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(RELEASE) Doom: The Way We Remember It (V2)

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Here at long last! This was really fun. Great job to everyone!

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Great to see this finally drop. Everyone has done an outstanding job on this, testing E1 a while ago it really felt like the real thing in all the right ways, while still having something unique and slightly "off" that gives it a breath of fresh air. I'll be looking out for the D2 remake and absolutely joining in on that also.

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My E4M4 is a bit confusing, and I have fixes for it but I decided to leave it as is in this project since I DO remember that level as being confusing, with all the brown everywhere...

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24 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

Woah, you went with my suggestion for the title?!? :o

I've been going with it this whole time. Best fit for it.

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Well... glad I could help! :D


As for the project itself, the maps look more amateurish visually, but I feel like they are better balanced gameplaywise.


There is a power-up - the white triangle - placed outside of the map boundaries in E1M3:


Out of reach out of sight.jpg

Edited by Rudolph

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I forgot to ask, and I wont be able to check the WAD today but does this include a custom intermission screen with the author of each level? Would be a nice touch IMO.

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At this rate, this project might as well need a recreation of the Doom soundtrack from memory. :P

Edited by Rudolph

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6 hours ago, VisionThing said:

I forgot to ask, and I wont be able to check the WAD today but does this include a custom intermission screen with the author of each level? Would be a nice touch IMO.

Not yet, but I will update it with them.


5 hours ago, Rudolph said:

At this rate, this project might as well need a recreation of the Doom soundtrack from memory. :P

I plan to do that for doom 2 from memory.

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11 hours ago, Rudolph said:

At this rate, this project might as well need a recreation of the Doom soundtrack from memory. :P

This is an incredible idea for a community project..!

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On 7/16/2021 at 8:16 AM, Rudolph said:

There is a power-up - the white triangle - placed outside of the map boundaries in E1M3:


Out of reach out of sight.jpg


i know exactly how that got there and i'm laughing at myself for missing it - i thought i had caught everything but couldn't spend too long on it. it's uh... "true to doom", yeah. unkillable things, uncollectable things. the real deal.


On 7/16/2021 at 12:02 PM, Rudolph said:

At this rate, this project might as well need a recreation of the Doom soundtrack from memory. :P

i almost included a "dark halls from memory" with my submission but figured i shouldn't as it was requested to have no additional assets. i will 100% fabricate a dark halls from memory if needed, though

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Playing this makes me realized how weirdly our mind can remember things. Good job to everyone, I have a good time playing this so far :)


And E1M7 makes me suspect this set is not entirely recreated from memory...


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E1M7 is actually surprisingly different. The comparison photos show it best.


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Just played through the first episode. Wavy & Doomkid's E1M4 was quite impressive, it seemed more accurate than the original!

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i feel like it might be infinitely faster for @Engired to just delete the object since either way they have to open up the wad to change it. if it were a bigger fix i'd be more inclined (truthfully i don't even know where i put my copy of e1m3 and i'd have to extract it again from the compilation LOL)

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E2M4, E4M1 and possibly a couple other maps AFAIK are completely impossible in the WooF engine as the doors needed to open are broken and thus, you will get stuck.

Outside of that, these are some excellent twists of the maps we grown to know and love (and hate in a few cases).


Some maps like E3M6 have some GORGEOUS little details and really had some love put into them! :D


However... difficulty, especially on HMP, is quite harsh. My biggest complaint is E2M2 as you BARELY have enough ammo to deal with the enemies thrown at you.

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I was recording a playthrough of E1 and noticed a platform in E1M4 (in the room to the right of the central area near the start) didn't lower properly, it made the sound but didn't move and couldn't be activated after that. This is in Crispy Doom, didn't check it again to see if it was a fluke though. 

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16 minutes ago, VisionThing said:

I was recording a playthrough of E1 and noticed a platform in E1M4 (in the room to the right of the central area near the start) didn't lower properly, it made the sound but didn't move and couldn't be activated after that. This is in Crispy Doom, didn't check it again to see if it was a fluke though. 

I'll play around with the map later as I haven't had any issues when playtesting it.

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Just got finished playing every map with Crispy Doom. This really should have been tested in vanilla as during my playthrough, a lot of the doors and elevators just didn't work. Also the spawn is borked in E3M9.


When the maps did work, I got to enjoy a very strange fever dream version of Doom.

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6 minutes ago, Peter said:

Just got finished playing every map with Crispy Doom. This really should have been tested in vanilla as during my playthrough, a lot of the doors and elevators just didn't work. Also the spawn is borked in E3M9.


It's supposed to be Limit-removing so if it doesn't work on Crispy-Doom/PrBoom+ -complevel 3 then there's a problem, but in Chocolate/vanilla it's just the faults of playing in the engine that's not supposed to be played in, and I need more information on that one last thing on E3M9 (I say that because I made it)

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I've been playing around with E1M4 and I seriously can't figure out why the lift isn't moving. It seems to be because of the ambush door right next to it, but I've tried everything and I can't get it to work right in vanilla. The only other option I have is copying the lift in vanilla E1M4, but that goes against the whole project =/


Read the reply below me

Edited by Wavy

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False alarm. Issue seemed to be that the barrel in the ambush room was to close to the door, here's the updated version: E1M4_MEM.zip

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