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Status Updates posted by Sharessa

  1. So I'm getting plenty too old to be single anymore. Unfortunately, every single woman I meet is married or engaged. I'm serious. I hate bars and seem to have bad experiences in them all the time, and there's really no where else to meet people around here. So my sister suggested I try a dating site.

    Anyone have any experiences with such things and can recommend a good one?

    1. Show previous comments  76 more
    2. exp(x)


      Deception and distrust are classic parts of American relationships. Just watch TV, listen to music, read magazines, etc.

    3. Sharessa


      Bucket said:

      People say my "friends first" policy is out of some fear of rejection. Really, it's because of shit like this. People don't change, they just show other sides of themselves; I want to reduce the risk of wasting so many years on someone I couldn't spend the rest of my life with.

      I have a similar policy. Seems most women have the opposite policy, though. As soon as you become friends with them, they don't want to date you.

    4. SYS


      I'm not into internet dating, but a friend of mine has had quite a bit of success with plentyoffish.com

      In both relationships and hook-up scenarios.

  2. My penis is five inches long.


    1. Show previous comments  52 more
    2. Sharessa


      Silverwyvern said:

      Lets trade bodies.. then I'll wait til you have your period, and you can kick me in the nuts... then we'll prolly trade back.

      Heh...that would rule.

      I think ti should be imperitive that everyone knows what if feels like to get kicked in the nuts just so they know why you should never kick someone in the balls under ANY circumstance. Heh. I think I've taken more than my share of nutshots. Funny thing is, all of them were accidental. Someone should follow me with a camera just so they could get rich off of America's Funniest Home Videos.

    3. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      My friend Stace threw a shoe at someone once, and it missed them and the heel hit me right in the, "Special Sector". I couldn't help but laugh cause the instant before that happened the lights went out but it made this large *WHAP* sound, when they came back on I was just standing there laughing. It hurt, but it was funny. :D

    4. Ralphis


      Ct_red_pants said:

      long enough.

      4 inches

  3. I am such a fucking retard. I have lost another friend. Soon the only people I will have left to talk to will be all the morons on the internet.

    1. Show previous comments  45 more
    2. DooMBoy


      Danarchy said:

      Bah, this thread is getting retarded.

      What do you mean getting?

    3. Quast


      DooMBoy said:

      What do you mean getting?

      who knows? the thread is over a year old

    4. Bloodshedder


      this can't go anywhere

  4. You know, I've come to a conclusion that I have wasted the greater part of my twenty years of life (well not really, I kind of came to that conclusion a long time ago, but at least this time I have an obvious target). You see, I have ralised that playing games is pretty damn pointless. Okay, so you have a game and you play it, and suck, so you try again and eventualy get better. Then you finaly get good enough to beat the game and get the high score. But what then? You have a fucking sequence of electronic digits on some machine that you'll probably throw out in a year to get a better one to play games with, games that have more shiny stuff made by some nerdy programmer that hasn't seen the outside world for seven months, something that looks closer to reality, or what he thinks is reality though he hasn't seen it in so long that he has forgotten.

    And really, all this immersion crap. Do you really want to make yourself more a part of some virtual reality, to digitise yourself and disconnect from the real world? If that's what life is about, I think death would be a salvation. Better that you cut yourself off from the real world. Better that you spend countless hours locked away in your tiny unlit room so you can get the fucking power up and win the damn game. Again I shall say that the future the sci-fi authors always warned us about is now upon us. We are now more concerned about technology than our well being. Tis a sacrifice I shall not make.

    There are so many things I should have done/should be doing/should...no WILL do that I have instead wasted countless hours on stupid fucking simulated life and tireing clickfests. There are so many thigns I'd much rather do. My time would be better spent listening to music, absorbing every minute piece of the composition and enjoying the lyrical poetry. It would be better spent hugging women, being embraced by their warmth and softness. It would be better spent smoking weed, inhaling the flavorfull scent while it sends the gears in my mind in directions I never knew existed. It would be better spent hiking along trails amongst the wildlife we have so long ago left and forgotten about. It would be better spent chatting with old friends about times we had or whatever the big philosophical debate of the day is. There are some things you just cannot do by yourself in front of some video screen.

