner accept a conspiracy theory over no theory at all.

      They say it's back to the dark ages.
      I say it's high time to get back in touch.

      Yes! let's swathe ourselves once more in the bawling infancy of understanding. We were making such great progress, but lets all heap it back into the fires from which it sparked and watch as billions of fear stricken individuals choke on the fumes of general ignorance and offer their services to the blood god.

      It's high time we abolished this nonsense.

      What's the point of these powerful stories that resonate so strongly if there's no truth to them?

      Experience. History (in context). Entertainment! Stories like these are unconcerned with matters of truth.

      Science has a tendency to 'make an argument against' "superstitious" thought. It makes a case that we don't need to have these wild and random ideas of supernatural stuff when we can explain phenomena using scientific method etc.

      Well, no tendency there: that's precisely what it does do. Any theory that is able to be proven or disproved is welcome in the realm of science, of course, and if evidence arose for the existence of Baal or any other deity I would quite readily accept the possiblity or take it fully on board.

      It's hard for me to live in a world where the supernatural doesn't exist because we have a more sober and sound explanation in science for phenomena. I have a feeling or sense that there is more to the world than meets the eye and it's very difficult for me to say that there is no higher power or purpose and that all there is to know is what we see and observe in the physical world.

      Your adrenaline glands are too big, you prefrontal lobe too small. You have opposable thumbs!

      Again, the transcendent and the numinous does not have to entail the supernatural.


      A lymeric:

      There once was a man from Bel Air,
      Who was doing his wife on the stair.
      When the banister broke, He doubled his stroke,
      And finished her off in mid-air!

    3. DuckReconMajor


      Hellbent said:

      Plato's The Cave allegory resonates with me and I'd like to think there is some truth to it. If you're not familiar with the allegory and its meaning, I encourage you to look it up.

      The Allegory of the Cave goes against what you are trying to say. People are trapped in a 'cave' of misunderstanding, studying the shapes of spirits and ghosts. People throughout the ages have gotten up from this life of illusion and gone outside to find out what really makes life what it is. For example, instead of believing the shadows to be living creatures, he is allowed to get up and see and learn about fire which creates them.

      You see, the cave isn't a place for people who are afraid to believe in something for which there is no evidence. It's a place for people who choose to believe in supernatural explanations and ignoring the evidence. They are the ones who never get to see things as they really are. The man who got up is the one who looked around, studied, and learned. The ones who just 'believe' are the ones content to sit and stare at shadows.

      st.alfonzo said:

      A lymeric:

      There once was a man from Bel Air,
      Who was doing his wife on the stair.
      When the banister broke, He doubled his stroke,
      And finished her off in mid-air!

      lol I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.

    4. Hellbent


      Hellbent said:

      Why do legends have far more resonance than science will ever have?

      What I meant was that for me personally this is the case. Specifically Whale Rider and Lord of the Rings.

      I could ask another question: why are some people attracted to a more logic-based science rules approach for experiencing the world and others to an 'art and poetry' rule for experiencing the world? I'll never forget what my English teacher said once. He was saying how pointless and bland scientific explanations are--how uninteresting science is from the point of view of a field of study for the enrichment of self and that literature, art, and poetry are so much more stimulating and meaningful. I had no judgment of his point of view. What struck me about it was that it made it so clear how there really are two very different kinds of minds; those ruled by the sobriety of science and are only interested in contemplating what is provable or at least testable, with no interest in extra-occam-possibilities, and those in the experience and phenomena they feel is valid and outside the realm of science to explain. To be fair, I've just muddled the appreciation of art with spiritual leanings--I actually have no idea what my English professor's spiritual leanings were. He very well may be an athiest.

      I think the other reason why I feel the need to express the fundamental problem of having this strictly science is all you need, there is no meaning, purpose or point to life outside the scientific explanation point of view (which roughly goes like this: for some reason the Universe came into being and abstraction organized into sentient beings... the need for meaning and pattern seeking 'evolved' for the sole and only purpose of survival!) aside for the ludicrousness, and unlikeliness, of this being true, it is such an unsatisfying explanation given the day to day experience by the average (and by far vast majority) of people on Earth. So you have this extreme minority (and thus elite, since they are right and the rest of us are suffering from a necessary madness that has arisen from giving into the spirit in our genes) and then you have people like me going through life trying to reconcile the implications of scientific progress and my yearnings for purpose.

      St. Alfonzo said:

      Again, the transcendent and the numinous does not have to entail the supernatural.

      As Carl Sagan (and Jodie Foster and Bob Zemeckis) made so abundantly clear.

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  2. that's all I'm saying.

    white chocolate, dark cacao, and some other stuff. Incr-edible.

    1. Snakes


      Vodka martinis are shit. Gin's where the good stuff is.

    2. DuckReconMajor


      Hellbent said:

      white chocolate, dark caco, and some other stuff. Incr-edible.

      That's what I read.

      Apparently that's what this guy read too.

    3. Sharessa


      Dark cacos? I believe Skulltag had those.

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  3. xorceror: My new neighbor freaks me the fuck out.
    Chesterules: he hits on you?
    xorceror: No.
    xorceror: He looks like he was an extra in Deliverance... he drives an old pick up truck that is filled with garbage. He's been there 3 days and has yet to unpack anything. No furniture, no kitchen table, NOTHING. There's a small folding chair in the middle of the room.
    xorceror: He's got red lights in his apartment.
    xorceror: And he stands at his sink all day.
    xorceror: When I go out for a cigarette, he turns his head slowly at me.
    xorceror: WHAT THE FUCK.
    xorceror: He sends chills down my spine.

