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Found 266 results

  1. Guest

    Custom Marathon Monsters



    An cult takeover over UAC facilities just happened. UESC pipes in as a response to the situation. UESC intelligence believes that the cult is working w/ Pfhor organizations. UESC decides to pair up w/ UAC to contain the situation. Unfortunately, the situation grew into a world-wide issue. Who will stop the madness?
  2. Argenteo

    Secretdoom: The Green Machine

    A cool 12 map adventure with custom monsters, the first half of the episode is amazing, fast simple packed action. Later on the mutated enemies and non-linear progression fails to my taste.
  3. Guest

    Struggle - Antaresian Legacy



    Struggle - Antaresian Legacy is a single-player mod for Doom 2 with limit removing compatibility. It features new weapons and monsters replacement with DeHacked patch. Some of original monsters are also slightly changed, so it's recommended to check out the info below, before you play this one. Thanks, and have fun. :) [IMPORTANT] This wad uses heavily modified DeHacked patch. So it is recommended not to use other custom gameplay patches. P.S.: Par time is based on UV-MAX, not UV-Speed P.P.S. Please try STRG_M28.wad file, if you're having a framerate issue with MAP28.
  4. Guest

    First Mission after Holdiday



    The contact to the research station on Pluto is lost. Our Marine has to interrupt his holiday and must fly to Pluto. During the flight, he falls asleep. When he wakes up, his team already explore the station. Thats the story or completely different. My first map. Mostly weak weapons & monsters. Custom monsters. Very few monsters with the element of tightness. I guess i was influence by Quake 4 singleplayer which means linearity and frontal attacks. Recommend is the use of a GLRender.
  5. Argenteo


    Funny mini-episode, lots of dehacked modification to the monsters, some custom textures and infighting for all. Metallica midis and nasty stuff inside a pyramid. Good combat. Entering the tomb requires you to solve a tricky combination.
  6. Forli

    Hardest fight

    When a map only has one sector, the monsters won't wake up from seeing the player and won't attack either, that's something I learned from testing custom monsters, but I'm not sure of why it happens. My only guess is that there's probably some function that checks if a monster can see the player by comparing the heights of sectors or something like that, and since it cannot compare two sectors when there's only one it never gets called. That's only a guess, I really have no idea, I couldn't find anything when I googled it.
  7. Guest




    Yet another AEODish mod, created from scratch, based on my tartarus 3 replacers, many original stuff. Features: -Over 40 new weapons, 140 new monsters, all well tested and balanced. -Monsters are faster and smarter, more unpredictable, many of them they also move like players(with acceleration). -Randomized enemy health. -Custom gore that based on other's work, very messy. -Hires sound fx and brightmaps included. -Gain gift points and trade them for random stuff. -Doom builder ready, all stuff are categorized. Please see readme for bestiary and credits.
  8. Li'l devil

    1 Monster Megawad

    Absolutely love this wad. I like it's gimmick and I like the levels even more. They're very varied and fit the type of the monster used perfectly. I only didn't like two maps: Zumma and Cacophony, they're too long and get boring, tbh. But other than that, it's really good and I think it's underrated. Also, this is a perfect wad to test custom monsters.
  9. InterdimensionalInterloper

    Doomworld Mega Project 2015

    I really enjoyed "Hanger2" in the C wad of this collection. It was allot of fun with my custom weapons/monster wad I use and final doom music. The A and B wads in this are a bit excessive, but they would probably be a lot of fun without a mod that increases the difficulty to the point that renders them unplayable.
  10. Version


    A comprehensive collection of minor sprite fixes for Doom 2 comprised of restored missing monster angle rotations, art corrections, and adjusted sprite offsets. Also includes a separate Doom 1/ Ultimate Doom-compatible version and optional minor DeHackEd patch fixes. These files are compatible with any custom Doom 2 or 1 add-ons, including demo compatibility, as long as you load the following WAD or DEH files with the lowest priority. D2SPFX18.WAD - Doom 2 sprite fixes D1SPFX18.WAD - Doom 1-compatible sprite fixes D2DEHFIX.DEH - doom2.exe v1.9 DeHackEd fixes D1DEHFIX.DEH - doom.exe v1.9 DeHackEd fixes
  11. Spectre01