    I've seriously been thinking recently of selling all of my games. I've also thought of selling ym computer as well, but then I realised I woudlnt be able to compose music without it. Really, technology should be a tool, not a crutch or method of attempting to change reality.

    Also, it hasnt just been computer games I've been thinking about rejecting. I don't think I can do role-playing games anymore. Its all about stupid elves and their shiny +20 Longswords of Stabbing and Mortally Wounding Half-Dragons and what not. Big fucking deal. I don't want to pretend to be someone else. I just want to be me. I like me. I'm a very neat person and people tell me so. I'm not some faggot elf. Well anyway, I kind of have to continue playing it for now because pretty much all my friends play it. It's basicaly my only social outlet. I only have two friends who arent into that, and one is a self-proclaimed hermit/messiah so he's not too much into the whole society thing, and the other is pretty much always at her boyfriend's or art school.

    Oh well, I needed to rant. There are so many things I need to do with my life.

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. dsm


      Danarchy said:

      Um, I have a pretty damn active imagination. Half the time I'm in la-la land. Hell, I even made up a fantasy world (well two actualy, but one was too D&Dish) though I have no practical application for it. That's me...all thought and no practical application. I'm a useless waste of flesh.

      Well, then I don't know why you seem to hate games so much. I've got a pretty well-developed imagination and for that reason I still play and enjoy games, because my imagination expands on the game universe.

    3. Hyena


      I don't find video games pointless. At least not the way I play them.

      1. Most games I don't play from beginning to end and then try to beat the score. I play them a little bit, and those that I continue to play are usually the ones that are the most fun (with a few small exceptions)
      2. Many Video games are a source of inspiration. Just like movies, books, people, events, ideas. I don't consider those a waste of time. I'm a highly creative person. When I make doom levels, write fiction, create music, and (occasionally) draw, video games are no less of inspiration than anything else.
      3. Like was said earlier, it's all about balance. If I spend a whole day doing nothing but video games, it will feel like a waste. In fact, all of my days seem wasted if I don't do something constructive. As long as I maintain some creativity, I can still play a fair amount of games and I will feel confident that time has spent fairly well.

    4. Sharessa


      Heh I think maybe the thing I hate about video games so much is that they actualy limit imagination. It seems like whenever I play a video game I'm like "man I wish I could do ______" and so on.

      Also, scratch all that I said about D&D. I got the most wicked inspiration a couple days ago and I've been working on reviving an old campaign of mine nearly the whole time. This is going to rule.

  5. Here are some things about me that probably certify me as a total dork.

    - Labyrinth, Tron, and Yellow Submarine are three of my favorite movies of all time.

    - I spend most of my creativity on my D&D campaign.

    - I've been listening to Michael Jackson recently.

    - I play World of Warcraft and I enjoy it.

    - I buy CDs. Not only that, but I intend to buy pretty much every album I've downloaded that's on my HD right now, just because I hate not owning the actual album. I have well over 100 CDs right now, and intend to double that collection.

    - I've turned down sex on principle on multiple occasions, though I'm still a virgin.

    - I seriously have some kind of chivalric code that I follow. See above.

    - Cooking and baking are a couple of my all-time favorite hobbies.

    - I can recite random facts about nearly any subject, but I have no practical application for anything whatsoever.

    Possibly more to come...

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Jim Rainer

      Jim Rainer

      Just a couple of things I can think of at the moment:
      I'm extremely anti-social.
      I occasionally headbang to music at my computer desk.
      I still buy music in CD format.
      I argue with people about audio codecs.

