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Status Updates posted by Tristan

  1. Definitely fucking nope!

    1. Show previous comments  64 more
    2. Tristan


      cannonball said:

      the bitchatronic 5000 :P

      That's the best name for her so far, thanks :P

    3. cannonball


      Eris Falling said:

      That's the best name for her so far, thanks :P

      No problem, creativity peaks when you are drunk :P

    4. 188DarkRevived


      There's a small tidbit which I forgot to mention in the S-word thread.
      It is not about my current "fish", but rather about the old "fish" from 10 years ago, and it basically goes like this...
      Back in 2002 I was madly in love with her, but everyone in the highschool kept saying that: "She'll never want to speak to you, she'll never give you her phonenumber, blahblahblah...".
      And so the years dragged on and on, until finally, at the beginning of 2012 just a few months before I deactivated my Facebook profile, an unexpected miracle happened... My old "fish" spontaneously started chatting to me on FB, apologized for running away from me, and gave me her phonenumber, and offered to drive me to some kind of club.
      The only problem was that at that particular moment I was no longer interested in her and was focused on some new "fish". Otherwise, I would've said "yes" to her offer and we would've become a couple.

      This proves that Fraggle was just being a real mean jerk with no experience in fortune-telling. :p

  2. Alright, I think this thread has run its course now

    Eris Falling Music (a.k.a. EFM)


    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. Tristan


      First time playing around with sampling

    3. Tristan


      Revilution intermission

    4. Tristan


      Still revolving

  3. Dunno why, but there's something about this that amuses me. Perhaps it's because the initial message is (comparatively) long and formal, and the response consists of 2 characters.

    I must thank you JL, for making me smile :P

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. durian


      Sigvatr said:

      You are one of the few people who doesn't think I'm crazy, I think. I believe most people think that I am insane simply because my behaviour
      and dialogue is confusing, but I can with complete certainty say that every action and decision I make is purposeful. Even eating my own cum on the internet.

      Quite possibly the funniest thing I'll read today.

    3. DoomUK


      Obsidian said:

      gggmork, is that you?

      Sigvatr's garrulous rumination is in no way in need of trammeling, unlike gggmork's magniloquently deranged pontifications, which he would do well to obstrigillate.

    4. 40oz


      close the thesaurus.com tab.

  4. Blanked for great justice™

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Tristan


      Heh, it won't happen any time soon. I've decided I'm not saying anything yet :P

    3. Tristan


      Heh, I was going to rant now about how fish is a bitch again and how I blahblahblah.
      Then I think about what DoomUK said last time I did that.

      You know what? No. I don't care enough. I shouldn't be angry about this.

    4. darkreaver


      You are just hopelessly in love. You`ll get over it, and when you finally do you will feel great.

      I remember back in high-school (or college? I was 17 or something I think). I had such a crush on this girl for three fukn years. Finally I let her go (or "I" didnt, my feelings just gave up on their own kind of..) and I never felt better :P I didnt see her for many years after that (moved to diferent towns etc.) but these days we have met quite a few times again. Shes STILL the most awesome person, but Im not feeling "THAT" anymore. Shes a good friend.

      I can clearly remember stuff like you have explained here about thoughts like "should I tell her?" "how should I tell her?" and semi-stalking and shit like that, haha. So funny to think about now.

      Love. Weird shit yo.

  5. So tonight, in about 40 minutes or so, I'm off to a party with my friends, the first time I've done so. I can't believe I'm actually socialising for once!
    I don't think I will be participating in the disco, I embarrass myself enough already :P
    So...this will be interesting

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. exp(x)


      Joshy said:

      There is something deeply unsettling about that video that I cannot identify.

    3. Joshy


      exp(x) said:

      There is something deeply unsettling about that video that I cannot identify.

      Hahaha, I know the woman well; she can be real tough, dry, and inconsiderately blunt, so I wouldn't be surprised if you sensed that!

    4. Tristan


      Snakes said:

      Some hats have all the fun.

      Next time, I'm going as a hat.

