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Found 157 results

  1. Version


    everybody always followed the adventures of That Lone Space Marine - from his first encounter with hell on the Phobos moon, to the many and diverse quests set out for him. But what if he had a wife? What about all the soldiers' wives that were left alone at home waiting for their men? What if after months of endless waiting they finally decided to go out in the dark looking for their husbands and then embraced the cause against hell, effectively joining the fight?
  2. Guest

    Velocity CTF



    12 maps of high-speed action-packed Capture the Flag maps by various individuals of the Mechanix Union. Map list: MAP01 - Rotated Infinity by Dusk MAP02 - Crypts of Eternity by Decay MAP03 - and Hell Captured by Dusk MAP04 - Industrial Nukage Mining by Dusk MAP05 - Gun Shy by Kamai MAP06 - Generatrix by Decay MAP07 - Tyr's One-Wheeled Bicycle by HeavenWraith MAP08 - Bleak Outlook by Synert MAP09 - Swap Meet by Shane MAP10 - Architecture of Aggression by Decay MAP11 - Winter Sacrifice by Decay MAP12 - Complex Beta by Decay Uses the following music tracks: MAP01 - "Mizshunn Impassable" by David "Tolwyn" Shaw MAP02 - "Skedar Mystery" by Graeme Norgate, sequenced by Gold Jinjo MAP03 - "Destiny" by Mark Klem MAP04 - "Fear Factory" from Donkey Kong, sequenced by Jay Reichard MAP05 - "Taking Names" by Bobby Prince MAP06 - "Conductor" by James "Jimmy" Paddock MAP07 - "Fairy Tail Main Theme (Metal Version)", MIDI-sequenced by HeavenWraith MAP08 - "Bleak Outlook" by Synert MAP09 - "Path of Destruction" by Mark Klem MAP10 - "Wolfsong" by darkhaven3 MAP11 - "Under a Crimson Moon" by Eric "The Green Herring" Baker MAP12 - "Transducer" by James "Jimmy" Paddock
  3. Version