    3. Bucket


      BoldEnglishman said:

      I also have a phobia of phones. I get really nervous trying to ring someone for the first time. People I know very well I can ring fine, but most other people I get a bit edgy, and my phone conversations are to the point, quick and swift. My last phone conversation consisted of "Hi, what time you coming around? Cool, how long for? Bring anything you want, cya later". Less than a minute, done.

      I have this thing about phone conversations. I have to leave the room if I get a call. Even if it's completely mundane and no one cares enough to listen in, I don't like my phone talks to be audible to others.

    4. deathbringer


      Yesterday i:

      -Went into a tiny secondhand bookshop in Cambridge and found a couple of bound volumes of the Girls' Own, i innocently asked the woman behind the desk if she had "any other old storypapers or comic annuals" and she said "leave your bag here and go upstairs", i went up the tiny spiral staircase to find the whole second floor of the shop is pretty much floor-to-ceiling annuals, storypaper volumes, storypaper annuals, 1890-1950's childrens adventure books and old pocket libraries, i nearly died.

      -Bought a 1987 book collecting several 1920's Sexton Blake Library stories, as well as his first ever appearance in The Halfpenny Marvel in 1893. Reportedly a crap story but i got all overexcited about it

      -Also bought an issue of the Schoolgirl's Picture Library from what looks like the early 60's, just the one mind.

      -Also bought "UNLEASH HELL!", a reprint compilation of the Boy's equivalent - War Picture Library, from the same sort of time.

      -Drove home in my dad's Toyota repmobile listening to Elgar, using a CD walkman plugged into the casette player

      -Checked the latest issue of "Crikey! the british comics magazine" to see if that 1950 Radio Fun annual i saw was the ultra-rare, only-16-known-to-exist issue with a guy who died in 1949 on the cover. It wasn't.

      Oh and i had a stand at a comic convention on Saturday, i guess that counts too

  6. So a month ago or so I failed to notice a particular anniversary of mine: the 10-year mark of me registering on these forums. I can't really believe it's been that long.

    Over the years, pretty much all of the old regulars have either left or become irregulars, and some of the old lurkers are now prolific posters on these forums. The website's founders have pretty much all buggered off, but it still seems to be in good hands. I've met many people through this website, and many I still talk to, even ones who don't post here anymore. Many of these people I'd consider friends, and a couple I've even met in real life. We've also lost a few people along the way, which is tragic, but life goes on.

    It's kind of funny that when I joined the site there was only speculation on weather or not there would be a Doom 3, and exactly what would be in the game. Some thought that it would be a travesty for it not to be sprite-based, some thought there should be a quad-barreled shotgun. Not long after, the Mac World video was released and speculation became anticipation. Now 10 years later, Doom 3 is old but still seems to rank right up there with modern games in terms of graphics, and now it's confirmed there will be a Doom 4. We're still waiting for Rage, however.

    Speaking of long development times, Duke Nukem Forever was a joke by the time I joined up here, and look at it now, coming out in a month or two. What the hell?

    As for myself, I was in high school when I joined up here. I'd browse the forums when I got done with my work in HTML class (which was always pretty quick, as that class was really easy for me). I'd like to say a lot has changed since then, but aside from graduating, growing a beard, and getting a job, not much really has. I'm still hanging out with my friend from high school, playing the same games with them, and I'm unfortunately living with a parent again (though I did have my own place for 2 1/2 years, so that was fun).

    Well yeah, that was just my retrospective on the last ten years.

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Holy hell, it has been 10 years. Jesus Christ.

      I was in middle school when I first joined DWF. Now I'm (almost) a fully functioning, independent adult. Wow.

    3. Creaphis


      I'm the exact same person that registered for this forum six years ago. The only difference is that now I know a little more about Doom.

      Congrats to Dan and all the other oldfags.

    4. GooberMan


      I like bandwagons.

  7. Lost my job today. Applied for unemployment already. I have about $10 in the bank, half a tank of gas, low on food, and $1600 in debt.