    1. baronofheck82


      Sounds like a nice, normal fellow :P

    2. Coopersville


      Unpacking is bullshit. I like this guy.

    3. Maes


      Creaphis said:

      I'm sure he's fascinating.

      What if he mentions squealing like a pig?

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  4. My mate and I were driving to get some dinner and he's like "let's check out this new grocery store" so we take a right turn off the main road and follow this plaza drive which goes a bit before getting to an isolated parking lot for this one store, Aldis. It's very hard to see from the main road and the fact that it's set away and by itself was a bit strange. There are only a handful of grocery stores where I live and I know them all pretty well, so I was like.. where'd this new store come from? never heard of it.. weird. We go inside and as we enter we see a poster on the door advertising $23/hr manager position. The aisles are strangely minimalist and there are cardboard boxes everywhere with food in them. There's hardly anyone in the store... no one is at any of the cash registers. A man with a distant, isolated expression on his face pushes a floor cleaner around the store. Fruit is stacked on cardboard boxes. A container of grapes rests haphazardly and half opened. There's hardly anyone in the store (did I mention that already?) The few people there seem a little too ordinary and comfortable in this strange place. Are they really part of the same town? Are they even part of the same universe? I can't tell if I've entered into the future or the past. Even the attractive lady with nice legs seems to have a veil of doldrum about her. The prices seem really low. We go up to one of the referidgerator doors to get some milk and as I pull out a gallon of rBST free whole milk for only $3.19, I see a giant, unlit, cold, industrial and completely empty concrete room behind the minimalist milk shelf. Giant fans are blowing on the far wall facing me.

    We get to the check out line and James notices there are no plastic bags. Only empty cardboard boxes near the entrance to the checkout line. We grab some and while I've always been in favor of reusing cardboard boxes to plastic bags, the whole setup feels very cheap. We start asking the checkout girl where the store came from. Apparently it's only been here since December. It's owned by Trader Joes but until recently was only in Germany. I mention that the store has a very temporary feel to it. The cashier gives me a quick look like I'm way out of bounds "temporary..." she odles. I then ask if she thinks the store will be around very long. She's quick with her affirmative response: "Once we open a store, we never close it. We've been opening about two stores per week."

    She gives us instructions on how to return our grocery carts. Give a quarter, get a quarter back.. or something. I didn't fully understand the process; was still trying to get my bearings on how we suddenly stepped into the Truman Show.... James isn't able to figure out how to chain up the grocery cart to the rest of the carts. I give it a try--clip in the dangling clip to the one in front, and we go back to my car, very bemused, but eager to get back to the real world.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. stewboy


      If I go down to the local petrol station to buy milk, it's about $5 (AUD) for a 2 litre bottle. It's $2-$3 in my local supermarket, but still. Special milk (eg, different forms of skim milk) is slightly more expensive.

    3. Technician


      Its funny because these types of grocery stores have always existed, even in my rural areas of Ontario.

      I have a hard time trying to remember a time when I didn't rent a shopping cart.

    4. TimeOfDeath666


      It sounds like you have expensive milk too, Stewboy. :(

      Technician, that's weird because I think the only place I've been to that rented carts was a Price Chopper in Oakville. I'm between Milton and Guelph, and I use Sobey's or Superstore (and I remember the Food Basics in Milton didn't rent carts either). Guess I'm just lucky.


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  5. I am writing a letter to the parole board for a friend's early parole. Can I write he should be granted early release because the justice system failed him? or is that just not okay? What if the unanimous consensus among his friends and family is that he was granted too harsh a sentence?

    it's a bit tricky, because my friend has no fear of the law, and this is the reason he got in this mess (as I see it anyhow). Should I delicately acknowledge this fact about him, while stressing that outside of his uneasy relationship with the law, he is an upstanding and outstanding individual?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      Hellbent for Jesus!

    3. Technician


      DuckReconMajor said:

      Hellbent for Jesus!

      He couldn't raise the keys from the stool.

    4. spank


      The letter's missing the part where you state unequivocally that he should be out for those reasons.

      AndrewB, are you talking out of your ass?

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  6. This should probably be thrown up on the mount washington thread, but it's buried somewhere :D

    1. Grazza
    2. Hellbent


      Huh.. interesting Grazza. Thanks for the ... mooting of... everything I've striven so hard for. :p

    3. Bucket


      Okay, campers, rise and shine. Don't forget your booties because it's TOLD out there today.

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  7. my youtube channel has 666 views.

    Also, three tourists climbed over the fence and fell down this waterfall. One of the three people slipped and fell into the river and then the other two went after her and all three went over the falls and are presumed dead.


    jump to 40 seconds in the video.

    1. Technician


      GreyGhost said:

      Suicide pact or Darwin Award candidates?

      The first girl was a Darwin candidate, I have no clue what to award a person who willingly commits suicide like they did.

      I guess it is stupidity.

    2. bytor


      gawdamn people don't see danger 'til it hits 'em in the head anymore

    3. Hellbent


      The first person slipped and fell into the river and was quickly swept to the brink where she disappeared over the edge. Right after she fell in, one of the other two people tried to rescue her, going bye bye as well--the third person tried to rescue the second person and also went down....