    This zip file includes two pk3's: Q4CollarAlpha.pk3 and KEENDATA.pk3. Be sure to load them both in order to play correctly (run GZDOOM from a command line rather than trying to drag and drop them both in) This is a game for the GZDOOM Source port using the Universal Doom Map Format (UDMF). All content in the game is entirely new, so it may be possible to run this with an Iwad other than doom2.wad, but I never really experimented with it so just be safe with doom2.wad. This game stars Commander Keen of old-school PC sidescrolling fame and his friend Marta as they explore planet Gloogulus Prime searching for Spot's stolen collar before he gets put to sleep in an intergalactic alien pound. You get a basic neural stunner for a weapon and you can jump pretty high. There's also very little wind resistance so you have great control in the air as well. Gloogulus's gravity also keeps you airborne for a slightly longer period of time than that of Earth's. You cannot drown, so don't worry about being under the yellow water for too long. Like the original Commander Keen games, you can make use of a Pogo (or in Marta's case Moon Shoes) to let you jump even higher. You can go into pogo mode by pressing alt-fire, so make sure you have that key configured to something. Try it out, it's quite fun. You can get out of pogo mode by pressing altfire again or by pressing fire (but doing the latter will use up a stun charge) You can collect candy for points and 100 purple fruits for a 1up but at this early stage of development they are meaningless. Oh, and one more thing: Like the original Commander Keen games, you have only ONE HIT POINT! So watch your back out there ;) ************************************ *|================================|* *|-------------STORY:-------------|* *|================================|* ************************************ The year is 1991. After finally killing his arch-nemesis, Mortimer McMire, during an epic clash that would decide that would decide the fate of the Universe, nine-year old boy genius Billy Blaze, AKA Commander Keen, continues to work diligently in his lab. Commander Keen has gone on many more interstellar adventures since he saved the Universe. Some of which are more believable than others. One day Billy was playing fetch with his pet yorp Spot. He accidently threw the stick into the thick bushes in his neighbor's yard. "Wait here while I go get it boy" Billy said to spot just before he went to retrieve it. But before Billy could dive into the bushes, he felt something heavy land on top of him and he hit the ground. "Tag, you're it!" It was Marta, the annoying girl who just moved into this house with her family a few weeks ago. Marta is new in the neighbor hood and they've been having playdates because their moms thought it would be a good idea. But Marta doesn't quite get that Billy doesn't enjoy her company. Or perhaps she understands perfectly and gets entertainment from annoying him. Marta has an IQ of 313 and a laboratory of her own, and Billy secretly resents the fact that someone else is around who can rival his intelligence. But she is by far better to have around than Mortimer McMire. "Is this what you're looking for?" Marta grabs the stick before Billy can grasp it. "I don't get what the big deal is." So she threw it on the roof. Billy was steaming mad and chased after her, but she kept running a step ahead of Billy because he was 'it' and she wanted to prove how long she could go without being tagged back. She climbed into a tree, but Billy used his pogo to land on the branch just above her and tagged her back. "Now can I have my stick back?" "Okay, but I don't see how it's better than any other old twig." Marta strapped on her super moon shoes that she found while exploring the moon's craters and jumped on the roof. She threw the stick down to Billy and he ran back to his own yard with it. "Spot! Here boy!" But spot wasn't there. Billy found a slip in spot's doghouse printed in Standard Galactic Alphabet: "Due to an illegal lack of owner identification, the Galactic Animal Control Association has impounded the yorp found on this planet. If the owner wishes to claim official custody of this animal, please come to the Galactic Pound Station with a collar and tag identifying ownership of this creature before he is put to sleep." Billy screamed in a fit of rage: "But Spot had his collar on!" At that moment Billy noticed the alien ion tracker was blinking. Billy flipped on the display and it showed him a flying saucer that hovered above spot for a brief moment, beamed the collar off his eye-stalk, and flew away with it. Then a second, completely different spacecraft came, beamed Spot aboard, and left a note under the doghouse. "All this happened while chasing after Marta!?" Billy could just walk down to the local pet shop and buy a new collar, but he was short $1.39 and he didn't want to explain to his mom that his dog is an alien and other aliens stole his collar. So Billy decided to chase after the aliens that took Spot's collar and bring it back to the Galactic Pound Station. The ion trail left by the aliens that came recently led to planet Gloogulus Prime in the Gloog system. Billy hopped on board the Bean-with-Bacon-Megarocket, put it on auto-pilot, and sat back to play a few million rounds of paddle wars because the Gloog system was in another galaxy and it was going to be a long ride. But just as he was a hundred thousand lightyears from Sol he heard a noise in the back engine room. He opened the door to find Marta cramped in the back space. "I saw what happened to your dog while we were playing tag. I always wanted to see the Gloog system, so I thought I'd tag along" Billy was furious, but turning back now would set his trip back too far, so he had to deal with it. After a very long and annoying ride for Billy which didn't end with him breaking his all-time high-score on paddle-war like he hoped, the Bean-With-Bacon-Megarocket finally settled and landed on Gloogulus Prime. When Billy looked over to the end of the nearby bridge, he noticed an exit sign written in Standard Galactic Alphabet. But this is not the Milky Way Galaxy. How could whoever lives here possibly know SGA? And why would they want to steal Spot's collar? Billy and Marta step out of the Bean-With-Bacon-Megarocket to search for clues behind this mystery...
  4. Guest

    John's little dream world for DOOM 1



    You crash land on a moon inhabited by alien monsters who want to rip your head off.
  5. Guest

    The Martian Moon "Phobos"



    DOOM Trivia! What the heck is a "Phobos" anyway? The Martian moon "Phobos" photographed by the Viking probe, July 20, 1976, and available on the Media Clips(tm) CD-ROM, (c)Copyright Aris Entertainment, Inc., 1991-1992. 640x480 JPG format image.
  6. Guest




    In the phobic deimos moon there is an union aerospace corporations' hidden moon base. The map idea is based on dm_alesserfate and dm_lucifersfate maps in Aliens Versus Predator 2. This is sort of a tribute to those two maps.
  7. Version


    You have been sent up to one of the latest moon bases to keep it from being beset from the strange creatures that have been coming from the teleporters. Your brother was on the first mission, sent to Phobos. He found something there that made UAC scared. The only trans- mission that you have gotten from him is the garbled message, "I..escap....rom..ell!". Now it is up to you to find out what happened.
  8. Guest

    Morbid Scream



    ehe this is a death match level in caotic style, sets principally in a moon base... have fun
  9. Guest




    Your trapped on that infernal moon base as usual. You've gotten to the point where you take out most everything that comes at you without blinking. You've become careless. You round a corner and meet a hail of fire and gunshot, and you're dead. You wake in a dark hole, awaiting the time when the denizens of hell will come and take you away for a permanent more-than-luke-warm bath of fire. BUT HEY! Just because you're dead doesn't mean that you can't still kick butt! After all, going to hell for real didn't take away your shotgun (and they say you can't take it with you). You scrounge your way out of the dark hole and see a fortress in the distance. If you can reach it, then you can reclaim your lost soul from it's round blue container and free yourself from Purgatory.
  10. Guest