    Needless to say, I am not in a good mood.

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Bucket


      Well, it's easier to sit around doing nothing when you get winded walking up the stairs.

    3. Grazza


      Bucket said:

      Are you from here? Fattening junk food is cheaper than the healthy stuff.

      Yes, I live in the US, and am aware that it can cost only a few dollars to get an enormous pile of unhealthy food, and that such meals are even quite hard to avoid. What I meant by "shopping around" in this context was going out of your way to find the optimal meals for maximizing the calories per dollar.

    4. Maes


      Mike.Reiner said:

      Though to become 200 lbs overweight is still a feat I am nowhere near, and I will never understand how people allow themselves to reach that.

      Judging by YT, apparently you can make a pretty buck if you're a fatass woman/male twink/even a middle-aged fucker: just sit on your couch or chair, and slap your fat rolls around in front of the camera. The number of views for such tripe (pun intended) is mind-blowing, let alone the comments about how "sexy" an overweight pasty 13yo MALE teenager playing with his fat rolls is.

      Grazza said:

      What I meant by "shopping around" in this context was going out of your way to find the optimal meals for maximizing the calories per dollar.

      That would be any food that consists of nearly 100% fat, like lard or oils. However, neither is very appetizing to eat raw. Between the two, I'd say lard on slices of bread.

  8. Dear Die-ary,

    Today, I asked the girl I love if she had the same feelings for me. The answer came back as a negative in the form of a 'just friends' statement. This just reinforces the fact that I suck at everything.

    Sometimes I wonder about myself.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and:

    Boo hoo, I'm such a goth. Look at me!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Ultraviolet


      POTGIESSER said:

      Not if your straight, and your best friend happens to be a guy. It's totally out of the question. As for poor 'ol Dan: just be happy that she's at least your friend, and she still is after you expressed your feelings.

      One: YOU'RE. Two: My best friend is female.

    3. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Quast said:

      well, uh, who would want to date their best friend? That is, if she feels the same way.

      I did, at one point, want to date my best friend. I'm pretty sure she felt the same way for a while until one of my other good friends came and swept her off her feet, without really knowing of my true feelings for her. That was a rather awkward time in my life.

      In retrospect, I'm actually sort of glad it happened though. I was able to meet other girls that I really liked, although one lives 300 miles away and another just moved to California this summer. But if anything, I'm even closer than I was before to the first girl. We tell each other and trust each other with everything. It's definitely very nice having someone like that of the opposite sex. If we had gotten into a relationship, there could have ended up being some nasty breakup or something, and our feelings for each other could be drastically different than they are today.

    4. Chopkinsca


      Danarchy said:

      Today, I asked the girl I love if she had the same feelings for me. The answer came back as a negative in the form of a 'just friends' statement. This just reinforces the fact that I suck at everything.

      Heh, sounds almost like one of my situations. Except that my girl doesn't know what way she wants to go. It's been two weeks already and still no thoughts on either way. fuck...

  9. Confucius say "he who hires prostitute in north Japan has Ainu sex".

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Richo Rosai

      Richo Rosai

      Csonicgo said:

      quit being so damn ainu and laugh a little!

      Hey, I was just defending myself against the condescension of being replied to with a link. Not trying to be a joke critic or know-it-all or anything.

    3. GreyGhost


      It's a bad joke - laughter is optional. I'm blaming Confucius for the misunderstanding.

    4. Fletcher`
  10. So I spent last weekend passing a kidney stone. Let me tell you, it is in no way fun. Feels like someone stabbed you in the kidneys then kicked you in the balls, then the pain doesn't go away for about 4 days. So anyway, I'm glad I'm done with that. Now I just have to wait for the hospital bill and hope it doesn't bankrupt me. I think I might be able tog et the whole thing paid off by the government, though, considering I'm a poor bastard.