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  8. Yesterday was interesting to say the least. I got to work at 9am and worked until 4:30am today and the boss served up margarita drinks at around 1:30am. We were trying to get the 'soft finish' done on the book she has been working on for over five years (I only just joined the project recently). During the day severe storms were forecast for western Massachusetts (where I live and work). At around 4pm tornado watches were posted. At around 5pm tornado warnings. So we're trying to get this thing done, and there is this tornado threat looming and we're tracking these intense dopplar radar super cells on our smart phones as they charge toward us. At around 5pm or so a tornado (or two or three) ripped through the countryside and third largest city of the state (Springfield) 20 miles south of us. A friend's house was hit. The tornado and its destruction is front page news on http://news.google.com (or it was at around 11am.) www.csmonitor.com...What-are-deadly-tornadoes-doing-way-up-in-Massachusetts? I'll post a video of the twister soon. 200+ people were injured. It was the worst tornado to hit the state in 16 years. The last one ripped through my hometown of Great Barrington (60 miles west). "The last killer tornado in Massachusetts was on May 29, 1995, when three people died in Great Barrington, a town along the New York state border. The victims were in a car that was tossed about 100 feet away." http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/28108539/detail.html

    Read more: http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/28108539/detail.html#ixzz1O8iIiGD1

    At around 3:45am we watched the International Space Station, its arms tilted just so to catch the light and appear almost like a UFO sailing through the night's sky. I earned 44 hours of work in 19 hours (including a $250 bonus). It was an exciting day.

    1. Mr. Freeze

      Mr. Freeze

      Up north, we had the most insane lightning storm I've ever seen. This one region of sky was lit up for an entire hour...it was fucking crazy. Glad you're safe, all we had in Chelmsford was a few downed power lines.

    2. Hellbent


      "On June 9, 1953, a monster tornado sliced through Worcester and other central Massachusetts communities, killing 94 people and making it one of the deadliest single tornadoes in U.S. history." That's pretty impressive for a non-tornado state.

      footage of the Connecticut river spawning one of the tornadoes that tore through Springfield.

      best part at 0:45

    3. Snakes


      I gave blood and donated a good deal of food when the disaster struck Joplin this year. For a while there, I encouraged a couple of our customers to buy some extra food to donate up front for help (I work at a grocery store ATM). Didn't accomplish enough, but I tried. Missouri really got raped over April/May, plus the insane snowstorms during the winter.

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  9. Maybe for some the loud obnoxious whine of the lawnmower is a signature sound of summer, but for me I will not miss it. Imagine a world where the only sound going by your window is the whir of blades slicing through the grass. This is the future sound of summer.

    1. Hellbent


      Keeping going. More verses please.

    2. bytor


      Danarchy and Garfunkle

    3. printz


      Are batteries strong, durable enough and not too bulky for small things like wireless lawnmowers or chainsaw? Aren't wires problematic particularly for chainsaws?

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  10. when you're feeling blue, does music make you feel better?

    Or am I just emo?

    I still feel blue.. but the music turns it into something bitter sweet.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sharessa
    3. Hellbent


      dew said:

      i usually listen to sad music when i'm melancholic or feeling down. things like portishead or godspeed you black emperor.. my own problems transform into being worried about beth gibbons' sadness or just the impending apocalypse in the latter case.

      Portishead.. mmmm good stuff.

    4. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      For me, at least, it does help to have a phase of sad music whenever something has really got me down. It's not a "cure" for what ails you, but as someone else said, it's sort of a "misery loves company" kind of thing, it's nice to know someone else has felt a similar way, and not just anybody else, but somebody with considerable influence via their music.

      After a while, I'll transition to what I consider my "zen" music (STS9's Artifact has been filling that role for me lately), and then I'll be able to enjoy everything again.

      Likewise, going on a bender when you're in a rut - the purpose isn't (or at least, shouldn't) really be to fix your problems, but just to let off some steam.

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  11. i don't have tv and just was wondering what interesting things I've missed out on in the last year or so. What's good on the bube tube?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DooMAD


      I've been watching Fringe, Lie To Me and both seasons of Spartacus lately, but then I don't actually watch them on a TV. Either a friend downloads them, or I watch them streaming online.

      Also Formula 1 just started again, so I'll be watching that.


      Also, also, Fringe has been renewed for a 4th season.

    3. Sharessa


      Big Bang Theory is funny...ish. Not really, though. They could have made a show about nerds appeal more to, you know, nerds. Just look at any random web show or the Dead Gentlemen movies, and that's how you make comedy for nerds. BBT kind of fails to match such things.

      Johnatone said:

      FX has some good shows like Justified and Archer, and some of their older shows are still around like Rescue Me and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia although those are between seasons. House is still going strong but I've missed most of the last season. Futurama came back with a new season last year but the next season doesn't start til next year; Comedy Central owns them now and syndicate the hell out of them. Then there's some of the Adult Swim shows like Venture Bros. and Superjail, the former between seasons and the latter with a new season starting tonight; also Robot Chicken rules. Generally speaking though Adult Swim puts out shitty shows anymore and I never watch past 11:30 anymore. Beyond that I don't watch TV anymore as like everyone else I think almost everything on TV is absolute shit anymore. Hell, I even quit watching the news and I used to thrive on that shit.

      Yeah, Futurama is back on now, and that's awesome. Adult Swim is pretty much shit now. The only shows I really like on it are Venture Bros., Robot Chicken, and Ghost in the Shell: SAC. All the original programming they have is pretty much directed to chronic stoners. You seriously have to have smoked about a whole pound of hash to find any of it funny.

