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Found 9475 results

  1. Meril

    Escape from Castle Höllenstein

    Map is fun to play, but ugly. Poor choose of textures. Escaping from prison on the beginning is really clever. Biggest flaw is absence of ssg in singleplayer.
  2. Walter confetti

    Blue Monday

    A pretty good map, well constructed and with a really solid texture scheme based upon COMPBLUE and COMPTALL, also gameplay is pretty challenging but there's some backtracking moments that will maybe annoy someone of you, but nothing that really stands out. Just a good map that is fun to play, plan and simple.
  3. AtticTelephone


    @Fairen's review below is probably bait, but is still utterly wrong. Anyways, amazing wad. Great visuals that are absolute eye candy and give amazing atmosphere to the maps, challenging gameplay that is incredibly creative and very fun, and great choice in music as well.
  4. Hitboi

    TNT: Revilution

    Great homage wad to the original TNT, some maps were hard, but it was still a fun experience, and the music is cool and has a variety between different music genres and it fits the maps. My favourite maps in this megawad are Map 12, Map 30 and Map 32.
  5. Cinnamon


    While the idea in and of itself is fine, the resulting WAD is padded with not-so-fun ideas to fill the 32 slots. I appreciate the commitment to the gimmick but in execution I found myself wanting to skip rather than solve a whole lot. I guess it's not too surprising a puzzle WAD is a mixed bag, though.
  6. Guest




    Level Made for Deathmatch, but fun for coop and single. It is a little hard for a single game.
  7. lithis


    Maps 1-20 were fun for the most part, there was some annoying enemy spamming every now and again, and the frequent overuse of bosses, but nothing too aggravating. Maps 21 and onward were just increasingly frustrating and quite frankly bad.
  8. Roofi

    Sinister Seven - Vanilla Maps by Doomkid

    I finished it , very fun classic wad! I liked the subtle references to Ultimate Doom in some maps.
  9. baja blast rd.

    outpost of death

    Fun fact: the author of this could not have a Doomworld account. First, because he was 12 (you have to be 13 to have an account -- not even 12 and a half sorry), and second because in 1996 Doomworld did not exist. For something made in 1996 by a 12-year-old, this is surprisingly good. It leads off with a vicious chaingunner-heavy ambush in a room that reminds me of a mini version of TNT's "Metal," which sets the stage for what is to come, a lot of fun, close-quarters, vicious traps that are still pretty "fair" because people are better at the game than they were back then. Some of the crossfire-heavy courtyards can simply be threshold-camped, but when a map rubs me the right way, I turn down that option. The texturing is competent and cohesive, heavy in Earthen tones like something out of early-mid Doom 2. Better than Master Levels.
  10. Astronomical


    Valiant was hyped up in my mind as a future favorite megawad, Often proclaimed as the best megawad by many. But it is imperfect. 1. The Super chaingun is lame, not a fan, it want's to be the ultimate weapon, but it is never set up to be powerful, most enemies are too tough too be taken down by it without justifying use of a better weapon, and moments where cannonfodder are plentiful enough to justify it are too rare. Most importantly chaingun sniping is limited, I almost wish for a regular chaingun because its ability to pick off enemies from a distance was that valuable for me. The pistol isn't a good replacement for it, so a gap is left to pursue an overlap in the arsenal. The custom enemies are fun all of them are great. 2. The maps are divided into episodes Ep1 - Earth tech base that is fun Ep2 - Waste episode that is ok I think for 2 or 3 maps but starts to suck later Ep3 - The Darkwave episode Ep4 - Hell that is hell to play Ep5 - Lunatic reloaded (I liked lunatic so it's fun) The aggressive red and orange maps just unfortunately suck sometimes. The maps aren't bad but annoying and it feels like they suck out the fun. The other 3 episodes are fun most of the time but are imperfect. I love custom monsters and weapons so I had that to look forward too every map, but the wad just isn't fun sometimes. 3. Maps are detailed, but I personally enjoy vanilla maps so it doesn't appeal to me in that regard. But In theory you wouldn't notice it because of the speed of play, the best valiant maps would be hard to recreate from memory because they would force the player to go fast. But that also clashes with Skillsaws love of map 24 the Chasm, I wanted to idclip so many times because I fell off a thin ledge or didn't do the platforming section as well, I didn't but the restraint required was immeasurable. 4. The aracnorb, cool in theory but combined with high ceilings made me want to hang myself, thankfully Skillsaw made the ceiling so high I can't hang myself from it because there isn't a ladder long enough. 5. I don't have a 5th point but I like the number 5 so I felt disgusting not having a 5th point. To conclude, Valiant is fine and most of the enemies are cool but it has issues, play at your own risk.
  11. Guest




