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Status Updates posted by leileilol

  1. It is called Haktoria. Props to ajapted for the cool title.

    in a middle of a menu font alignfest :(

    Also i'm unsure whether to keep the original dull palette (for compatibility with what really? lol) or go for a totally new one that doesn't lack depth and has a hexen feel. Maybe a tool engine feature that remaps all colors in every .mdl skin, .bsp texture and .lmp to a specific palette would be an experiment for such 'compatibility mode'.

    The settings may be the same but i'm going for a different direction than hexen 2:

    - puzzles?!! What puzzles lol
    - monsters will be more numerous and not a boring sparse place
    - player classes crusader, paladin and necromancer won't have visible faces (unsure about assassin and succubus though)
    - hworld, and portals will also be covered
    - new japan or china setting in expansion?

    1. esselfortium


      Cool! Do you have any other resources done yet? I wanna see :P

    2. leileilol


      well, there is that one succubus model and a new palette is being roughdrafted

    3. leileilol
    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. leileilol


      No reply from Siegler since comparison shot - someone really wants to ignore the facts and not admit they're wrong.

    3. Use


      That's some good lawyerin'

    4. myk


      leileilol said:
      No reply from Siegler since comparison shot - someone really wants to ignore the facts and not admit they're wrong.

      That doesn't mean he agrees with you. If he feels it's a potentially legal issue he may not want to discuss it in those terms. He may feel it could be used against him in a future dispute. He may feel inclined to defend the company's copyrights, but that does not make him responsible for what you think or do.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ralphis


      If you think this dude is a chick you've got a screw loose

    3. exp(x)


      leileilol said:

      well people here at DW have this sort of skeptical ego problem and think women don't exist on the doomternet

      southeast asians don't exist on the doomternet either.

      Too bad you're neither.

    4. Bucket


      WEE A BOO
      WEE A BOO
      WEE A BOO

  2. I can't think of any 'medium' weaponry that isn't a 'projectile that simply damages and looks cool' for this Quakeworld mod i'm doing. This creative block and sinus headache is starting to tick me off badly.

    Lower weapons:
    Bow and Arrow
    Knife (back stab damage bonus)
    Throw Knife

    Medium weapons:
    Submachine Gun
    Silenced Pistol

    Heavy Weapons:
    Proximity Mines
    Sticky Bombs
    Multi Rockets
    Cluster Grenades

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Coopersville


      Naked Snake said:

      No offense, but having the bow be a charge weapon is silly. You can't change the velocity of a bow by not drawing the string all the way back. You have to do this to fire a bow, you don't "charge" a bow, you create spring energy.

      I think the point is that it's easy to fuck up shooting an arrow (and your wrist) if you don't draw the bow correctly. I don't know if there's people like Legolas out there, but it takes patience and concentration.

      Plus, Turok had charge damage for the bow... In after the fact that it's a video game.

    3. leileilol


      yeah, if you don't shoot your bow long enough it'll be weak and fall to the ground alot closer. This is unlike many other QuakeC bows in which the arrow flies in a straight line, or they fall too fast, and either bow is instantly shot.

    4. myk


      Kaiser said:

      Stop bullying him, it's just a blog.

      Now it isn't :p

  3. when you search for a file in google directly with exact file name and you got it

    then the next day you need it on a different computer then search for it then suddenly there's only one match and it's a broken link like GODDAM THE FILE IS GONE FOREVER?

    I do and I hate this feeling a lot. Sometimes Google sucks so much I have to use something else.

    Post lost files stories.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. scorpion


      My first computer (486 DX/IV) had a 512 MB hard disk and I filled it up rather quickly every time, having to delete some files when I ran out of backup disks or something, I'm sure I lost some files that way, which I wouldn't mind having back again.

      Later moved my drive and installed it into a new computer, often taking the drive out and using it as an old-style USB-stick. Shouldn't have done that, some years later, it didn't work anymore. My first Fasttracker .MODs and XMs, my first Doom level (and Duke3D levels), even my sort-of diary, all lost (short pause for preach about backing up files).

      I still have the drive, but still haven't been able to access the data.

    3. BoldEnglishman


      I made a custom Warcraft 3 level with an entire new race in it and spent days and weeks making sure everything panned out as possible (the race was basically Creeps). It worked pretty well, the units would suck and die quickly but they were cheap, and the Hero was a bit too strong.

      Unfortunately, it is absolutely nowhere to be found now :(

    4. skadoomer


      After the original Generations, (the quake mod) was discontinued, i scrambled to find a copy before they all disappeared off the internet simply to see how awesome the cyberdemon model was. I remember it to be pretty cool (for its time because it would both walk and run), but can't for the life of me find a copy today to relive that level in the mod. bummer.