    4. Hellbent


      I like that it's not catered to nerds. The show is an absolute riot. I can't get enough of it. The writing is very creative and witty. Jim Parsons is genius as Sheldon. I was smarter than usual in my paleontology class this morning. I almost want to credit it to watching another 8 episodes of BTT over the weekend. :D

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  12. I bought an iPhone battery replacement kit and started prying the iPhone apart at the wrong place. I'm wondering if I could have damaged the speakers at the bottom of the phone. I pried beneath the chrome instead of between the glass and above the chrome. Later I did it correctly and replaced the battery. When the iPhone was put back together (I actually had a sciency friend do most of it for me) the speakers on the bottom of the phone were no longer working. These are the speakers that work when the phone rings or when you watch youtube videos. The speaker at the top of the phone when you are talking to someone works fine.

    The headphones do work, but not the speakers. This website said that this is a fairly common problem, but the fix doesn't make sense in the context of what I've done to my phone. Any idea of the likelihood that I damaged the speakers or how I might fix them?

    1. Maes


      I had this happen to me to other devices with headphones or minijacks -sometimes entirely out of the blue, due to shitty materials. A few break after just a dozen insertions, and I had at least one that broke after its first insertion -after I removed my headphones from the jack of pair of shitty computer speakers, the speakers went dead, even though headphones still worked. I had to open it up and, since a STEREO solderable miniplug is hard to come buy, I just soldered the internal speakers to be permanently "on".

    2. printz


      Maes said:

      (assuming that it's not surface soldered, in which case only a pro with the proper equipment can replace it, a simple soldering iron won't do).

      Are the pins too tiny? Are they right below the jack?

    3. Maes


      printz said:

      Are the pins too tiny? Are they right below the jack?

      If it's surface soldered, there will be no solder side with accessible pins on the board itself: take a look at how the ICs are soldered on any reasonably modern piece of electronics, and you'll see what I'm talking about. These components can only be unsoldered with a hot-air solderer/desolderer or a special oven.

      However it would be unusual for a jack to be soldered in this way to the circuit board, as they have few contact points and need to resist somewhat more of a mechanical stress.

      Now, if this guide is to be believed, it actually is neither see-through nor surface soldered, but is "free floating" and attaches through delicate ribbon cables (the headphone jack only appears at the 7th of the 8 steps). No idea how easy that is to replace.

      Perhaps, if you're lucky, you may just get by using this q-tip fix.

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  13. Last night in chess, I goofed and Ben's queen skewered both my rooks. There was nothing I could do to save both of them, so I positioned my bishop to A6.. (damn, I should have taken a picture) .. so that it'd be in position to pressure his king, which hadn't castled. My queen also had open floor to the king. In my offensive haste, I forgot that my king would have to deal with check after he took my first rook, allowing him to take my other rook! (which had just taken out a key pawn of his). I thought the game was done. But my bishop and queen were giving his king such hell. I had dispatched of his key pawn to protect his king, so there was nothing he could do about my bishop. I wasn't able to checkmate him, of course, since he had two rooks and a queen now protecting his king. But despite this immense power, I was being such a nuisance! My pawns and maybe a knight were positioned such that my king was well protected. It was an unconventional game in that he took one of my bishops early in the game to cause stacked pawns. I kept putting him in check. Started moving one of my pawns for another queen. He finally got an opportunity to pressure my bishop out of there, and put me in check with his queen, but my bishop was prepared for this and moved in front of my king to threaten his queen. He was so exacerbated by my bishop at this point and had such a material advantage that he took my bishop with his queen! He failed to take into account that his king was blocking his rook to my advanced pawn's landing square for Queening, and that he would not have enough time to prevent it. He resigned.

    It was sheer astonishment and amusement that my bishop could have caused him so much grief that he'd sacrifice his queen to get rid of it--never seen such absurdity in chess before. I've likewise never seen a bishop be so powerful.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. printz


      bytor said:

      Get a good book that gives you games by the pros and run through them.

      Man, that's an awesome idea. I've always been intrigued by chess but was never a competent player. A way to get started is to read some chess books, train with the computer and afterwards just thrust into chess tournaments that might happen? Good thing that real-life tournaments exist; playing anything on the Internet sucks big-time.

    3. Grazza


      Rather than training with the computer, try finding some flesh-and-blood opponents at your local chess club. That should be more fun.

      If you've nothing else, then playing a computer is better than nothing, of course. But computers have always made somewhat odd opponents, and this hasn't changed as they have become stronger (they're just odd in a less funny way now). They play in a very different manner from human opponents, and taking on the current engines at full power is a humiliating experience even for grandmasters. Their handicap levels aren't much more satisfying: sometimes they'll chuck a piece away and then resume playing at full power, or things like that. It feels more like being jerked about by a strong human player who is deliberately giving you a few chances.

      If a computer is all you have as an opponent, then you could try playing out highly advantageous positions against it, such as technically won endgames. This can be useful training.

      Oh, and there's no need to pay for an engine. Some of the best ones are available for free, such as older versions of Rybka, or open source engines such as Stockfish or Robbolito (actually, I find Robbolito a far better analyst than the commercial Rybka 4 - I use these engines on a daily basis in my work).

      Hellbent: he just takes your queen with his queen.

      Back on move 7, I'd prefer 7...Be6. It develops a piece, maintains the tension (generally speaking a good thing unless there is anything specific to be gained from releasing it), and asks White how well placed his pieces are. White can't open up the f-file without giving up bishop for knight on d5, but this leaves f7 very securely defended and the queens are liable to come off. So Black looks pretty safe. If White plays quietly, then ...Nc6 and ...0-0-0 can come next, and Black can start thinking about playing ...g5.