    Oh, and yesterday I bought a copy of Heavy Metal for the first time. It's...interesting. I've been interested in the magazine for years, especially since I found out that Moebius did design work for every sci-fi movie I've ever loved, ever. I think now I need to start hunting down some old issues from the 70s with his work in them.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Sharessa


      hervoheebo said:

      That's like a tiny jagged rock passing through your dick? How does it not shred up the urethra?

      ..or does it? Shit.

      Your innards are a lot more resilient than they seem. Still, I think I still have some scratches in there.

    3. Abyssalstudios1


      In case I ever get a kidney stone, I hope that qualifies me for MMJ.

    4. Sharessa


      Abyssalstudios1 said:

      In case I ever get a kidney stone, I hope that qualifies me for MMJ.

      I think you have to have long-term pain for that. Kidney stones (thankfully) rarely last more than a few days. I DO have a friend who has chronic migraines who probably qualifies for MMJ. Her husband is trying to push her into getting it instead of the Vicodin they prescribed her (though I think he just wants in on it :P).

  11. Turns out my version of XChat was just a 30-day trial, and it has ended. What to do...

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. pavera


      Maes said:


    3. Use


      Technician said:

      Is there a Doomworld channel? Or a Doom channel I can go to? Other then ZDaemon.

      irc.oftc.net #zdoom

      bring beer you big jagoff!

    4. Bank


      Technician said:

      Is there a Doomworld channel? Or a Doom channel I can go to? Other then ZDaemon.

      dal.net #jetsons

  12. After a lot of experience, I have been able to classify many types of depression. Here is a rudimentary outline:

    Whiney Depression
    This is a mild for of depression where you're not really THAT depressed, but you just have to whine about it. You become an attention whore, complaining to everyone how much your life SUUUCKS! No one will like you for this.

    This is a mild but persistant depression. You're basicaly really bummed about everyhting. Kind of an opposite of Whiney Depression, you don't want to talk about it to anyone. If anyone ever asks you what's wrong, you simply reply "fuck off", or usualy something less because you don't feel like putting out the effort to communicate with anyone.

    Loneliness (Depressed Mode)
    This is where you just wish you could cuddle up with someone, but you have no one to love. The best way to deal with this by listening to some sad love music. Depeche Mode is my favorite, but Sister Machine Gun, The Smashing Pumpkins, and even Cake work for this. You can probably find something that suits you better, like The Cure or something. Usualy, this leads to Tearful Depression, but this will only last an hour or two, after which you'll actual feel a lot better.

    Tearful Depression
    This is when you feel so alone that you want to cry. Don't hold back because it just hurts. If you let it out, you'll feel a lot better in a short amount of time, after which a walk is reccomended.

    Black Despair
    This is Loneliness or Tearful Depression at an advanced state. You feel doomed that you'll never be with the one you love (usualy someone specific). Unlike Tearful Depression, it is impossible to hold it back. The only thing you can do is wait it out. Unfortunately, its not quite that easy. You end up crying yourself to sleep most of the time, then waking up in some other form of depression (usualy not quite as severe though).

    Cold and Emotionless
    Usualy stemming from some philosophical soul-searching with a conclusion that everything is pointless, this is when you have absolutely no emotion. Congratulations, you can now become a true Rivethead. If that wasnt what you were looking for, a good cure is to listen to some bleak music (Skinny Puppy being my favorite) or read some Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (Wobbly-Headed Bob especialy) comics. This helps you to know someone else shares a defeatist attitude with you. I suppose something like Fight Club would work as well. Just look for anything that is either industrial or defeatist.

    This is an advanced stage of Cold and Emotionless where you think "the world sucks because it isn't like me...the only solution is to subjugate everyone and make them think like me. The same remedies as Cold and Emotionless apply, with the addition of listening to stuff like KMFDM and playing Civilization or similar games.