    32 Inch Nails

    Excellent visuals, gloomy aesthetics, and custom sounds make it feel like Doom 3 re-imagined in Doom 2. Map layouts are dynamic and monster spawns sometimes change depending on which route is taken. map05 is a thematic outlier, but still impressive with its monstrous scope and relentless combat. Sticking to the 32 unit grid shows off some interesting geometry and great use of vanilla textures. 32/8 out of 5.
  12. volleyvalley

    Scythe X. Episodes 1-2

    Possibly the most ambitious and best addition in the Scythe series if Erik had finished it. I love the detailing in this WAD, it hits the sweet spot for me. The map layouts themselves feel snappy, nice and comfortable to move in, which is complimented by this WAD's mild difficulty. All maps in this set are well made and fun, but my favorite map by far is: MAP10 - "The Encounter". The atmosphere in this map is impeccable, moody, unmatched even. From the opening notes of it's ominous and gloomy MIDI to the outdoor shootout with the new custom enemies. I really like the vegetation covered green cave outdoors, it really compliments the debuting monsters. The nine maps prior to this built up to the dream-like climax of the WAD, which although wasn't the intended ending, it felt like a strong note to end one's mapping legacy on.
    It's a nice an entertaining megawad, interesting geometry and textures are well placed for a wad made back in the 90s. Plenty of ammo helps you always have enough gun power against monsters. Good job with the custom HUD, the MapInfo and custom textures. Tho, I had hard time finding the secrets, some have clues to find them but most don't, they're after walls with the same texture without a hint. MAP23 - Spaceswitch, was a pain in the butt, with all the switch traps and no hints to guess which was the right switch. The 2 levels with Icon of Sight fights are a bit confusing, not knowing the typical shoot at the Boss Brain is really a trigger switch, also the MAP30 with the triple Boss Brain cube spawners get quickly cramped leaving with few room to move while you wait for the thin platform to raise and for some reason, after beating that level, instead of the ending screen with the monsters character roll, it replays the same MAP30 on ZDoom
  13. Senor500

    Shovelware Adventure!

    Took me a whole 40 minutes to finish, perhaps I'm just slow, but this map in UV is pretty tough, complete with Doomkid's charm and his custom monsters, definitely does what it sets out to do pretty well. I couldn't find the ssg and indeed it makes the thing quite hard, wasn't a fan of the final fight either, but overall, very fun to go through.
  14. Guest

    Ancient Aliens Textures



    Resources from the Ancient Aliens megawad. aa-tex.wad contains textures and flats. aa-mons.wad includes the custom monsters and custom decorations used in Ancient Aliens. playpal-aatex.png is the Ancient Aliens palette. You can use it as a base to create your own palettes with additional ranges: it should be clear which ranges are not native to Doom and can be changed to whatever you want. phu_big.bmp is a bitmap font to be used with Bitmap Font Writer. alnarch1.xcf is a GIMP image file for the arch textures. You can use it to make variants of the arches with alternate background textures (a different set of bricks, for instance). See aa-tex-info.txt for some additional instructions if you're unfamiliar with working with custom palettes. You'll need to follow the included steps to import and reindex some IWAD resources into your project.
  15. MuratMikal

    ZPack - Random Maps for ZDoom

    Played all maps in HMP difficulty with keyboard only. This is an interesting megawad which use several features present in ZDOOM such as swimming underwater, attacking monsters with help of friendly marines, flying upward through a giant fan among others. All maps are well design but few aren't balanced properly (for example E2M3 and E3M0, which really need more health). Speaking of E3M0, it is the worst map of the megawad, besides not balanced properly it's very cramped and all over the place. The best for me are E1M7, E1M8, E2M7, E3M3, E3M4, E3M5, E3M6, E3M7, E3M8 and E3M9. All the other maps are OK to play. I would reccomend only for those who don't mind some customs monsters.
  16. MuratMikal

    The DOOM Tribute Project

    An excelent work! Even with custom monsters the difficulty of this megawad is very easy due to ammount of power ups given by the author. The maps are very well made and some requires a bit of exploration to progress but nothing- too obscure. Favorite MAPS = 04, 22, 23 and 26. The only MAP I didn't like was MAP 25 because it was way too cramped. What I really liked in the megawad is the additional blood features when you shot enemies. Outstanding work Mr.Alando1! Will certainly replay this one!
  17. Nems