    4. Hellbent


      I overlooked the d3 pawn :c

      Pretty sure there isn't much reason to not resign.

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  14. Why do I love the sound of children's voices in unknown games
    So much on a summer's night,
    Lightning bugs lifting heavily out of the dry grass
    Like alien spacecraft looking for higher ground,
    Darkness beginning to sift like coffee grains

    over the neighborhood?

    Whunk of a ball being kicked,
    Surf-suck and surf-spill from traffic along the by-pass,
    American twilight,

    Venus just lit in the third heaven,

    Time-tick between "Okay, let's go," and "This earth is not my home."

    Why do I care about this? Whatever happens will happen
    With or without us,

    with or without these verbal amulets.

    In the first ply, in the heaven of the moon, a little light,
    Half-light, over Charlottesville.
    Trees reshape themselves, the swallows disappear, lawn sprinklers do the wave.

    Nevertheless, it's still summer: cicadas pump their boxes,
    Jack Russell terriers, as they say, start barking their heads off,
    And someone, somewhere, is putting his first foot, then the second,
    Down on the other side, no hand to help him,
    no tongue to wedge its weal.

    1. Quasar
    2. bytor


      no tongue to wedge its weal.

      Think of a 'tongue and groove' joint. A protrusion wedges into a recess. Kinda like a train's rails and wheels but it's more commonly used to identify a method of joining wood. In the poem it would translate to; "no safe guidance".

    3. Hellbent


      bytor said:

      Think of a 'tongue and groove' joint. A protrusion wedges into a recess. Kinda like a train's rails and wheels but it's more commonly used to identify a method of joining wood. In the poem it would translate to; "no safe guidance".

      Beautiful, thank you Bytor! Smart lad, just the sort of thing that would impress the professor.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
    1. bytor


      No smart story here. Just trees. huh!

      Ever stayed in a cabin in the middle of the woods? So peaceful and fun.

      "Oh look! It's a mushroom!"

    2. Planky


      badger badger badger

  15. On Feb 7, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Jason Root wrote:

    Hi Professor Harris,
    Thanks for the great semester (and Beowulf class). I was wondering if you might have my final paper from last semester (or my final paper from Beowulf, Spring 2008)?



    Hi, Jason,

    Definitely your most recent paper, but probably not the Beowulf one. I won't be in this week or next (I'm on paternity leave, and the baby arrives on Friday). The easiest way to get your paper would be to leave a big manilla envelope with your name on it in my mailbox. When I come in to school, I'll fill it with your paper, and put it back into my mailbox. You can then check periodically to see if it's there.

    How's that sound?


    On Feb 8, 2011, at 10:08 AM, Jason Root wrote:

    Okay Harris, that sounds fine. ...and congratulations!



    Sir, you really need to work on your email etiquette. If I didn't know you better, I'd tell you to go jump in a lake. --sh

    [edit]clearly I need to play more doom and spend less time in the social sphere.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. GreyGhost


      Hellbent said:

      he isn't going to ask me to go jump in a lake, while of course implicitly implying he thinks I should go jump in a lake..

      A bit of reverse psychology might be in order. Since he hasn't explicitly told you to jump in a lake, that's obviously what you should do to show Professor Harris the error of his ways.

    3. Hellbent


      Yes, I'll make a video of me cutting a hole in the ice on a lake... and jumping in. "Happy professor?"

    4. Maes


      Hellbent said:

      Yes, I'll make a video of me throwing some keys into a toilet...and fishing them out with my bare hands. "Happy professor?"


    5. Show next comments  12 more
  16. the girl i am writing about--i don't even want to be her g/f i just want to be her friend. I mean, I'd consider dating her, but she has a b/f.

    So I met her in a class at an all girls school (cause where I go to school there is a 5 college consortium where anyone from those 5 colleges can take classes at any of the other 5 colleges). We had lunch, bought our books, hung out at the museum--were getting along well, were fooling around more than getting work done--left the museum, waited for the bus--her bus came before mine, but mine would also work for her, so she waited with me for mine--finally we went our separate ways. Next day we went to a geology talk together. She enjoyed the talk, all seemed good. The next day we had plans to go to another talk. I decided to go down to her school to meet her there and ride the bus back with her. It occurs to me that she wouldn't necessarily call me or text me when she got out of her class, but rather once she was on the bus up to my school. So I text her where she's at, and she's on the bus--I then realize I don't have enough time to get back to my school (sorta lost track of time--her school has awesome food) so I call her and she seems maybe slightly agitated that I call her right after she texted me that she's on the bus--tell her i messed up and i will be late for the talk, but that i can give her directions where to go to get to the talk (since it's at my school). she said no worries, she's with a friend from my school and he's going to the talk with her.

    Okay.. that was kinda weird--I mean we talked about going to the talk together... so.. what's with her going with her friend? She said she'd save me a seat, but there was no way of me getting over to where she and her friend were sitting without interrupting the talk. so i found the nearest seat i could to be as unintrusive as possible (incidentally the next mass email for the next geology talk stated "be prompt!" grrr). After the talk, we very briefly talk about the talk, she introduces me to her jock friend, and she mentions having somewhere to be and splits; i'm like okay... whatever.

