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TNT: The Way We Remember It (RELEASE)

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You had me at 'tnt'... Congrats on the release!


Another cool megawad. Well done to all involved.

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20 minutes ago, RaRu Des2122 said:

Wow! Another good megawad for TNT!

Are WWRI of Plutonia and Sigil planned?


I have Plutonia planned to start in maybe a few days, but I've not thought to do Sigil. It would be a very small project, but I may consider it.

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40 minutes ago, Engired said:


I have Plutonia planned to start in maybe a few days, but I've not thought to do Sigil. It would be a very small project, but I may consider it.


It is not necessary to release Sigil separately - you can include it as the fifth episode in the already existing Doom TWWRI...

Anyway, congratulations on another realized project!

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Most of my contributions aren't particularly cursed because I have a pretty strong memory (I can still recall all the maps I made in pretty vivid detail, and I taught a university course about music memorization and transcription), so apologies for anyone expecting wild departures for those! I'm glad this project is finally seeing the light of day.

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Going through this now... boy there's a couple of cursed maps/midis already, and I'm less than 10 maps in. Great job!


- Just finished map 11. There's some missing textures when you lower the lift in the crate maze. That's the only issue I've seen so far though. I'll edit this post when I find more.

- Found the same on map 12, when you access the secret. Also, you can't get up the little set of box steps in the starting area due to them being too small to access.

- Map 15's secret exit is inaccessible, the door to the teleporter that accesses it won't open for some reason.

- Map 16, the steps that rise in the first damaging lava pool are inaccessible, the first step is too tall. Also, returning to the exit room after grabbing the red key is impossible, as the lift is a 1-time lift.

Edited by Flyxolydian

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8 hours ago, Engired said:


I have Plutonia planned to start in maybe a few days, but I've not thought to do Sigil. It would be a very small project, but I may consider it.

I'd think older, more "official" stuff would be on the dock between Plutonia and SIGIL -- Master Levels for Doom 2, No Rest for the Living, or Doom 64 even!

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4 minutes ago, SPG said:

I'd think older, more "official" stuff would be on the dock between Plutonia and SIGIL -- Master Levels for Doom 2, No Rest for the Living, or Doom 64 even!

Perhaps I could combine No Rest for the Living, Master Levels, and Sigil to do all at once. That makes up roughly 40 maps if I remember correctly.


It'll still be after Plutonia, but I think that works out in the end.

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Oh neat, another TNT wad for the backburner of infinite size. Ive been working through the Doom 2 one. Did the Doom 1 project have its midis redone from memory as well? The redone midis have been a guilty pleasure so far.

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7 hours ago, Devalaous said:

Oh neat, another TNT wad for the backburner of infinite size. Ive been working through the Doom 2 one. Did the Doom 1 project have its midis redone from memory as well? The redone midis have been a guilty pleasure so far.



Heh. Backburner of infinite size. 


I totally get this. I too have a backburner of infinite size.



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Up through MAP17 now. Enjoying a nice combo of faithful renditions, warped dream versions, and sections cut from whole cloth.


A couple bugs which might be worth addressing, given their game-breaking nature:

  • MAP14's crushers have tag 0, which causes the entire map to become slow crushers, effectively rendering it unbeatable.
  • MAP15's teleporter to the secret exit is tagged to work as a door for some reason, which actually causes the teleporter to shut and renders the door in front of it unusable. This makes accessing the MAP31 exit impossible.
  • MAP16's lift to the room with the blood cross showing the red key is tagged as one-time use, making it impossible to return to the exit, rendering the map unbeatable.

The other maps seem to work more or less as intended. As expected, actually making maps for this has taken me down a peg on my confidence in map memory. In my defense, it's TNT.


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Happy to see the project finally finished.


BTW @Engired you used the old version of my MAP29 - it has a couple of texture displacements and a few bugs. The fixed version is on page 12 - https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/127105-try-to-recreate-tnt-from-memory-community-projectclosed/?page=12

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5 hours ago, Large Cat said:


  • MAP15's teleporter to the secret exit is tagged to work as a door for some reason, which actually causes the teleporter to shut and renders the door in front of it unusable. This makes accessing the MAP31 exit impossible.