    Well, this is tough. You've got a lot of stuff to figure out here, and a lot of critters to deal with, too. I don't want to spoil the fun but I will say one thing: "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED"
  12. Teo Slayer

    Japanese Community Project

    One of the best Megawads I've ever played so far. I love both DOOM and Japanese stuff and it feels great to see them coming along. The music is sick + it's fun, challenging and the maps are beautifully made. Good job Japanese Slayers :)
  13. Argenteo

    SERENITY v2.0

    Hunting for those letters reminds me of Star Force, that alone makes the set memorable. Cute midis, some custom textures and fun gameplay. Maybe it was the first episode replacement I played. Long ago. :)
  14. E.M.

    Doom City

    What's this? A city level that's better than any of Doom 2's city levels? This wad is great. Not only does it have an impressive amount of detail for 1995 (mostly thanks to the custom textures), but it's also really fun. The layout is a bit confusing at first and the secret soulsphere can be hard to find, but once you figure out where everything is, it becomes a blast to play.
  15. Guest

    Maw of Doom!



    A fun little map with some scripting, no real story, but it's lotsa fun! WARNING: I recommend using mouselook to avoid traps. Have fun!
  16. Erik

    X-treme (demo)



    Well, maybe it's wrong to call this a demo, it's more like a HD-cleaning. It was close that these 2 levels were lost in my last reformat, I remembered to upload them the very last minute. Since it's not likely that I will work on this megawad- project anytime soon I might just as well release these levels standalone. The difficulty is balanced so that skill 4 is not playable or fun in any way, so don't bother trying it unless you are a masochist.
  17. Walter confetti

    It's a PIG!

    Small, extremely frantic map perfect for 2-4 players action, fun premise and cool layout even if a little bit symmetrical for my tastes. The teleport spawn in the upper section of the arena are a camper-fest, unluckily. Maybe enlarging a little the map and make the teleporting spawn more open it could be better. Also, is this the first review for this map? Incredible!
  18. Rathori

    Combat Shock

    Fun slaughter WAD, the last level is a little bit of an overkill though.
  19. SF.

    Coffee Break Episode 1

    A fun mapset to play through. The levels are short, yet action packed. The difficulty rises gradually. The beginning of the map is often the hardest part as you get shot by hitscanners from all angles.
  20. Denim Destroyer


    Tough start with a couple of well designed monster encounters. Doesn't bring anything new to the table but is still plenty of fun.
  21. roadworx


    a small mapset consisting of 10 fun, short little maps that have you killing everything that moves and collecting keys to get to the exit. it's fairly easy by modern standards, but there's still some pretty nasty encounters (for me, at least). it looks pretty good for 1995, although that's to be expected considering that the author went on to make doom city later that same year the only map i really didn't like was map09, which is mostly platforming on ledges in a void. it's a bit annoying, and the exit isn't entirely clear the first time around. other than that, there's no reason not to play this - it's pretty fun and takes at most an hour to play through.
  22. RandoBust

    Scythe 2. Version 2

    Incredible, just like the first. Maps are interesting, varied, and challenging. Drops off for the last third as it devolves into slaughter meme maps. If you're into tedious nonsense with enemies jammed into every corner of the map, you'll love it. If you were having fun with the incredible set of maps you've been playing up to that point, you're screwed. A damn shame.
  23. DuckReconMajor

    Going Down

    Super fun mapset. Very challenging, even on Skill 1! Would definitely recommend.
  24. Arrowhead


    A very cleanly designed deathmatch map that would work great for duel. Only issue is that the map is too symmetrical - the flow in this is decent, though. It can be fun to strafe onto the middle teleport platform. Spawns are alright for the time, not perfect, but not bad. Good map, 4/5.
  25. Hypnotik


    Scythe is probably my number #1 coop recommendation. Super fun, yet diabolically challenging in singleplayer as well! Absolutely loved everything about it. It's a classic.