  4. i'm making something intentionally retro for quake, because the theme is to timewarp myself back to 11 years ago from exactly today and create the best damn mod i can with the stuff available at the time
    here's a boss fight

    and here's a web site (HEY, THAT RHYMES!)

    you may think of this as a jokewad or something well guess what guys it is not.

    - 24 new weapons for quakeguy planned (I already got 8 of them done and working)
    - at least 5 new characters with their own weapon sets
    - a new episode, it may not be good but i'm going to choke a glquake on this one since it was common to have glquake-breaking mods made before glquake's release. (doomers this could be your break into brush mapping for the first time lol)
    - 20 skins for quakeguy, some with their own sounds
    - designed for stock dos quake 1.08, remember that WinQuake/GLQuake weren't quite out in feb 97 (a beta of winquake was briefly though)

    If you think this sounds way too ambitious then you're wrong, i've done bigger projects than this

    edit: lol, my postcount is 1997, what a coincidence, and how appropriate

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. deathz0r


      I am confirming myself as a mapper for Versus 1997

    3. leileilol


      deathz0r said:

      I am confirming myself as a mapper for Versus 1997

      this is confirmed

      p.s. incase of the event if you ever want to

    4. printz


      leileilol said:

      this is confirmed

      p.s. incase of the event if you ever want to

      What, are other people allowed to map for your mod, should they ask?

      Don't put me in, tho.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. leileilol


      leileilol said:

      I wasn't asking you

    3. Darkman 4

      Darkman 4

      Maes said:

      LOL actually these "tracks" were all made in 1995-1996, before Ruba became a Ladyboy (and perhaps before Gamarra was even born), on my 486 DX/40 :-)

      Perhaps the worst of the bunch is this one (just changed the samples of an existing mod ;-) So you can listen to how I sounded when I was 14 :-p

      You're older than 18 and you like the Gamarra wads? Holy-fucking-shit.

    4. Maes


      Darkman 4 said:

      You're older than 18 and you like the Gamarra wads? Holy-fucking-shit.

      If only you knew ;-)

  5. In your opinion what would leilei wear to the beach?

    This is serious actually, suggestions and paintovers could be useful

    Please link to any if any

    Thank you :(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Joe


      GGG said:

      Did you only see the edited-for-TV version of that movie? Because in the actual movie it's "I HATE NIGGERS."

      I didn't want to be offensive :(

    3. Technician
    4. printz


      GGG said:

      Because in the actual movie it's "I HATE NIGGERS."

      Dead obvious. Die hard with a vengeance in their name!

      Congrats, Joe, for the motivation of yours.

  6. New GPL game project?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. myk


      the guy's really stupid he fires his gun at the water and at the walls

    3. AirRaid


      I dont get the point of the random gunfire. The bullet puff/muzzle flash is fairly shoddy, the gun animation is poor, and there's absolutely no effect when he fires at water. Of course I say this with no knowledge of the engine and how it was made. If it was self-made then its not so bad.

    4. AndrewB


      If this isn't the latest version of NES Doom then I don't care.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Planky


      Naked Snake said:

      Is "I hope you get AIDS" feedback?

    3. leileilol


      Naked Snake said:

      Is "I hope you get AIDS" feedback?

      no, that's just simply the oldest insult in the book

    4. Naked Snake

      Naked Snake

      leileilol said:

      no, that's just simply the oldest insult in the book

      It's not an insult, it's a sincere wish and desire of mine.

  7. This was mine.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Never got a chance to play around with BUILD, kind of wish I had at some point.

    3. Snarboo


      I remember trying my hand at building levels in Blood years ago. I was able to make some half decent levels, such as the exterior to this huge mansion out in the woods. Shame I had trouble with doors and stopped bothering with it after a while.

    4. deathz0r


      Almost all of my BUILD levels are long gone. The only one I have left is something I started but gave up straight away and another I worked on in 1999 that I eventually stopped caring about.

  8. we're dumping the shitty western cliche game art style and going for something JAPANIMATION!!!!!


    1. Show previous comments  56 more
    2. funduke


      leileilol said:

      in other news there will be whiny linux dorks...

      Is that a penguin-head-like cap on his head?
      Or what makes him lnux-related?


    3. Coopersville


      Yes, he's wearing a penguin hood, gloves, and boots. Plus, he's wearing a tuxedo.

    4. funduke


      Coopersville said:

      Yes, he's wearing a penguin hood, gloves, and boots. Plus, he's wearing a tuxedo.

      quicksearch at wikipedia...

      Thaks for the info!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coopersville



      Well, at least I was reminded to download OpenArena. Thanks.