    Next day or so we end up texting back and forth about nothing important, music, geology, classes etc... she says she's taking a really cool course on ..the NonHuman, about what disgusts society most. I ask her if her professor allows sit ins. Long pause on her end of no reply... my roommate and his girlfriend both think that was not a smooth move.. I don't really get it, something about following her or something... WHATEVER. She finally replies "Most likely not. There are like 20 in the class." She then sends another text switching the conversation back to music.

    The next day she texts me letting me know classes are cancelled--we text some more about what we are going to do with our days off... it ends me with me asking her if she knows any good places to go glade sledding since she said it was awesome. She says Nope.

    Later that night around 11:30pm i send her a text asking if she wants to go sledding tomorrow. The next day she replies "sorry, I'm busyyy". Then a few hours later texts again: "Oh that text referred to today, I spent the night at umass [my school] and didnt' check my texts" --now i'm pretty sure her b/f doesn't go to umass. so where did she sleep over? I suppose she could have a good friend that goes there--but that struck me as kinda odd.... She also didn't mention if she was actually, then, available to go sledding. I just replied "oh, haha" and didn't ask if she was available since I had to be somewhere.

    We don't communicate for 2 days.

    Then she sends me a text "so seeing as you have been over 21 for awhile and I am just shy of 20..."

    I call her and we discuss it and she opens the dialogue with "just so you know when i turn 21 i am not going to buy people alcohol--what if something were to happen--what if you bought me alcohol and I died!" After she said this, I gave some thought to whether I should support a freshmen party in this way. Finally I decided I would, but first asked her what was in it for me. She said I could come (to the party) and I was like maybe... but she said it wouldn't be fun--bunch of freshmen guys from umass who do crew. I took this as her way of saying she didn't really want me at the party. So I asked for $15. She said okay. To protect myself, she agreed (and actually suggested) to come all the way up from her school to my apt which is like an hour bus ride. This way her and her friends could load up their backpacks and not attract any attention. I welcome into my apt, show them the booze--they work out the money between them.. and a slightly odd thing happens: she says to her friend "give him 85" -instead of to me--that just struck me as slightly odd... if you are going to give me $1 and change less than the agreed amount (the tab was 71 something) shouldn't you say to my face "is 85 okay?" Anyway, her and her two crew boy friends (one of them from the talk the other day) say g'bye, and she says 'see you monday' not offering me to come to the party, but still cordial.

    My roommate saw the whole transaction as low on her part--that I was used (even though I made an easy $14). It also bears to note she bought me lunch the first day we met since I had no cash on me, which I paid her back for.

    My roommate thought I should press her on the point that she wasn't inviting me to the party after providing her the bulk of the alcohol for it. I was going hiking/extreme sledding early the day after her party, so I didn't really want to go to it anyway--but when the weather was looking more like rain/sleet than snow, I texted her letting her know I'd be able to come to her party.

    She replies: seriously?
    me:Yeah, why not
    her: "idk I just didn't think you'd be interesetd considering it's just me babysitting 12 guys from Umass...
    Correction: freshmen guys. There's a reason I went to an all womens school"

    okay.. this is just retarded. She told me the first day i met her how she doesn't like the grovelly nature of freshmen guys.. and now she's inviting a jury's worth of them to her party? to babysit them? Like.. umm.. what?

    me: I don't follow the last part [about reason she goes to all womens school]
    her: I went here to avoid being with freshmen guys, I'm making a joke don't laugh i'm not funny.
    me: Hahaha, failure on my part. I don't mind freshmen guys, as long as it's not really just you and twelve of them :P
    her: "Yeahhhh it might be like that for a good portion of time...."

    All this time my roommate is reading the convo and saying she's full of it--the party is going to be a rager--she just doesn't want me there....

    A little later she changes the subject again: do you think the prof will like me if I argue hip bones NEVER EXISTED on the platycarpus?

    I reply saying I haven't worked on the lab, but if you support it fine--
    her: Haha oook. So come tonight if you want but I can't promise it won't be awk... im already stressed it will be arrg
    me: you need some *girls* there too, otherwise it will be.
    me: Ahhh... ageism.. wait, what? [yes, I actually sent these last 2 texts]
    her: idk I hate organizing these things it stresses me out

    now.. in retrospect, I think she was telling the truth, but my roommate wasn't buying it at all--so I text: "i'm trying to feel out the real reason you don't want me at your party" [damn... shouldn't have listened to my roommie!]

    her: It's going to be mad uncofmortable for all people inovlved and I don't even want to do it anymore!

    me: why?
    her: why what
    me: Why will it be uncomfortable?
    her: because a lot of my female friends might probably flake shortly after we've begun.
    me: are your equally concerned with the welfare of all the other guys too? [my roommate actually sent this text, not me]
    her: what do you mean? the guys are here for sure
    me: Why would the guys stay if all the girls leave? [that was me]
    her: well my bestie and prolly another are spending the night
    me: well your pad is pretty big, I can just crash on the floor.
    me: .....kidding.....

    I then call her she doesn't answer. 15 minutes later she calls back, was on the phone etc... explains to me in what to my ears sounds very sincere about the whole situation... that there is another party near her dorm and she's afraid that people will only come to her party for a short period if at all (her girl friends I guess). Says she meditated that morning and realized she can't wait for the whole party to be over with.. that parties at mt. holyoke are more personal--where everyone who attends gets introduced--that she wouldn't be able to spend much time with me... (...12 freshmen guys...) there was probably some other stuff in there as far as her explanations went... she asked me if I was kidding about sleeping over--I said yes of course... she said she was having her boyfriend over next weekend and that one of her guy friends said he'd be sleeping over--she was like, "no way!"

