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File Reviews posted by printz

  1. Graves & Caves


    This is an amazing level, ignore the naysayers. It's better than its predecessor in time, SUBRIVER. It's also one of the few which use switches like in the IWAD.

  2. Alien Vendetta


    Excellent map set, appealing to challengers and nostalgics alike. There are probably too many revenants and teleport traps (it's amazing how all the different authors coordinated towards this style) but that only means the wad will be so much harder.


    I wonder if 'alien' refers to the Doom monsters (i.e. they're aliens).

  3. A very good one-person megawad. Whereas usually single-author megawads suffer from repetitions, and this one is no exception with regards to texturing (all of it is wood, metal and plaster), the actual level design is really creative over-all. Difficulty builds up to a climactic final level.

  4. This is a huge, challenging and good looking level. The layout is delightfully non-linear and the combat is quite compact, as well as rewarding. The level design was ahead of its time, it reminded me of Plutonia which came later!


    IMPORTANT: at some point it may seem like you're stuck in a small symmetrical room, but there really is a way out, try to push every wall, do not rush to look in the editor :)

  5. HomeLand


    A very good level, which starts easy but steadily gets tougher and tougher. It has everything in it.


    HINT: never trust a teleporter! Also, as usual, only use items when you really need them.

  6. GULAG


    Awesome map set, maybe the first Heretic wad in history with this achievement (sorry if I forgot older outstanding wads)? It consists of five maps with the level of detail never seen before. Several of the maps are multistory as well... The gameplay is mainly puzzle-based, very much like Hexen, so if you want straightforward gameplay, this wad is not for you. Generally though, you should revisit the areas a lot, as some new location gets open. The difficulty is not that high, but you should save at the beginning of each level, because I'm not sure they can be wand-started.

  7. Avenger


    Excellently difficult level with lots of branching and which requires a cautious play. It took me way more than an hour to complete it, simply because of its challenge and size. Highly nonlinear and it's possible you need to be lucky to find the best items first (on first play) or know the locations in advance. Really like the "eastern look and feel" as well.

  8. Triplex


    This is a set of three maps by author @Memfis. They're all in Plutonia style and have new music, monsters and items. They're very hard on UV and author didn't bother with skill levels, so the only way to make it easier is ITYTD, which is still quite challenging. All the maps are wonderfully non-linear, and the way traps are set up means that you'll never go into a routine.

  9. Pretty good and big map. I think it's one of his first, and it shows in some areas or monster encounters. However, for such a big map, it flows pretty well. The automap is your friend, and make sure to use the 'm' key to mark any areas you'd like to visit later.

  10. Lava Flow


    Very nice level, where you are faced against challenges and given the proper items to handle them. The texture usage is not great, but the author knew how to setup the gameplay.



    Very challenging map, with lots of really difficult dark areas. You need to visit every place to reach your goal. Both keys require a bit of secret observation to be obtained.

  12. Lunatic


    Nicely challenging wad with a consistent Moon base and spaceflight theme. Gameplay is straightforward Plutonia combat, with a lot of dangerous ambushes requiring good reflexes and escape plans.


    Stylistically, even though it made little difference while inside the techbases that you're on the Moon or anywhere else, the outside areas reminded you constantly where you are. The Earth may have been drawn too close in the sky, but the story explains why. The music however felt too arcade-like, and the Moon crater surface textures could have been better.

  13. PHOBOS3


    Cool classic mapset. It's not the best looking and reminds one of Wolf3D with its orthogonal maps and use of doors. But it has the advantage of letting monsters roam a lot, so in this way they play quite dynamically. MAP07 is totally tense.