  6. hi 20, I'm Doomworld today


    ugh, I was 15 when I registered here. the last two years have been a bit of a blur

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Yugiboy85


      Happy birthday man. Hope you have/had a great one :D

    3. Rosh Fragger

      Rosh Fragger

      Happy Birthday yo!

    4. Devalaous


      hb dude. Doesnt feel that long ago right?

  7. ..Right in the hole...

    I've played guitar about 4 years now, and I have never known a bigger irritation to occur...

    I'm just sat there playing some random song which doesn't exist, then I hear a loud clatter inside the guitar.
    My reaction was just a simple:


    But never mind! This has happened a fair few times, I can get the pick out in a jiffy!

    Ten Minutes Later:
    I haven't even seen the pick, and it's still rattling about in there. Eventually, It falls into the centre, directly under the hole. So, okay then...I just gotta flip the guitar over and job done. Right?


    Somehow it managed to slide down right back into the darkened depths that are the bottom of the guitar. Bollocks.

    So I start shaking and jolting the flipped guitar about once more, now with numerous solids falling out and hitting me on the face (not the right ones though, unfortunately).

    Eventually I've got it...behind a small ridge somewhere on the rim of the hole. I can't see it and guess what? It's bloody stuck there..

    Pessimistically, I start thinking that eventually I'm gonna end up with a bruised face what with all those bits and pieces falling out and a battered guitar it's a pretty dense room

    Amazingly, the guitar didn't smash, and the pick was now resting on both one of the strings, and the edge of the hole.

    Right Eris! It's your big moment! Better not fuck this one up!
    Guess what! I didn't. But seriously, though that took around 20 whole minutes in what has been known to take less than 20 seconds.

    If you are still reading after reading this blog FULLY, then you have too much time on your hands

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. printz


      Or simply holding the plectrum tight enough not to butterfinger it? I only dropped it once into my classic guitar.

    3. Tristan


      glenzinho said:

      The easiest method I find is turning the acoustic upside down and 'shaking' it as a gold prospector would use a pan in a river.

      That's the weird thing though. I've always done that, and it's taken less than a few seconds. Did it on this occasion and 20 minutes...

    4. DuckReconMajor


      I think the logical solution here is to fill the cavity with thousands of picks.

  8. To mark the 23rd anniversary of Cannonball, here is a MAP01 replacement (with D_RUNNIN to piss you all off) where you must fight 23 of 3 types of ball like monster. Have fun getting revenge on the spherical bastards at the end with the BFG.

    Don't judge my mapping talents on this though :P


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tristan


      Both ZDoom

      Failed UV fast with amusing end result

      UV-max in 1:42

      EDIT: @Schwerpunk, loved the end of your demo :P

    3. Hellbent


      162/162 monsters on first try. Didn't start taking damage until BFGing the brown ones that spit firey ones.

    4. cannonball


      Eris Falling said:

      Both ZDoom

      Failed UV fast with amusing end result

      UV-max in 1:42

      EDIT: @Schwerpunk, loved the end of your demo :P

      Nice, it might persuade me to make more of an effort on a demo :P

  9. It was a long shot imo, but Atmosphere from Revilution will be getting played on local radio this weekend!


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tristan
    3. antares031


      Man, this is really cool! I wish to hear more soundtracks of yours from the radio in the future.

    4. Tristan


      I think The Occultist (also from a PWAD!) will be the next one I try and get on radio. I'll probably make a radio edit for that one though so it gets to the good stuff a bit quicker :P

  10. So today (3rd) I turn 18. Yay, etc.

    Now to not get absolutely bollocksed because I'm a boring bastard like that :p

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cupboard


      Wait until you reach your mid-20s. That's when the shit of adulthood starts marauding its way down your asscrack into the sphincter.

      Everything is bright and shiny now. But as you learn more about the world and the role you are about to play in this great comedy of errors, well, heh. Don't cash out in disillusionment right away, there is plenty of good to do in this world, you don't always have to do what the dollar tells you to.

      edit: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/07/dalai-lama-neuroscience-compassion/397706/

    3. durian


      Belated congrats Eris - assuming you recently completed your exams, I hope they went well :)

    4. SavageCorona


      Belated but great(ed)

      You know I mean it with love baby <3

  11. Just over a year ago, I woke up at 6 on a dark winter morning. There was some slow atmospheric music playing on the radio, pretty awesome experience to start the day. I recall radio announcer said it was Pink Floyd, but I didn't catch the song title. It was surprising for me because I'm not really a massive fan of what I know of Pink Floyd's work.