    The next day I did my extreme sledding and skiing (with none other than our very own Magicsofa).

    So given this excruciatingly detailed account, do you think she just doens't like me or was using me for alcohol? (I personally don't think so). What do you think the real reason was for her not wanting me at the party?

    Yes, I prefer minutia detailed blogs about my life to doing homework.

    1. Snakes


      Technician said:

      Next time you see her, tell her fuck off, you don't need to stand for such bullshit.

      "Fuck off! I don't need your shit! I've talked to John Romero online!"

      Let her figure the rest out.

    2. Technician


      Snakes said:

      "Fuck off! I don't need your shit! I've talked to John Romero online!"

      That's sometimes my opening line...

      Well, at least it would be if I ever left the house.

    3. DuckReconMajor


      It's mine too but instead of John Romero I say My Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ and then I pull out my holy water and start spraying her and calling her Jizzebel. Then I sprinkle some holy water.

      But yeah, in your case Hellbent I'd just try to get really close and then beat off in her cereal one morning. Then leave town while giggling like a girl.

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  17. Dan and I hike up the river bed to bash bish falls, jumping from snow covered stone to snow covered stone, braving precarious frozen sections and climbing along treacherous embankments above pools of frozen water. This video chronicles some of the highlights of our adventure.

    Watch it on youtube in HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDttoolYMsU

    1. lupinx-Kassman


      Looked fun. I can see a large amount of some mysterious white substance in that video though, what is that? I've never seen it here in Mesquite.

    2. Hellbent


      lupinx-Kassman said:

      Looked fun. I can see a large amount of some mysterious white substance in that video though, what is that? I've never seen it here in Mesquite.

      well you might real soon. Even Brownsville is supposed to hit the freezing mark, and it's on the same latitude as the Florida Keys! (it's actually south of the keys).

    3. lupinx-Kassman


      Yeah funnily enough about five minutes after I said that, I was preparing to go to my local gym when I opened the door and saw all of the roads were snowed over. I thought it was a little quiet.

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  18. been watching back to back to back episodes of "6 feet under" this evening (well, the tv is playing them and I am working on dtwid). Someone said "hellbent" and "knee deep in human waste" in the show (in different episodes). It's an okay program (oh no, now someone is crying).

    1. Use


      Hellbent said:

      (oh no, now someone is crying).

      Get used to that. Also Nate uses the computer at one point to play 'Doom', though it's not seen and only heard for a moment, using alternate sounds. I think it happens during season 4.

    2. Hellbent


      Use3D said:

      Get used to that. Also Nate uses the computer at one point to play 'Doom', though it's not seen and only heard for a moment, using alternate sounds. I think it happens during season 4.

      Clearly the writers are fans. They obviously were browsing the forums and saw my name and wrote it into the script. And who uses the expression "knee deep in ..."? Nate playing Doom pretty much seals the deal.

  19. Last night around 1am the fan for the fireplace went on. I asked the others living in the house if they turned it on and they said nope. Although there is one other person I need to ask. But no one would have any reason to turn it on. My friend who lives next door said he saw a ghost on his bed when he went to sleep last night. I have been getting 'attacked' from time to time by ghosts? ... something... when I go to sleep at night. It feels like my body (and mind) are being taken over for a period of time and I have no control over my body and very little over my mind--i have to struggle each time this happens to regain control... it's sort of like trying to wake up from a bad dream. I suppose it happens about once a week. I've described it elsewhere on the forums as night terrors.

    1. DuckReconMajor


      Hellbent said:

      My friend who lives next door said he saw a ghost on his bed when he went to sleep last night.

      Is she hot?

    2. Xeros612


      printz said:

      [...]he was seeing with his peripheral vision a Baron of Hell sitting on his desk chair. That's gotta be awesome, man. Others have reported seeing floating dead flaming heads hovering in their sights. Come on.

      Somehow this comes off to me as more imagination or dreaming than anything. I highly doubt actual spirits and whatnot would conveniently be the same form as monsters from a game series. Unless said spirits have the ability to manifest themselves as something familiar to the person they're appearing near, this seems too far out to believe as actual ghost sightings.

    3. 40oz


      A few weeks ago I was driving home late at 4am on a cold winter night after I was out with a girl and as I pulled into my inanimate barren neighborhood and before it was too late there was a very peculiar looking puff of smoke or fog or something that appeared in the rays of my headlights and I drove right through it.

      It didn't have the figure of a person or an animal but it was creepy being as though it wasn't humid enough to have naturally occuring fog and it didn't appear to come from anywhere than an empty lot with some trees. I wasn't haunted or attacked or anything but it was pretty eerie.

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  20. can't sleep cause i'm the unwitting victim of a mild second hand high; (I think just pot, but definitely inordinate amounts of second hand cig smoke). I can't really explain how I am feeling. On the one hand it's hardly noticeable, and on the other my brain pops my eyes open through a strange floating wakefulness (like an air bubble that is forced to the top) whenever I close my eyes to go to sleep. If the air bubble would sink to the bottom, that would be falling asleep--but since it floats to the top, that is remaining awake despite the desire to fall asleep.

