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About Me

Found 157 results

  1. Guest

    The Darkest Hour



    7-level hub set in the Star Wars universe, using enemies, weapons, graphics, sounds, and music from Dark Forces. Play the role of Wrok Onmo, leader of a vicious gang of interstellar mercenaries. Steal the plans for the Imperial Cybernetics Facility from the Thal Vaishet Moon Base. Wreak havoc on the Imperial Space Station Alpha Centauri. Have a "disagreement" with Quatto the Hutt in his fortified palace. Hook up with a rebel spy in Mos Denra who is willing to pay hansomely for your services. Take down the IRF on the remote planet of Nagin Prime.
  2. Guest

    The Lost WAD #7



    /Story You awoke sharply at 3:53 AM to the sound of the sirens. You knew what that meant. In a matter of minutes the phone rang like a dull roar under the sounds screeching outside. The UAC Commander was talking so fast you could barely disipher the words. "Slow down" you say, "What's going on?" The sudden screech and the UAC Commander's screams brought back that slow chill you had the last time. After hanging up the phone you look outside at the opaqe moon and the red haze that blankets the night and realize they're back. You shake your head. "When will they close that experiment for good" you wonder. After starting a pot of coffee and stumbling to the shower you hope this time you won't get called. At 5:34 AM the phone rings again. After two words you tell it is the President of the UAC Corperation. "We screwed up" he says. "An understatement!" you yell back. The President continues, "There is an abandondend sub-station we forgot about. We need you to go in and stop this from happening again. I've arranged a sub-sect transport for 700 hours, be here. Remember your oath." You dress calmly, wondering if this time it won't happen. As you drive to the UAC Corperation you prepare yourself, and as you step onto the transporter you hold your breath and cross your fingers.
  3. Guest

    REoL TOUGH: Barron Wasteland



    It was a nice, sunny day on the moon of Phobos. You decide to take a nature walk around the terrain, when you come across a weird (yet interesting) structure about two miles away. Since you walk the same route practically every day, you swore that that building was not there before. You decide to trailblaze (in the treeless plains, don't get lost!) towards this structure. You are almost there. You decide to stop for a moment and look at the building, stretching across the hill it was sitting on, and you say to yourself: "That sucker is HUGE!" You walk closer towards the structure, and you can finally see some detail on the structure. "Something just does not seem right" you say to yourself. You get an eerie feeling in your stomach, but after puking you brains out on that bottled Mexican water you drank an hour ago, you still press onwards, towards the ominous superstructure. You are getting very close now. You can read a sign up ahead. About 1/4 mile from the building, the sign reads "Enter at your own risk". You heard noises coming from the structure, but as you step onto a dry twig, all the noise in that direction came to a halt. You must have fig- ured that it was the U.S. Government still trying to hide some top secret space craft like some morons in the desert who think you do not know what they are hiding. You decide to start running towards the superstructure, and you are very close. Suddenly, something weird happens. A green puff of smoke appears all around you, accompanied by a metallic sound. Once the noise and green smog around you diminished, you realized you were teleported INSIDE the secret structure, and now you are inside the "forbidden teritory" of Hell's new tenement for all the bad boys from Hell, The Barrons, the Cacodaemons, and, well, more Barrons! Too many Barrons! Of course, a few weaklings are here as well (how did they get to work in here?). Well, it looks like you have yet another tough mission ahead of you. All I can say is, GO GET 'EM!
  4. Guest

    moon 2000



    1 level WAD. I use a P200 machine, so I imagine some areas may run slowly on a underpowered machine.
  5. Guest




    DeathMatch: Finally after beating the hell out of the Spider Demon you enter the gateway that appeared in front of you. Emerging from the gateway on the other side you notice that it has brought you back to your home on Earth. Entering the front door you notice ammo on the floor. "What the hey?" you say out loud. It appears that the same elf that conveniently left weapons, ammunition, health and keys lying around in Hell and various bases on the moons of Mars has refurbished you house in the same manner. Suddenly out of the corner of your eye you see movement. You run outside hoping to see a fellow human once again. It is human only you notice that it looks exactly like yourself. It appears that the gateway spilt you as you emerged from it. Only one thing to do, remove the competition. Single player: The level is set between Doom I and II. Our favorite Space Marine arrives home to find it full of nasties. You must activate the self destruct mechanism on your home, and you thought it wouldn't come in handy, before moving on to save the earth.
  6. Version


  7. Guest

    Realm of Illsuion



    Deep in the heart of the Phobos Moon Base, you find a strange teleport pad. With demons and spectres hot on your tail, your only hope is this strange device. Stepping onto it, you find yourself in a strange new place. Things are not as they seem here - an innocent wall may hide hell-spawn, or a new weapon. Always watch your back....
  8. Thales

    Masters of Chaos v 1.1 for Heretic

    I just finished the Frozen Wasteland and enter the Chapel of the Moon. Totally digging the dark atmosphere & the level design. Great work on the balance too, I find myself constantly having to switch weapons, running out of ammo for one while finding barely enough ammo for another. Also finally some maps where items are not only a commodity but a necessity!
  9. Version