    UAC Ultra (v1.2)

    This was pretty damn fun. Even with my usual gripes when it comes to custom levels (death exits and custom monsters) this was a blast to play from start to finish. I even loved the IoS iteration in map 11. I hope a sequel will come out (as the end text seems to suggest) but if one never does surface, this is still a great entry on its own. Bravo, 40oz and SuperJamie!
  18. <inactive>Player Lin


    Unless the author intended made this map looks like his(?)/someone's nightmare then I think it's fine to use Nazis-themes textures and monsters but I'm not sure...firstmap? Okay... I feel the final battle just boring because you can just using BFG9000 to clear the whole room without any problems(unless you wasted all of your cell ammo)...even the custom monster can't hold it. Texturing just not good but I think it can be improved, I would like see more if the author still making DooM levels...2/5
  19. Havoc Crow


    Two very cool maps which use ZDoom features extensively, yet purposefully. The difficulty level is fairly easy, but never overly so. In many other ZDoom mods, the advanced port features feel like a gimmick to spice up otherwise poor levels. Thunderpeak is different. Here the slopes, scripts, custom monsters and so on are used very well and enhance the overall experience. Recommended.
  20. Michael Jensen

    Legion Down Under

    Superb hidden gem from 1994, which could be released today as a throwback 90's level and still be received well. Legion Down Under is a rather large E2M1 replacement with around 150 monsters. It also comes with a custom music track by the authors brother. It's not the best midi in the world but it gives the map a fun and adventurous spirit which is great. The text file includes a short story, which nicely sets up this adventure. While the map isn't as quirky and experimental as the best of 1994, what makes it great is how polished it is. The visual are nice and detailed, there is a lot of variety in the environments, which fit together naturally, and the combat is a lot of fun, if not too easy. It's a bit symmetrical and there is one missing texture, but overall, great stuff!
  21. Michael Jensen


    Punisher is pretty much Dario Casali's version of Go 2 It. From the start, the map seems to have more 2 it. The monster count is three times higher, you start getting attacked right away and there seem to be Pain Elementals everywhere. The problem is, once you gain a footing, the levels becomes much easier than Go 2 It. Monster Placement here is very haphazard, meaning that even with fever power-ups, you shouldn't have a problem. This also results in lot of infighting and not the good kind. Most of the population just kill each other even before you get 2 them. Punisher has one last trick up its sleeve though, and that is releasing a load of archviles once you progress far enough, which thankfully makes the map much more challenging again. Overall, it's a good early slaughtermap. I think it looks better than Go 2 It, but the gameplay in its middle gets too easy, as the monster placement isn't as good as Go 2 It. Then again, it was built in 2 hours. Punisher is still entertaining and worth playing if you like Go 2 It and want to see Dario's take on the concept. Also, it has not new music so I suggest throwing some custom midi at it. 20 minutes of D_RUNNIN can't be good for your health.
  22. Horus


    A neat lunar-themed minisode from skillsaw, with a lot of nice space/rocketry visual touches. The soundtrack fits very well to the theme. Difficulty is fairly consistent throughout (save for the easier first level), enough going on to keep you satisfied but significantly easier than Valiant or Ancient Aliens. The mapset's custom monsters are introduced very well, even if they are quite simple to kill. The final map was the highlight for me, a very fun slaughter-lite map. Overall, four stars, enjoyable stuff, though I do think skillsaw's meatier more recent works are an improvement over this.
  23. Guest

    Soulbruiser of Hell



    The Soulbruiser of Hell is a custom monster that uses Vader's Bruiser Demon sprites and core concept (i.e. a strong mid-boss Baron-like creature that hurls fireballs). It's made with a DEHACKED patch (well, a BEX patch to be more pedantic) and replaces the Commander Keen thing.
  24. printz

    De Kerker (The Dungeon)

    Cool Eternity map, with cool custom textures. For the most part it plays like a Doom 1 map converted to Doom 2, due to lack of latter's specific monsters for the most part. Neat use of 3dmidtex bridges and platforms, as well as visual portals for nice extra detail. Recommended gameplay settings: * z-clipping must be ON (and corrected thing heights likewise) * terrain effects must be ON * not designed with jumping in mind