I distinctly remember fixing this. In fact, it isn't in the version of the level on my HD. It's possible I uploaded the wrong file. @Engired Want me to reupload to this thread?

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17 hours ago, Flyxolydian said:

- Just finished map 11. There's some missing textures when you lower the lift in the crate maze. That's the only issue I've seen so far though. I'll edit this post when I find more.



I don't even recall putting lifts in the crate maze.


6 hours ago, Large Cat said:

MAP14's crushers have tag 0, which causes the entire map to become slow crushers, effectively rendering it unbeatable.


Which source port are you working? The crushers worked for me on GZDoom with strict compatibility, and in Crispy Doom. (To be honest I'm so used to mapping UDMF/GZDoom that I'm not surprised I would do something like this in vanilla.)


@Engired Not sure what your plans are for updates on this WAD, but if you want me to, I will definitely look at these two issues and try to correct them. The Steel Works one sounds game-breaking. Map 7 (Prison) was also mine so if anyone notices issues on that, let me know and I'll take care of them all at once.

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7 hours ago, aRottenKomquat said:


I don't even recall putting lifts in the crate maze.



Which source port are you working? The crushers worked for me on GZDoom with strict compatibility, and in Crispy Doom. (To be honest I'm so used to mapping UDMF/GZDoom that I'm not surprised I would do something like this in vanilla.)


@Engired Not sure what your plans are for updates on this WAD, but if you want me to, I will definitely look at these two issues and try to correct them. The Steel Works one sounds game-breaking. Map 7 (Prison) was also mine so if anyone notices issues on that, let me know and I'll take care of them all at once.


GZDoom with strict.

Up to map 22 now, only other issues that I've found are:

Map 21: Two Mancubi are stuck inside their room near the Megasphere secret. Also, the door that accesses the teleporter to the outside is 1-way for some reason, so you can't backtrack. Finally, I couldn't figure out how to get up to the BFG, as the method that was done on the original map isn't possible here. 


Finished the WAD... it felt like a bit of a fever dream at times with how similar but different some of the maps were. A couple definitely got a boost in difficulty, especially map 21, Jeezus. 

Also, can confirm that "Belly of the Beast" now sounds like the boss music in an old Final Fantasy game. 

Edited by Flyxolydian

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9 hours ago, Kloki38 said:

@Engired One more thing - I noticed that the names of my maps are different - is this intentional ? Were the original names too long ?

If they weren't posted on the page itself, I probably just missed them. They should be fine, I'll add them in the next update.

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New update out, I haven't quite gotten to Kloki's maps yet, but I'll try my best to get to them when I can. Everything should be fixed now. Map15 was also a bit unpredictable at times, but I think I did put the proper fix in.

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6 hours ago, Flyxolydian said:

Map 21: Two Mancubi are stuck inside their room near the Megasphere secret. Also, the door that accesses the teleporter to the outside is 1-way for some reason, so you can't backtrack. Finally, I couldn't figure out how to get up to the BFG, as the method that was done on the original map isn't possible here. 


Aloha; it's been a while since I fired up my map, so I took a look at it in UDB and puzzled over it a bit.


1. The two mancubi were *supposed* to get released by a trigger in the red key area (the same trigger that lowers the shelves hiding the chaingunners), but it looks like I made a mistake and actually lowered the ceiling to make a door instead of raising the floor. That's my mistake.


2. The door locking you in actually re-opens there once you go through the teleporter and reach the outside area, which is crucial for multiplayer/coop functionality (as another failsafe, the triggers around the coffin are repeatable so that a malicious player can't soft-lock the map by killing themself in the locked room).

...I forgot that there's no way to teleport back from the outside area though, so the door re-opening might as well not happen in single-player. I'm not sure if there was a way back in the original either, but I can understand one-way level design being frustrating, so I may as well change it.


3. When I was making my rendition of the level I couldn't remember how reaching that section of the map worked, so in the spirit of the project I just came up with something that "could make sense":





One of the chaingunner/imp alcoves near that part of the map has two paintings instead of only one; pressing either of them triggers an elevator allowing you to go up there.


I think there's a teleporter somewhere else in the map that takes you into that alcove, but I feel like fixing this for the sake of "being like the original" kind of goes against the intent of the project, so I don't feel inclined to change it unlike the other two issues you mentioned.

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