    Nihilistic Depression
    Another advanced stage of Cold and Emotionless and also related to Megalomania, this is when you rech the conclusion that the only way to end the world's suffering is to take it apart one step at a time. Do not act on anything that pops into your head, because you'll likely wind up dead or imprisoned. Though this doesnt sound too bad now, you'll probably regret it later. Instead, try the afforementioned methods under Cold and Emotionless and Megalomania.

    Paranoid Depression
    This is reached after certain bouts of Cold and Emotionless. You calculate in your mind that 2+2=4, and not 5 like the governemnt has been telling you all along. More likely than not, you've got it backwards but it doesnt matter to you. Until you finaly find that missing piece of evidence that completely invalidates your entire theory, you could go raving for hours. Unfortunately, modern politics are pretty scary as they are, so the best way to avoid this is to avoid political discussions entirely, and stay the Hell away from the internet.

    Self-Destructive Depression
    This is a pretty nasty yet suprisingly widespread form of depression. A great deal of people I have met with have this which results in someone frothing with passive-agressive behavior or sometimes full-out agression. More introverted people usualy resort to slicing their veins open or attempting to OD. This isn't really suicide, more of a cry for help.

    Suicidal Depression
    This is when Self-Destructive Depression gets serious. Instead of acting it out on others or acting it out dramaticaly, you just try to take the Great Plunge. Often times, you get flashes of those who love you in your head, which really snaps you out of it. If that doesn't happen, then luckily you'll screw up or something and wake up on the floor with bloody all over your arms.

    The Great Collapse
    For the first time in months, you finaly feel great, absolutely wonderful. Things are going swimmingly for you. You've been feeling stupendous all week. Then suddenly BAM! You're back in your depression and it's pretty bad. Unfortunately, I have no idea what triggers this and it's pretty hard to get out of. After all, you were just feeling awesome and this depression comes and gets a hold of you....real shitty. The best solution is to wait it out. This may be a sign of manic depression.

    There might be more I'll add to this later, and some stuff I'll split etc. I could probably create much more categories from expereicne. Actualy, I had a lot of fun doing this. I might make a website out of this or something.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Sharessa


      pregnant with worms said:

      dan: i think you would find the word 'anhedonia' helpful if you ever revise this text.

      "Anhedonia, the inability to gain pleasure from normally pleasurable experiences (link)"

      Hmm. Thanks for the tip.

    3. Fletcher`


      Danarchy said:

      Need webspace. Freewebz is very unfriendly to those who want to build webpages.

      Do what I do. Have multiple accounts.

    4. Twiztid


      Oops, i copied and pasted the wrong one.

      The Great Collapse

  13. Gah,mixing peppermint schnapps and Jack Daniels then following it up with a WHite Russian is probably the stupidest thign I've ever done. I can barely see straight and it feels like my brain has a 10-lb weight on it. :(

    And now mmy left arm is all numb. geh

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sharessa


      We should start making more SKulltag SP maps. Maybe a Skulltag megawad...heh.

    3. Lutrov71


      Agreed. I've been talking to Carnevil lately and maybe TeamVPO could come up with something. ;)

    4. Sharessa

  14. Which one is Fraggle?

    And which one is Bill Gates?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Julian


      Hahaha! You guys are crazy. Would you leave elt... err... fraggle alone please.

    3. insertwackynamehere


      Ichor said:

      One of Strong Bad's email. (Dragon)

      Heh, that's right :D

    4. Ultraviolet


      /me looks for pictures of Silent Bob and Julian

  15. Of these bands/musicians, which is your favorite?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Sharessa


      darknation said:

      I just like the 1000 homo DJ's name.

      Prizes to anyone who can tell me how Al came up with it.

      Do you actualy know or are you asking. Because I'd like to know too. :P

    3. darknation


      someone told Al that 'Only 1000 Homo DJ's are going to buy this record'.

      And now you know.

    4. fraggle


      They all suck.

  16. OMG celebrations and tribute.

    Also, I'm not dead, I've just been doing some of this...