    I don't feel stoned, just slightly off in a completely novel and dissociated sort of way. Drugs are so weird and always give me the experience of having my mind flushed down the toilet (oh gno where did my mind go give it back!) No really, that is just the awful beginning of an excruciatingly trying journey through madness, through nihilism, through nothingness, beyond void: in the vacant space where my mind was is replaced with from the murky nether a very strange, unreal, incoherent, vacant, broken, foggy, fragmentating, inconsistent, inpenetarable, bottom drops out, ininterpretable, onious, shattered, skipping, stuttering, slipping away, falling, surreal, voidful, vacant, unreal, memory-failful, bending, imploding, floating, splitting, falling, shattering, ADD to the umpteenth power, degenerating, fragmentating, Groundhog Day looping reality that leaves the "me" who is experiencing this without my mind and without myself--just a mindless void experiencing a scrambled and broken program of utter incoherence to the point of catastrophe of being. It all adds up to some awful nightmare that is so inexplicably impossibly WTF that I freak the fuck out in excruciating crisis of being. I don't know why people do them or how they can possibly enjoy them, let alone to the extent that this mad house was doing them earlier. Thankfully my friend kicked out his brother and all his friends (there were a lot of them). Pot et al. is so awful.

    1. iori


      Nihilism seems to be a common side effect of psychoactives.

      I've done my fair share of pot, and I really like it once in a while, if I can do it alone and explore my head without interruption, but if other (especially unknown) people unexpectedly enter the mix I can be a nervous wreck. Also smoking too much makes me foggy, slow and paranoid. But I don't generally have extreme anxiety with those words Hellbent used.

      Set and setting, dude.

    2. Technician


      Hellbent said:

      No, I was describing what happens when I actually ingest the stuff legitly. Last night I only experienced what was described in the first paragraph.

      My bad.

      iori said:

      Set and setting, dude.

      Or try not to think too much. You are your own worst enemy.

    3. Maes


      Please Hellbent DO post another toilet fishing video in HD here <3

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  21. Newark is under a blizzard warning.
    Southern New England to get 1 to 2 feet of snow.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Whoo


      Woke up this morning to everything covered in ice. Every other school district around me was either delayed or canceled. The state park that is merely a few miles away from me is closed. My school district had no delays or closings whatsoever. I hate going to school here, even though I stayed home.

    3. Sharessa


      Hellbent said:

      Huh, I thought that thunder snow was a rare enough phenomenon that it hadn't been caught on tape before. At least I remember reading a few years ago that some meteorologists didn't believe it was real. If so, that's awesome.

      And the woodchuck says it will be an early spring, so that's good as well.

    4. bytor


      ::: throws that woodchuck a doggie treat :::

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  22. My sister got greenlighted to direct a feature length movie with a $7,000,000 budget!

    :) go sis!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hellbent


      Mancubus II said:

      Is your sister Alethea Root?

      Hey... heh, yes she is!

      Lüt said:

      Unless his parents are Greek herbs, I'd doubt that.

      My grandmother on my mom's side is Greek.

    3. Lüt


      But is she a herb?

    4. Hellbent


      Lüt said:

      But is she a herb?

      why would she be a herb? or my parents for that matter?

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  23. My roommate just asked me how good at doom I am.

    Me: "I'm good. Not great, but good. For someone who has been playing doom for as long as I have, I'm good."
    Tardo: "How can you be good at doom? It's such an old game. It doesn't require any skill. There are newer more sophisticated games that do. How can such an old game require any skill?"
    Me: "I wish I had a mic right now so I could record the monumental retardation of this conversation."
    Tardo: "I can understand in new games how you can need skill, to stalk and whatever. But Doom is such an old game and simple game. What can possibly involve any skill?"

    In other news, I want to make a thread where I can just bitch and moan to high hell and say whatever the fuck I want. I feel like going on a long rant about all the stupid shit in the world and the faggity people that piss me off and how I hate all the stupid shit that is piled high all around me. I think I am just bitter for still being sick. But I am just in the mood to blow off huge quantities of steam. To be as insensitive and inconsiderate as humanly possible. Do you ever feel like just going off and not exercising an iota of self restraint? Wouldn't it be nice? To just go off on how Technician is such a fucking twat? Or how I secretly loved that Kristus wound up in Losers shortly after telling me to stop posting? Feel free to use this space as a shitting ground. Go on! Tell me how much I suck or the rest of the world sucks and how you wish I'd die a horrible death in a vat of acid. We spend our whole lives acting in a civilized and restrained manner. Sometimes we should be able to just say the fuck whatever we want. There should be a single day of the year set out just for this purpose. I say December 11 is as good as any. I want to hear your unchecked wrath; your vile hatred and disdain for all that is shitty. Don't hold back, let the world have it.

    I dreamt last night that a moderator PMed me offering me a moderator position, because one of the mods had been acting like a turd and lost their privileges. And I was wondering what the hell I did to earn the opportunity for such a position. I think that's the first time I've dreamt about doomworld. How the fuck is dreamt not a word. God I just want to kill the stupid.

    In other news: I did a youtube search for "hilarious video" just now and this was the first result. Yesterday I went on my blog to post something and saw I had a new follower on it. It was the guy who posted all the pics that are in this video. i find that kind of strange. Especially since yesterday I debated posting a blog about the guy's photos, but didn't bother, and then the next day I run into him again!

    1. 40oz


      yeah? well fuk you too fgt

    2. Sharessa


      Oddly, my friends had the opposite reaction to my playing Doom. I did a Let's Play for them of the first two episodes and their reaction was "damn, you're pretty good at this" which is weird, because I'm not. I get my ass handed to me in deathmatch and usually have to play PWADs on skill 1 if I want to beat them without cheats.

    3. fraggle
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  24. Finally! What I've always wanted!