    I recently stumbled upon this (awesome) Stratovarius keyboard solo, which I think is quite similar. Same feel, same tempo, same chords at 3:27-3:31..
    Any ideas? Also whatever I woke up to was near the end of the song.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sporku


      Fellow Pink Floyd fan reporting in. Y'all might be interested in a couple of bands that have made some great music in a similar vain to Pink Floyd... even if it is totally obvious that they're wearing their influences on their sleeve:

    3. RUSH


      I saw Roger Waters live during The Wall tour in 2011. It was a life changing concert. Easily the best one I've been to, and also one of the best nights of my life. Great band! I think "Animals" is my favorite album from them overall.

    4. Tracer


      ^Same here. Animals is awesome.

  12. (tired ranting) Jeez, I struggle for nearly two hours to get to sleep and what do I end up with? A nightmare within another fucking nightmare, in which I'm terrified by a doom map (custom monster), supposedly wake from that dream to a very convincing copy of my room, hallucinating said monster in here with me and having a mental breakdown in trying not to fall asleep again. Ugh.


    It's not helped by the fact I woke up for real a few times throughout, just to add to the confusion.


    Too real, not cool. I'm tired. The other maps in that WAD were cool though so that's something I guess :p

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tristan


      Yeah dunno why my brain settled on them, I haven't even played Heretic that much!


      Specifically this WAD (it was definitely Doom, not Heretic) was like a small set of maybe four or five levels. When I finished playing I put listmaps in console and saw something like MAP00: R.I.P (this wad was by dobu so this is still quite believable :P), so I warped to that map and the fucker just rushed towards me immediately and started stabbing the doomguy repeatedly, and continued to do so after pressing esc.


      That aggressive behaviour and the fact the sprite was edited to contain bits of cyan actually makes it more like something I'd do, now there's an idea, technical limitations aside...

    3. leodoom85


      I think that the ophidian also appears in the Neodoom wad, around map 20 or 21.....

    4. Tristan


      Of course it's only back in the real world it becomes apparent that it's not even scary :P

  13. In light of my darker blog posts this year, here's some gibberish

    Not a clue what was supposed to be happening last night. There was a "Where's Wally in "real life": D2TWID edition" part, which I might add, had nothing to do with D2TWID, it took place in some fictional village.
    There was also a darkened woodland called "The Forest of Xier," which is in Canada. Apparently.
    It too had nothing to do with Doom, yet there it felt like Doom at the time. Perhaps its because a certain community member whose username contains the letters X, e and r, like the forest was mentioned.
    Some bizarre things happen in dreams. What next? A nightmare taking place in Club Doom, but instead of Revenants, there's just Mervert from Jayextee's Jip webcomic?
    I think I'll take anti-sleeping capsules from my berserk pack instead.

    Back to reality, and normalness still cannot be found. Just a few minutes ago, I somehow appeared in an IRC channel that contained Jimmy and some others. (#doommusicians, I think)
    I've never even used IRC, I didn't even know there was an IRC channel for that purpose. Just how the fuck did I actually get there? I don't even...I don't even know why I was there either!

    Hopefully following this, I can establish some grip on reality. I'll achieve this by going out this evening.

    To a Hallowe'en party. Bollocks.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tristan


      On the plus side, it means I'm mentally stable.

    3. Devalaous


      I came into this thread stable, left feeling extremely confused

    4. GreyGhost


      No, you merely imagined you were stable. Welcome back to the real world.

  14. Nope!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tristan


      cannonball said:

      Enjoy probably the best 10 weeks for a considerably long time, if ever

      FTFY. But because I'll be so busy with failing everything for the project, there will be no "fishing" going on :P

      I'm not an artist..what the hell do I do..