    ...and a lot of this...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Wait Johnatone didn't you say you were a convicted felon or something. And you're my age? Yikes.

    3. Sharessa


      Kid Airbag said:

      I've probably mentioned this to you before, but I love "Peg."

      Well mainly, I love the song it spawned, "Eye Know," but that wouldn't be one of the coolest songs ever without "Peg."

      I don't like Peg that much, actually. I love Aja and Black Cow though.

      Johnatone said:

      I'm surprised you didn't have this great album already; after all, you're the one that recommends all the good music (Depeche Mode is the 14th greatest band ever).

      You'd be surprised how incredibly hard it is to find any Bowie. All the stores have like 40 copies of his best of album, then 2-3 copies each of a couple other albums and they're usually something lame like Scary Monsters or Low. Thus this is the first Bowie album I've acquired.

    4. Psyonisis


      happy birthday!

  17. Yeah, I'm one more year closer to 30 today. And I don't have any time off to celebrate. Kind of pissed off at that. Anyway, yep it's my birthday. Happy birthday to Manc as well, if he still posts here.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. lupinx-Kassman
    3. Ed


      27 has been very good to me, I hope the same for you. Happy birthday!

    4. DuckReconMajor


      Happy Birthday!

      Now stop aging so I can catch up.

  18. When I was growing up there were a few movies I used to watch over and over again, and most of them ended up becoming some of my all-time favorites and they remind me of my childhood. Here's a quick list:

    The Blues Brothers
    Little Shop of Horrors
    The Great Muppet Caper (haven't seen that one in YEARS)
    Star Wars
    The Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi
    Pink Floyd's The Wall
    Wayne's World

    So what was it you watched religiously when you were kids?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      GGG said:
      Scarface (THE 1932 ONE)

      What's wrong with the 80's version? >:(

    3. GGG


      Captain Red said:

      What's wrong with the 80's version? >:(

      I was under the impression this was an old movies thread. The De Palma one wouldn't fit that criteria (not old enough). That movie is still a blast though.

    4. leileilol


      12 angry men
      plan 9 from outerspace
      it's a wonderful life
      planet of the apes
      the forbidden zone
      the day the earth stood still


    (There, now that theres an obvious statement under it, it looks just like a political cartoon.)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Sharessa


      Ralphis said:

      Koreans used to say:


      on Rainbow 6

      I used to say that all the time on Starcraft way back in the day. Back before Brood Wars, back before the Korean invasion. Of course, I was in Jr. High at the time, only 13-14.

    3. MaximusNukeage


      they've been indoctrinated by Kim Jong Il

    4. DooMBoy
  20. http://www.epsilonminus.com/darquedungeon/

    A parody of this:


    I thought there couldn't be anything funnier than Chick tracts. I was wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sephiroth


      heh, wee need to make more paradoies on them.
      if they are serious... then add another reason this planet should be nuked

    3. Draconio


      There was a parody of Chick Tracts in Space Moose:

    4. AndrewB


      Even as a cartoon, that's insane.

  21. So there I was, I had just blown the S.A.M. mission for the hundredth time and I was beginning to boil over in frustration. But what's that? Someone left a police boat nearby? YOINK! So I drove around through the waves for a bit and through the channel between Shoreside Vale and Staunten Island, towards my hideout out that way. Then I decided to crash the boat somewhere and go the rest of the way by land. I found the perfect spot. A stretch of road near the water. Maybe I could crash into a car or block traffic for a white.

    So I revved up the engine and went for it. I smashed into the shore and flew up onto the road, smashing a light pst over on my way. I skidded right over the roadway and then *SPLASH*. What, where am I? It appeared that I had went right over the roadway and into the tiny pond on the otherside where i could pilot my boat freely. So I did for a bit, but that got boring. Next I tried turning the boats guns on the nearby pedestrians who were way to uninterested in my cool discovery, but the rounds flew over their heads and they remained nonplused. So I parked my little ship by the roadside to get another perspective on the situation. Hmm, despite the fact that that's an armed police boat, it looked a little like a quiet fishing hole.