    Your squad is to beam down to the surface and investigate the sudden loss of communication lines between UAC and a remote command center on the moon Deimos, Enemy activity is suspected. Your squad will eliminate any enemy activity with extreme predjudice. Unfortunately, detailed surface maps are unavailble due to the sensitive nature of company operations.
  10. Avoozl

    5till L1 Complex

    Love it, even moreso than Doxylamine Moon.
  11. Guest

    Planet Phobos

    Looks promising. By the way, Phobos is a moon, not a planet.
  12. Guest

    Time Of Maps - Part 1

    This doesn't fit DOOM2 at all...well maybe if you use it in conjunction with the other Sailor Moon files on the Archives. 1.5/5
  13. Guest

    The City of The Damned Apocalypse

    everything is excellent except for the fact that there's no ammo and you have to use cheats. it is only a little scary and the moon base things really annoy the playing of the wad, although a perfect idea...5/5- mohaa555
  14. Guest

    Sapphire - Orbital Research

    Outstanding. Absolutely NO COMPLAINTS. Extra Textures used very well. Gameplay is a bit repetitive but its always exciting, the pace never slows down. Just fuckin OUTSTANDING. Felt much like unreal. Great job on the atmosphere,its the best ive seen so far for a single map. Complete with endgame graphics and all. Which is very beautiful by the way with the 2 moons and the beach. ZDoom features used well and sparingly. Not overdone just cuz one knows how to use it.
  15. Guest

    Hans Island

    this wad.. it is like a finger, pointing away at the moon..
  16. Guest

    Jägermörder - 01 Chemical Lab

    Not a bad little map. I'm going to keep this one. I always did like the moon base theme. 3/27/07
  17. Guest

    Extreme Measures

    MOON MOD!!!! 5/5
  18. Guest


    Titan is a moon of Saturn, not Mars. Geez. :)
  19. Doomkid

    Spud 'Em

    A map made by a fellow Aussie many, many moons ago. Looks pretty bad fir a fair deathmatch, but I bet the author and his mates had some good fun killing eachother all those years ago. Uses the famous HAIKU.MID for it's music. Honestly, unless you're really into collecting crappy old pieces of Doom history, there's no reason to download this.
  20. Guest

    SOS DOOM version 0.3

    Interesting in a perspective that this was aimed to gather the attention of North American Sailor Moon fans in an effort to keep the anime on-air. Unfortunately, it's not so good of a TC, especially when compared to other efforts such as Batman and Eternal DOOM. Maybe for its time it was fun to play, but this is one of those WADs that just didn't age that well. 2 Stars. Sorry, but it's just not very good. Maybe someday we can get a cool Sailor Moon TC for DOOM or DOOM 2.
  21. Guest

    Harvested Sorrow

    The map name made me feel like playing Harvest Moon. After playing this map I feel like raging. I had to waste a few minutes just to find out what level it was (map 15) which I regret doing because this level SUCKS.
  22. Guest

    Evil Unleashed

    Damn demons taking over my moon. -Marnetmar
  23. Guest

    The City of The Damned Apocalypse

    it looks great but the gameplay got to me pretty quick. you are stuck with the pistol seemingly forever unless you just so happen to wander into the right place. after i got the moon key the game bugged out on me, went black screen and didn't come back. 2/5
  24. Version


    Alpha Doom themed episode, it runs on E4 due to special tag availabilities, not being the original E4 episode planned for the favillesco series though. This episode takes place on the moon Amalthea, the biggest moon of jupiter after the 4 galilean moons, keeping the favillesco Jupiter's moons rule as well ;) and the original name was going to be "roots of evil" reflecting the alpha connection but I desided to keep the moon name where the apisode is set in the episode title, I had to turn "Apostasy on Amalthea" into "Amalthea's Apostasy due to graphic constrains. After working with some alpha-doom texutes on reticula episode 1 I felt the need of making an episode themed on the alpha doom, giving some chance to those textures and playing with them. I used circa 95% of the textures because some of them looked really crappy and in addition I edited some of them using some original patches contained in the alphas which wheren't used at all or "missused" like the tech ones which in the available textures are cut at some point. About 2/3 of these textures are used in Doom and Doom2 as well, some with minor modifications so the levels will look like E1 and E2 melted, with emphasis on the alpha look but not being extremely poor. I didn't rely on teleport ambushes this time, just as original Doom was, but monster closets are numerous, keeping the gameplay fluid. Dedication was put on the layouts as always do because I hate levels with only square rooms in Doom and I tried to use more lighting features than in my previous releases, so you might notice that this mapset is very far from most of modern releases regarding to feel and atmosphere because I constantly try to recreate that 90's aspect in Doom. PD: This wad was made in Buenos Aires, Argentina during summer, in a room with 35°C everyday XD