    3. GreyGhost


      Eris Falling said:

      I'm not an artist..what the hell do I do..

      Do the best you can. If that's not good enough - raid the texture stock at Realm667, try to recruit an artist and/or ask for contributions.

    4. Devalaous


      Excellent, the fish thing lives on.

      I've been busy building shit in another game, so I haven't really been on DW much, so I apologise if a witty post or three was expected.

  15. i landed

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SaladBadger


      well, at least we didn't see "Eris cratered."

    3. Devalaous


      But hey, at least you get to live out your favourite place: Deepest Reaches

    4. Xenaero
  16. one year closer to the inevitable oblivion. woop!

  17. ...and now we've got that out of the way; happy birthday to me!
    So..16, this is probably the most significant yet.

    Yay..What I know I won't get is the gift of good HUD sprite production.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tristan


      Woo thanks Obsidian! That was a cool and challenging map :)
      After about 10+ attempts, here's a UV max in 03:17.

    3. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      Oh and uh, happy birthday I guess.

    4. cannonball


      this is what I get for rarely visiting the blogs thread. oops, happy belated birthday. Maybe I will make something tomorrow :)

  18. Awesome!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Yeah... That... That's a "vast" improvement, I'd say...

    3. PanterD2S


      Welcome to the Club - I whished I had 0.4 Mbps upload, Maximum is 80 kBps right now  and the file is nearly 300MB..   *sigh

    4. Devalaous


      How I feel when my PS4 throws endless connection errors during Warframe "HOW did my fiber get slower than dialup!?"

  19. With its Intel HD(!!11) Integrated Graphics and the 2.4GHz (read: MHz) dual-core processor, it's safe to say I never liked this laptop. Even when I installed my drivers - invalidating my complaints about the OpenGL support to an extent - I'd suffer framerate slowdowns on pretty much any game post-2000. Sure I could've cleaned it out more often to avoid the high temperatures that came with that, but last time I did that it was back to over 80C within a week...

    For some reason the constant chugging of framerate today pissed me off so much that I pounded it pretty hard with the side of my fist.
    Not only did this hurt my fist, it also seems to have caused some serious internal damage to the computer. I think either the hard drive or the CPU is under the bit where I smashed it. Either way, the thing refuses to turn on now. That'll teach me to be impatient...

    It's not so much the loss of such a crappy system that bothers me, rather than the inconvenience this'll cause, and the loss of files. I had backups of some stuff on a USB stick, but it hadn't been updated in quite a while. I guess it's just a relief that the most important MIDIs are still on mediafire. Also, given that I don't make WADs any more, nothing of value was lost there.

    Still, it's a huge pain in the arse. I'm writing this from another computer, which isn't going to be possible for me to use that often. Being unemployed, I doubt I can afford a new laptop soon either (like, one that doesn't suck), so unless by some miracle the coalputer decides to work again, I'm going to be absent from here for the forseeable future.

    (Usually when I say this I'm back within 24 hours, so perhaps it'll work tomorrow :P)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sheridan


      I've found the solution to all your troubles OP.

      1. get a job
      2. build a computer
      3. enjoy glorious 60fps on all the latest vidyagaymes

      Seriously, getting a hold of a good computer doesn't take much if you're willing to work even the simplest job for just a few months. If you build your own desktop you should end up with a thing you can rely on for years before you even have to upgrade it, at which point you can just lay down a few extra hundred bucks to get your PC back at the top of the line again. This is the secret best buy doesn't want you to know. Retailers hate me!

    3. Linkrulezall


      Hello there Eris, always nice to know someone else from the Pile Of Metal Shit computer club. By your description, it sounds like we've got the same processor that might have been competent back in 2009 when I first got this thing. Even though upgrading my RAM from 3GB to 8GB fixed a couple of problems, it still runs like a fat kid with asthma and shoes made of duct tape 80% if the time. I can just forget about playing any games released after 2007 (except Five Nights At Freddy's which for some reason runs perfectly. WHEEEEEEEEEE.) Sometimes it can't even keep up with my typing and slowly inputs one character at a time to try and finish a sentence that I spent 5 seconds typing.