    But alas, all good things must come to an end. I sent the boat off in what resembled a backwards Viking funeral. That appeared to be the end of that, but I was wrong. The friendly neighbourhood populace decided to give my lovely vessel some kind of wake/baptism.

    Then everybody died.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sharessa


      I could never get the Dodo to fly very well. I did get it going really good once, but I screwed up and nosedived into the middle of Staunton Island. The tip in the FAQ I have doesn't seem to work at all. Still, I got like 96 Taxi fares in a row, so. :P Need to get Vice City badly!

    3. fraggle


      If you pick up a hooker and drive to an alleyway, the car starts rocking. But if you then use the "look right" button (the one which lets you do drive-by shootings), you find the hooker and your avatar are actually still just sitting in the car.

    4. iori


      Actually there was a mod that imported all of your gta3 stuff into vice city so all the VC enhancements were available. I dont think any missions worked, but all the motorbike was in it, and you could shoot out car tires :D

  22. I feel like starting another megawad I'll probably never finish, but I can't decide which idea to go with.

    Option 1
    A re-imagining of Doom done in vanilla Ultimate Doom with no added textures either. I'd just make the levels big and more like what they are named after but just with my level of detail, not the uber-detail people have a hard-on for these days. No shareware restrictions either, so there would be lost souls and BFGs in episode 1.

    Option 2
    A fairly generic Skulltag single-player megawad. I have ideas for different level themes I could make in Doom (storage area, prison, gateway to Hell) and I could just run them together. There aren't very many single-player Skulltag wads so I think it would be cool.

    Option 3
    A combination of the two. Re-imagine the Doom 1 levels but in Doom 2 with all the Skulltag stuff.

    So anyway, I can't decide which to do, so I'm letting you decide. YES, YOU! Vote today and recieve a free* car!! Offer is good while supplies last**!!!

    * Offer only good in the Republic of Montenegro
    ** Supplies = 0

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sharessa


      Well, it seems people like option 1 so I'm gong to go with that.

    3. Pure Hellspawn

      Pure Hellspawn

      Damn, I wish there was a ZDoom option. There aren't too many ZDoom megawads out there.

    4. Sharessa


      Yeah, but every time I start work on a ZDoom wad I find myself wishing for all the extra textures and monsters and such that Skulltag provides automagically.

  23. And me too, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Manc


      Bucket said:

      I was talking to Manc, actually.

      Would not have been me, but I was being a pussy and partying in Las Vegas on my birthday.

      Also just noticed this thread even though I browse blogs every day.

      Depressing fact: We apparently also share the birthday with Bieber, so there's that.

    3. Planky


      Happy Marchmas

    4. Sharessa


      Mancubus II said:

      Depressing fact: We apparently also share the birthday with Bieber, so there's that.

      Oh yeah, I read that somewhere. Bah.

  24. Donald Fagen


    That was before I knew anything about Steely Dan, so the pose is pure coincidence.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Use


      Bucket said:

      If Donald had horrible, horrible acne maybe.

      Pfft, low blow you cockass.

    3. Sharessa


      Bucket said:

      If Donald had horrible, horrible acne maybe.

      Pfft, that's nothign compared to the acne I had in high school. And the girls all love me, so I don't really care.

    4. Psyonisis


      It's the nose.

  25. To whatever admin/mod changed my title. I was actually looking for someone to change it to exactly that. :P

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lüt


      printz said:

      Somehow it seems to make more sense than deathz0r's custom title.

      Hardly :(

    3. Creaphis


      Congrats for being unlosered, as well.

    4. Sharessa


      Bloodshedder said:

      So do you want that instead?

      The Hurricane Katrina one is the actual one. I like the wording better on that.

      Creaphis said:

      Congrats for being unlosered, as well.

      Yeah, took a while.