    3. Infinite Ammunition

      Infinite Ammunition

      truly breathtaking, i can't wait for the EXCITING CONCLUSION

    4. lupinx-Kassman

  9. Ling as in Mei Ling.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. insertwackynamehere


      GGG said:

      I prefer Ming-Li. "Me so horny, me love you long time."

      lol 2 Live Crew sampled that and then had their 1st amendment rights threatened (well actually their entire album, including the song sampling that is what got them in trouble, but w/e)

    3. leileilol


      joe made fart and it's great

    4. Joe


      leileilol said:

      joe made fart and it's great

      Tru dat.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Csonicgo


      more pix plz I need to change my felicia wallpaper

    3. Darkman 4

      Darkman 4

      Danarchy said:

      Why the Hell don't you join some freakish deviant community instead of hanging around here with us. It's not like there is any shortage of such things if Something Awful is any kind of gauge.

      I think you secretly like it.

    4. Technician
    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Fletcher`


      darknation said:

      a fat social retard with a hentai fixation.

      And an affinity for those lifesized hentai girl-shaped pillows

    3. Manc


      rf` said:

      What if we don't care?

      Then don't post a comment in HIS blog biatch

    4. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      leileilol said:
      What the crap is this

      It's a ???i???F ???X?N???[???A?N?V????.

  10. for i have created the best screen saver ever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RottKing



    3. kristus


      Screenshavers are gay. As in not cool. Not Homosexual.

    4. Bucket


      Starfield simulation FTW.

  11. are pissing me off

    really, during most of the quake expo so far has been a thunderstorm interrupting my rushing progress for something there. EFF YOU MOTHER NATURE. At least there's my two laptops to fall back to (some presario 1277 and a toshiba tecra 150)

    oh btw new blog look lol

  12. syke, though the latest of the quake (THE FIRST GAME not the 2nd or 3rd or the 4th) community's happenings is in there now

    in other news, well pretty self-explanatory

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. leileilol
    3. Grazza


      Don't just talk, do something.

    4. Hobbs


      That site says Nick Baker has a son, proving that it isnt the Nick Baker we know, as he could never get laid.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. leileilol


      are you kidding, there's several 256x256 skins with the model, which is a bit more than enough for q3a.

    3. Csonicgo


      RULE 34

      heh, nice work.

    4. iori


      gargoylol said:

      are you kidding, there's several 256x256 skins with the model, which is a bit more than enough for q3a.

      no not kidding, they're blurred to shit then. It looks like you took a 64x64 skin and just expanded it to 256x256. I'm talking about the clothing btw, the face/hat seem fine.
      EDIT: maybe it's just that ultra bright last screen.. the others in the first screenshot look ok.

  13. * Cannot join #zdoom (You are banned).
    * Cannot join #unidoom (You are banned).
    * Cannot join #skulltag (You are banned).
    * Cannot join #doomarmory (You are banned).

    wahhhh what is going on

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Manc


      Epyo said:

      Personally I just don't see a face in semicolon dot semicolon. It's just a poor excuse for a smiley.

      I had another sentence but I didn't know what the singular of parenthesis is.

      The real face is here


    3. Xenaero


      There's always #furry!

    4. Bucket


      Technically, it isn't a smiley.

  14. PlanetGargoyle.com server never to return after all apparently


    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. iori


      Seems like that little community is hanging by a thread.. why did that thread get locked again?

    3. Bucket


      I guess it was the wrong thread to hang by.

    4. DooMAD
  15. one year closer to my death.

    anyhow i am on an athlon64 2ghz now, MAYBE I CAN FINALLY PLAY ACTION DOOM

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Coopersville


      I fail to see the threat.

    3. Grazza


      Bucket said:

      Next person to post that goddamn birthday death cartoon gets a mailbox full of horse porn.

      Heh. Is this one better?

      <img src=http://gkburgess.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/tbd.jpg>

    4. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Bucket said:

      Next person to post that goddamn birthday death cartoon gets a mailbox full of horse porn.


      Oh, and happy birthday!

  16. Tue Dec 27 06:40:21 PST 2005 Rejected: axelf.zip because txt file does not describe the wad, which is really just a junk music wad anyway but I suppose we're desperate nowadays

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sharessa


      What the Hell does Crazy Frog have to do with Axel F?

      I guess that's what I get for not watching the MTV.

    3. leileilol


      it was a test which proved that there's more chavs in the uk than non-chavs.

      should make the chav detection phase easier at least, if they try to be disguised. Stop anyone with a ringdingdingding phone.

      luckily, the frog doesn't have much exposure in the US \o/ so


      btw my wads about axel foley and the axel f song. spose it'll get accepted if i make gfx changes as to make a sbar face, and make his hands so black.

    4. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Danarchy said:

      What the Hell does Crazy Frog have to do with Axel F?

      I guess that's what I get for not watching the MTV.

      Crazy Frog is pretty much a gayed-up version of Axel F's Beverly Hills Cop theme. I don't know if he actually had anything to do with this but it sucks regardless.