      I have the cash for a potentially kick-ass (or at least not too terribly shitty) upgrade from a job I worked last summer, but I kinda need it in order to stop the college debt collectors from busting my kneecaps in a couple of years.

      Man, the sooner I can dump this once-competent pile of metal shit in favor of a real work horse machine the better. It seems like everyone around me has either great or at least comparatively less shit hardware on hand. Looking over and watching my friends run Dolphin at full frames while this thing chokes trying to handle some more intense SNES games is incredibly lame.

      Ya know, you'd think writing this would have made me feel at least a little better but now I just feel like a whiny asshole with no real problems after thinking about how somewhere someone's trying to wrestle a piece of meat from a vulture's beak. There are no winners.

      Wait, wasn't this thread about Eris a second ago?

    4. Tristan


      Man, the sooner I can dump this once-competent pile of metal shit in favor of a real work horse machine the better

      Pretty much my thoughts. In fact I'd go so far as to say an actual fucking horse would make for a better computer than this rotting pile of sloth defecation. Fucking thing is playing up again, and i only got it back three days ago! I think the repair guy said this could happen
      This time it's something like the entire system goes into a seconds-per-frame crawlfest, followed by win explorer shitting itself once you try to do basically anything.

      Might be able to sort this out myself - but if not I'll just look at getting a new one. Much as I'd like to get a decent powered desktop (addressing sheridans suggestion) it's not really practical at the moment sadly since there's nowhere to put it at the moment and by the end of '17 I'll have moved house twice more so there's also that to consider.

      Back to the iPod i guess. 30 minutes to make this post fucking hell.

  20. Here's a small midi I've put together over the past couple of nights. Ambient-ish, nothing fancy.

    The Infinite Labyrinth - 03:07

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Devalaous


      6 hours later, ITS STILL PLAYING

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      Sounds very zen. Great job!

      Mind if I reuse it somewhere, someday?

    4. Tristan


      Sure, go for it :D

  21. I was working on an album called "The Planetarium" earlier this year, for my final college project due in May, but it won't be done on time sadly. It's on hold indefinitely now until I pick it up again some other time, but for now here are some rough mixes of the first two tracks!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Varis Alpha

      Varis Alpha

      good shit, man. great job on this!


      have you thought of perhaps releasing this in parts? i.e. this would be part one, Earth and Mars part 2 etc.. that might help give the project some more clear direction, feeling less overwhelming, only having to work on two tracks at once? just a thought.

    3. Tristan


      Thanks! I'm less worried about the amount of work honestly once the time restrictions are out of the way, these two were rushed because I was still trying to do everything in four months, but whenever I pick it up again I get to work at my own pace instead.

    4. Tristan


      Thanks! I'll look into making MIDI renditions when the project's finished, and the Japanese stuff is from the Earth part :)

  22. A* in Maths and A in physics (also C in further maths but we'll gloss over that :P)
    So I'll be starting a 4-year physics w/ astrophysics degree this September :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. fraggle


      Nice. Congrats.

    3. durian


      I've not checked into blogs in a while so a belated congrats Eris!

    4. Tristan


      forgot I posted this, thanks guys! :D

  23. Nice weather in the UK means it must be spring!IMG_2711.JPG?width=505&height=677





    As of now, nearly all my work towards my music course is finished! With little left still to do, maybe now I can get back to actually writing music again, heh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted_Account


      Just add The Taco Bell elevator music from Doom II and you'll be fine. 

    3. pavera


      I'm pretty sure I heard the BTSX E1M1 music once described as "that stupid sounding mexican song".

    4. esselfortium
  25. So on impulse, I cycled 26 miles today. Here's a couple of panoramas:



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tristan


      heh this was only like the third time I've been out this year, very out of shape. I was basically a zombie for the last 3-4 miles :P

    3. 40oz


      I recently discovered a bike trail near my home that goes directly towards my workplace. It only takes me 5 minutes longer to get their by bicycle than by driving so sometimes I ride there. The uphill climb on the way back kicks my ass though.

    4. Devalaous


      Eris makes a zombie of himself to feel closer to his beloved game