    Set in a mining base on one of Jupiter's moons, you must escape the hell infested facility. This wad is part of the final wad set I will make. I really don't know when I will stop, but when I do make my last wad, it will be in the kaiser_* series.
  11. Version


    Castle Luna. Part museum, part hi-tech laboratory, on the fringe of the lunar terraformed zone. UAC's gift to the citizens of the moon. But someone had other plans for it, and whatever they're doing up there, is isn't finding a cure for cancer. So the Corps wants you to go up and find out what's really happening inside...Castle Luna. (See pharin1.txt for the complete background story.)
  12. Guest

    Project Mars Base



    The first mission to the moons of mars was a 2 man team of space marines who were trying to see if the moons were able to sustain the UAC's new space station. The team landed, they report every thing seems fine, but the shuttle they were in had been destryoed in the landing. After a day the team had failed to report back. The last thing they reported informed you that they had used charges to break through a small opening in the rocks, because they had detected a life form in a tunnel on the other side. The UAC sends you to rescue the team and check on thier progression of the project. What you find to your supprise is the crashed suttle, and the cave that they had tunneled into, but only one of the marines, and he was laying in front of you dying. The last few things he tells you is, the other marine was eaten by some beast that came through this gate. You see that he had destroyed the gate befor he was attacked. The last marine dies, you are now alone in this strange place built on alien soil. You can hear some noise comming from the tunnels, you try and radio back and notice that the transmition is very unclear. You figure that the base back on earth will send up a rescue team to find you... But then you remember, you are the rescue team...!! Oh shit... now what...? Well play the levels and see..!!!!!!
  13. Guest




    It was all over. You had singlehanded cleared earth of every scum-blood-dirt sucking alien bastard ever to hit the face of the univers. Or so you thought. As you had probably realised as you were fighting your way through halls, corri- dors and entire cities of hell and horror these alien reptiles had a rather advan- ced technology. And so years before we were ever going to invent time travel they had all ready done it. The few places you did not strike them they used their short time in making time travel experiments. And now they want your head on a stick for being too damn superior. Blasting three rockets into the superbrain almost took your last efforts, but still you had the strenght to drag yourself to a teleporter, adjust your wrist communica- tor to the exact coordinates of the UAC headquarters, or what was left of it, and beam home. Meanwhile those alien arschlocks were con- ducting experiments with their timemachine in order to trap you and beam you back in time to their planet. Right into a play- field of horror and death and humiliation. You would never stand a chance and they would all laugh and spit on you as you would fall to the ground dead! But their machine caught it wrong and send you outside the playfield and into the middle of their smelly bloodinfested world of hate. Here is the chance to prevent all the horror. Kill them now or earth will be for ever doomed. Continue your mission in the original military base, which the fuckers built a model of on the moon (for those who donĀ“t understand; this .wad is exactly the same as E1M9 in DOOM, but with extreme changes in design and textures), deep in the heart of their world. It is simple, do as you did in the "moon-copy" and you will succeed. But remember you are still in their world so there might be more of them!!
  14. Guest

    SOS DOOM version 0.3



    SOS DOOM is developed by the SOS DOOM Team to support the efforts of the Save Our Sailors (SOS) campaign, which aims at keeping Sailor Moon on the air in North America. Please visit the SOS homepage at: http://looney.physics.sunysb.edu/sos/ The latest releases of SOS DOOM as well as screen-shots can be found at: http://dau.physics.sunysb.edu/~ming/sos/sosdoom.html
  15. Guest

    Shooting Gallery for Hexen



    Gallery.wad is a shooting gallery. Spawn monsters by hitting the targets, then shoot them before they shoot you. This is a great place to practice your Hexen skills. You get unlimited ammo. Go to the back of the gallery to get supplies. There are four barriers that you can erect to modify the play area, three smaller barriers and one large one to protect the rear supply area. The switches are at the back. They can be used repeatedly to increase the height. Experiment to get it the way you like.(You can't lower the barriers except by starting a new game.) The two moon switches can be used repeatedly to spawn ammo and healing.
  16. NuMetalManiak

    The City of The Damned Apocalypse

    fucking yikes, this one was cool to explore. but I wandered the city with just the anaconda only to be smitten by those very fast hellhounds or whatever, should probably tell me where a better weapon would be before the whole nonlinear thing gets my head. use of Blood resources was interesting I guess. the moon shelter concept was pretty cool, though I had to wait awhile, and why did the screen turn black anyways? the boss was kinda a letdown for some reason too.
  17. Guest

    The Final Gathering



    This is the final revision to The Gathering. I put the starts in on each level for deathmatch play. I think E2M3 is probably your best bet. The original file was a large one level mission. added an entire mission E2M1 and added a lot more rooms to the original, which I split into two separate levels. They're fun. I think these levels are great. Something for everyone I hope. I'm sure you've never seen some of the things that are in my twisted head. The moon base water treatment and recycling center started reporting strange happenings deep in there sewer system a few weeks ago. Just days later a garbled transmission during the sounds of battle made it through to the UAC outpost on Deimos 4. "Nuke us.......it's the only.....have to... ....cant make this......sewers...cavern... from hell" was all that could be understood from the message. Not much to go on, but that's what you're used to. They don't give you any easy ones, and you don't get to ask to many questions. The UAC needs you to investigate and "rectify" any potential hazards on the water treatment facility. Good luck. Dang! what the heck was that? Just two tunnels and an underpass from the UAC water treatment plant. The driver never saw the creature waiting in the tunnel. In a flash it was over. Nothing could have survived that crash... you could be wrong ... you did. I guess your on foot now. Be careful, the truck that was escorting you was carrying emercency supplies for the plant personnel and some toxic waste. Watch it, that stuff is flammable.
  18. Guest

    Surreal2.wad (for Doom 2)



    This is a re-release of Surreal2.wad, it includes some minor changes such as texture re-alignments, texture improvements, and one new texture. Surreal2.wad is designed to look and feel different from a standard ID wad. It includes a 360 night time sky with clouds and moons, waterfalls you can hear, a trap you can "defuse", a highway, and other even cooler stuff. This is a PWAD only and requires no changes to the Doom exe.
  19. Guest

    The Aphexius mines



    The Aphexius mines takes you on a ride to the pit of hell, down to the depths of the moon of Deimos, A moonwide clean up of all the dead bodies from the Deimos base is in operation, unfortunately, the clean up crew didn't anticipate the danger of the Aphexius mines, surely not all of the bases on deimos are overrun by these monsters they said, a clean up crew went to investigate the place, the poor souls! It's your job to clean the place out. Not an easy job, it's thought that the base is literally swarming with the sods. To top that, you have no base schematics, the base has apparently undergone some pretty major structural changes since the base was inhabited. On top of that, you have nothing but a shotgun and a few shells, and two boxes of pistol ammo. We suspect there are weapons in the base though. The background on the base is like so, it's a base that helped supply the Deimos research base with the necessary raw materials for their research, and to supply power for the base. God knows what happened to the personnel.
  20. Guest

    Velocity CTF X



    The expansion of Velocity CTF: 32 maps of high-speed action-packed Capture the Flag maps by various individuals of the Mechanix Union. Map list: MAP01 - Rotated Infinity by Dusk MAP02 - Crypts of Eternity by Decay MAP03 - and Hell Captured by Dusk MAP04 - Industrial Nukage Mining by Dusk MAP05 - Gun Shy by Kamai MAP06 - Generatrix by Decay MAP07 - Tyr's One-Wheeled Bicycle by HeavenWraith MAP08 - Bleak Outlook by Synert MAP09 - Swap Meet by Shane MAP10 - PACK ATTACK by Dusk MAP11 - Winter Sacrifice by Decay MAP12 - Complex Beta by Decay MAP13 - Stand-Off by Decay MAP14 - Industrial Waste Sewers by Decay MAP15 - The E4-Themed Reject by Kamai MAP16 - Heavy Water by Omegamax MAP17 - Return to the Crypts by Decay MAP18 - Clash of Empires by Shane MAP19 - Alpine Insurrection by Shane / Decay / HeavenWraith MAP20 - DECAY INDUSTRIES by Decay MAP21 - Save the Universe! by Heavenwraith / Dusk MAP22 - Chernobyl's Requiem by Kamai MAP23 - Radial Ruins by Omegamax MAP24 - Remmi's Wrath by Remmirath MAP25 - Mount Idle by Shane MAP26 - Mortal Revulsion by Exl MAP27 - Corrupt Technology by Decay MAP28 - Deathgrind by Dusk MAP29 - Sound Familiar? by Shane MAP30 - Artificial Valley by Heavenwraith / Dusk MAP31 - Charon Orbit by Dusk MAP32 - Complex Delta by Decay Uses the following music tracks: MAP01 - Flame Mammoth's theme from Mega Man X, sequenced by Teck MAP02 - "Skedar Mystery" from Perfect Dark, sequenced by Gold Jinjo MAP03 - "Wicked Child" from Castlevania, remix by Jay Reichard MAP04 - "Fear Factory" from Donkey Kong Country, sequenced by Jay Reichard MAP05 - "Names" by Bobby Prince, from Duke Nukem 3D MAP06 - "Conductor" by James Paddock MAP07 - Main theme of Fairy Tail (metal ver.) by Takanashi Yasuharu, sequenced by HeavenWraith MAP08 - "Bleak Outlook" by Synert MAP09 - "Path of Destruction" by Mark Klem (Requiem MAP06) MAP10 - "Strange World" from Mega Man 9, sequenced by Teck MAP11 - "Under a Crimson Moon" by TheGreenHerring (Plutonia 2 MAP12) MAP12 - "Transducer" by James Paddock MAP13 - "The Extreme" by Uematsu Nobuo MAP14 - "Submission" by James Paddock MAP15 - "Storming the Trenches" by Disintegrator MAP16 - "Duff McWhalen's Stage" from Mega Man X5, sequenced by King Meteor MAP17 - "Destiny" by Mark Klem MAP18 - "Sequenz - Dies Irae" from W. A. Mozart's Requiem MAP19 - "Surf City", Battletoads theme, sequenced by The Jade Emperor MAP20 - "Streets of Desolation", from Batman, sequenced by LK*1 MAP21 - "Ankoku no Madoushi" by Takanashi Yasuharu sequenced by Heavenwraith MAP22 - "L's Theme" by Taniuchi Hideki sequenced by Heavenwraith MAP23 - composed by Heavenwraith MAP24 - "Black Inferno" by James Paddock MAP25 - "Fire Field" (echo mix) from F-Zero, sequenced by Jay Reichard MAP26 - "Mourning Palace" by Dimmu Borgir, sequenced by Set Abominae MAP27 - "Raven's Nest" by James Paddock MAP28 - "Fallen" by Symphony X, sequenced by Simone Mularoni MAP29 - "Wolfsong" by Darkhaven3 MAP30 - "Schismogenesis" by Sekito Tsuyoshi sequenced by Heavenwraith MAP31 - "Opening Stage: Axl - 'Conflict'" from Mega Man X7, sequenced by King Meteor MAP32 - Wily Fortress 1/2 theme from Mega Man 2, sequenced by V-King Title music from "Gate of Thunder Stage 6: Dark Gate" Sequenced by Disintegrator Intermusic: "Hard as Iron" by Judas Priest, sequenced by "Judas Priest Tabs"
  21. Guest

    Titan 1024



    Earth lost contact with the scientists on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn (not Mars). You've been sent to check it out. Titan 1024 is a reimagining of Titan from 2004, with each level's playable area being no larger than 1024 by 1024 units.
  22. Guest




    You (and your buddies in co-op mode) are the only survivor(s) of a UAC Marine Infantry strike to reclaim the UAC Logisitical Bases on Titan, one of the moons of Jupiter. The commanders did not know who or what had taken control of the facilites and all communications had been shut off. You didn't stand a chance against the wave of zombie creatures and evil worse than that. You (and your buds) have been taken to the UAC Prison Facility on Titan. A zombie guard comes to check on you in your cell. You're waiting for him...... (Let your buds out in co-op mode, BTW only the very start has anything much for co-op)
  23. Guest

    Escape to Corvus



    A sixteen level adventure for single player or coop. Deathmatch starts are included and the levels should at least be functional for this mode. Anyway, the story is that after the alien invasion, you were one of many people trying to make it to Earth's starport to escape the onslaught. The ship is destined for the Corvus base on a moon of Jupiter.
  24. Guest

    Beautiful Strange Doom Sky Pack



    A set of ten new skies for Doom. All of them 1024 pixels wide, divided in four pieces. The WAD archive contains a small demo map (re- peated ten times, each one with a different sky), so you can view how the skies can be applied in the game. There are also three folders. The named "truecolor" includes the original renders (256x192, 24 bpp). In "8bits-doom" you'll find the same graphics converted to Doom palette. And "8bits-128px-doom" contains the 128 pixel tall skies that I used in the demo WAD. I tried to create certain variety of atmospheres. So there are some earth-like skies, an "inferno" sky, a moon-space one, a Mars inspired sky..., among others.
  25. Guest

    The Demons' Hive



    They're back. This time it's not the moons they are after, but Mars itself. There is a hive/colony on the surface, and you (lucky you!) have been chosen to lead the attack. But your company never made it down, and you are the only one left. You have some explaining to do. Assuming, of course, that you can make it back. This is the first four levels. I hope to have the rest of them done soon. As I finish them, they will show up at the ftp site on infant2 If you are the hack-n-slash type, you won't make it very far in these levels. Most of them require some thought, and a LOT of F6. However, I have made it through on Ultra-Violence to the end of Level 4, so it CAN be done. Good luck!